As a post processing step of a similarity matrix computation that leads to the non-negative matrix mt4_
in gpu, I am performing an assignment step to determine which element in rows/columns is most similar to which element in columns/rows. So this is more like a first-come-first-serve algorithm in which the largest similarity is picked up and then that particular row and column is excluded (by flagging the first element of that row and column --using -1.0f
) and the process continues as such until all rows/columns are exhausted. The results are exported to two contiguous sub-arrays of sms
one for each row-to-column and column-to-row assignment. Here is the function in which sZ
is a const unsigned int
equal to 5000 (mt4_
, and by extension mt2
, are of size sZ x sZ):
void asn(float *mt2, float *mt4_, unsigned int *sms) {
unsigned int i, j;
unsigned int a, b;
register unsigned long k;
register float mx;
register unsigned int mm = 0, nn = 0;
for (j=0; j<2; j++) {
k = j*sZ;
cudaMemcpy(mt2, mt4_, mtb, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
for (i=0; i<sZ; i++) {
mx = -1.0f;
for (a=0; a<sZ; a++) {
if (mt2[a*sZ] != -1.0f)
for (b=0; b<sZ; b++) {
if (mt2[a*sZ+b] > mx && mt2[b] != -1.0f) {
mx = mt2[a*sZ+b];
mm = a;
nn = b;
if (fabsf(mt2[mm*sZ+mm] - mt2[mm*sZ+nn]) <= thd)
nn = mm;
sms[k+mm] = nn+1;
mt2[mm*sZ] = mt2[nn] = -1.0f;
Here thd
is the const float
threshold that introduces a bias towards assigning a column index to its identical row index if their similarity is a within a tolerance thd
of the best available score (this is to compensate for numerical errors).
The code runs fine but my problem is that it takes too long (about 100 seconds on my compute node), and this is something I can't afford due to the large number of calls to this function.
I am new to C and it is very well probable that I am missing straightforward performance optimizations, so I would really appreciate if you would comment in case you see a window for improvement.
Background: Blondel et al., A measure of similarity between graph vertices
flag. As for profiling, cudaMemcpy() is in the milliseconds category and I am only performing two copies; so I am not worried about that particular operation. \$\endgroup\$