I have a function which is used to convert text (a CHANGES file) into HTML for reading. The function is essentially line-based: if the line is of this type, do this thing; if some other type, do that thing; etc. Further logic needs to be added before the fallback
b.WriteString("<p>" + line + "</p>\n")
but I wanted to better organize my code before adding the more complex logic.
As written the code looks like a nightmare to me -- there has to be some better, more idiomatic way to write this. I'm new enough to Go that I'm not sure what the best way forward is.
var h3Regex = regexp.MustCompile("^Done for version ([1-9]\\.[0-9]\\.[0-9]) \\(released ([0-9/-]+)\\):$")
var h4Regex = regexp.MustCompile("^ (Fixed|Added|Changed|Removed)$")
var variable = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*(?:\\(\\))?"
var stuff = "^ (?:[A-Z]+ )?[0-9]+- GP functions? (" + variable + "(?:, ?" + variable + ")*)$"
var GPRegex = regexp.MustCompile(stuff)
func layout(text string) string {
lines := strings.Split(html.EscapeString(text), "\n")
var b bytes.Buffer
for _, line := range lines {
match := h3Regex.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if len(match) > 0 {
b.WriteString("<h3>Version " + match[1] + ", released " + match[2] + "</h3>\n")
match = h4Regex.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if len(match) > 0 {
b.WriteString("<h4>" + match[1] + "</h4>\n")
match = GPRegex.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if len(match) > 0 {
funcs := strings.Split(match[1], ",")
if len(funcs) > 1 {
b.WriteString("<p>GP functions ")
} else {
b.WriteString("<p>GP function ")
for idx, f := range funcs {
if idx > 0 {
b.WriteString(", ")
b.WriteString(`<code class="GP">` + f + `</code>`)
b.WriteString("<p>" + line + "</p>\n")
return b.String()