I've been developing a page that is designed like this:
______________ | | | | | | | | | --------------
Everything is wrapped in a wrapper, then there are 2 divs inside it, menu and content. They're both floated to the left so that way I don't have to fiddle with CSS and give myself a headache. Then, to ensure that content always spans the entire page, even upon resize:
var contentWidth;
var allPenta = '#penta1,#penta2,#penta3,#penta4';
var allButton = '.button1,.button2,.button3,.button4';
var allFullPenta = '#pentafull1,#pentafull2,#pentafull3,#pentafull4'
function simplyWidth(wrapper, menu1, content, pentas){
var menu = $(menu1).width();
var wrapperwidth = $(wrapper).width();
var newWidth = wrapperwidth-menu;
var widgetWidth = newWidth/4;
contentWidth = newWidth;
$(content).css("width", newWidth);
$(pentas).css("width", widgetWidth);
Inside content, I also have 4 more divs which will serve as "tiles" that you can hover over. That is what "pentas" is. In the code above, I also calculate the width of each penta (4 of them to be exact) and set their width to equal what content is.
Then I wanted to make sure that the tiles weren't under or above the footer div, so I developed another function to calculate the height dynamically even on resize:
var contentHeight
function simplyHeight(footer, bottom, wrapper, pentas){
var footheight = $(footer).height();
var bottomalign = $(bottom).height();
var wrapperheight = $(wrapper).height();
var newHeight = footheight + bottomalign;
var newnewHeight = wrapperheight - newHeight;
contentHeight = newnewHeight;
$(pentas).css("height", newnewHeight);
function simplyDimension(){
$(allFullPenta).css("width", contentWidth);
$(allFullPenta).css("height", contentHeight);
After that, I wanted the user to hover over them, and for them to transition from nearly no opacity, to about ~50% opacity (in relation to my original CSS, despite the code changing it from .3 to 1):
var stoppable = true;
function simplyHighlight(penta){
if (stoppable == true) {
if (stoppable == true) {
This is the part I find "iffy":
function simplySpan(button, fullpenta){
stoppable = false;
When ever the user goes over to one of the tiles, and clicks the button to "expand it", it basically hides the tiles and shows a hidden div which acts as the tile that "expanded" holding more information. I encountered a problem awhile back where if you clicked the button, it would hide the divs, but if you didn't move away, the previous function of "highlighting" would activate, stopping all animations and keep the div in place while the others disappeared. To fix this issue, I created a switch using an if statement where it turns off that ability to "change the opacity" when activating that button. It works just as I wanted it to, but I think I might have over-engineered my solution. I'm not exactly the most proficient in JavaScript and jQuery, so I think there is a solution to condense my fix.
Lastly is my "master function" which is the function I use to hold all my other functions functions (lol) to be called as a function in my HTML document so I don't have to have all this script in my way while code HTML:
function simplyMaster(){
simplyHeight('#contentfoot', '.bottomalign', '#wrapper', '#penta1,#penta2,#penta3,#penta4');
simplyHeight('#contentfoot', '.bottomalign', '#wrapper', '#penta1,#penta2,#penta3,#penta4');
simplySpan('.button1', '#pentafull1');
simplySpan('.button2', '#pentafull2');
simplySpan('.button3', '#pentafull3');
simplySpan('.button4', '#pentafull4');
For all you naughty code gurus out there, what do you think of my code? How bad is it? This is by far the most jQuery I've ever coded which doesn't say much for all you try-hards out there, but I'd like to know and be shown what I can do to compress, condense, and simplify my code. Also, if there is a better way to remedy my issue above.
The website I'm doing this for is linked right here on the original website I'm redesigning:
Omitted the website example because it is out of data and I'm a lot more rehearsed in this environment now!