
I have some of my code that I have tried to improve on to make it cleaner and efficient and I would like some feedback to see if I am going in the right direction with what I am trying to do.

I have a page with a menu, and when you click on menu item it displays the appropriate fieldset.


<!-- dashboard_container -->
<div id="dashboard_container" class="">

    <!-- Dashboard Menu -->
    <div id="dashboard_menu" class="">
            <!-- Menu list-->
            <ul id='side_bar_menu'>
                <li id='list_account_details' data-fieldset-id='#fs_account_details'>My Account</li>
                <li id='list_order_history' data-fieldset-id='#fs_order_history'>Order History</li>
                <li id='list_notifications' data-fieldset-id='#fs_notifications'>Notifications</li>

    <!-- Dashboard Content -->
    <div id="dashboard_content" class="">

        <!-- Account details fieldsets -->
        <fieldset id="fs_account_details"> 
            <!-- content here -->

        <!-- Order History fieldsets -->
        <fieldset id="fs_order_history"> 
            <!-- content here -->

        <!-- Notifications fieldsets -->
        <fieldset id="fs_notifications"> 
            <!-- content here -->


My original jQuery to display each fieldset was an individual block of code for each button like this:

// Show account details
$('#list_account_details').click( function(){
    $('fieldset').hide( function(){

// Show order history
$('#list_order_history').click( function(){
    $('fieldset').hide( function(){

// Show notifications
$('#list_notifications').click( function(){
    $('fieldset').hide( function(){

And my improvement was to only have one block of code to display each fieldset like this:

// Show appropriate fieldset
$('#side_bar_menu li').click( function(){

    // Get button id
    var button_id = $(this).attr('data-fieldset-id');

    // Hide any opened fieldsets
    $('fieldset').hide( function(){
        // Show appropriate fieldset

Should I be thinking to automatically write all my code like this, or am I possibly reducing individual functionality of each menu list button by incorporating it all into one block of code like that?

Is my new code even considered an improvement at all?


1 Answer 1


I think, your improved code looks okay temporarily until you try to add new functionalities.

A function should do only one thing.

Trying to add a custom functionality to your improved code would result in clutter and more if else statements.


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