I was asked to complete a coding challenge for an interview. The challenge being to write a test function to check whether or not a string was a broken record
. A broken record
is defined as a string that contains a sequential repeated substrings. For example:
# These are broken records
"This is is a broken record"
"This is a is a broken record"
"This is a broken record. This is a broken record."
# These are not broken records
"This is not is a broken record"
"This is a is This"
"This is a broken record. This is not a broken record."
This is the code that I was able to come up with (Python 2.7). Any criticisms, improvements, or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
# Author: Jeremiah Zucker
# brokenRecord.py
# A small module to test whether a substring is repeated
# immediately, like a broken record
def brokenRecord(sent):
if sent == "": # Use defualt string if empty
sent = "This is a a is This"
print("Determining if broken record: %s" % sent)
arr = sent.split(" ")
# Create count array for the sentence
carr = [0] * len(arr)
for i in range(0,len(arr)):
carr[i] = arr.count(arr[i])
# For each element in the array, try to find the
# repeat if one is possible
for i in range(0,len(arr)):
if carr[i] > 1 and findRepeat(arr, i):
print("Is a broken record at %d!" % i)
print("Not a broken record.")
def findRepeat(arr, i):
beg = arr[i]
j = i
# Find all other indices of 'beg'
others = []
while beg in arr[j+1:]:
j = arr[j+1:].index(beg) + j + 1
# For all other indices of 'beg'
for j in others:
# Get both substrings
lenRep = j - i
rep = arr[i:j]
rep2 = arr[j:j+lenRep]
except IndexError:
# Are they equal?
if rep == rep2:
# print(rep)
# print(rep2)
return True
# Nope
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
# print usage
print("To use, type a string and hit ENTER.")
print("If no string is provided, the default string will be used.")
# do until ctrl+c
while True:
brokenRecord(raw_input("\nString: "))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("\nThanks for testing!")