I have a personal website that I use to share videos and images with friends. Below is a media generator using JavaScript and HTML. Its main purpose is to display one image at a time at the click of a button, but any type of media can be displayed. My goal was to create a fast-loading page to hold all of my media.
var oddvideo = [
var oddaudio = [
var oddphoto = [
var oddtext = [
var Uvideo = [];
var Uaudio = [];
var Uphoto = [];
var Utext = [];
var videoFor = 0;
var audioFor = 0;
var photoFor = 0;
var textFor = 0;
var videoRev = oddvideo.length - 1;
var audioRev = oddaudio.length - 1;
var photoRev = oddphoto.length - 1;
var textRev = oddtext.length - 1;
function newThing() {
if(mode1.checked && (videoCheck.checked || audioCheck.checked || photoCheck.checked || textCheck.checked)) {
if (videoCheck.checked) {
if (!Uvideo.length) Uvideo = [...oddvideo];
var randomY = Uvideo;
if (audioCheck.checked) {
if (!Uaudio.length) Uaudio = [...oddaudio];
var randomY = Uaudio;
if (photoCheck.checked) {
if (!Uphoto.length) Uphoto = [...oddphoto];
var randomY = Uphoto;
if (textCheck.checked) {
if (!Utext.length) Utext = [...oddtext];
var randomY = Utext;
var randomX = Math.floor(Math.random() * (randomY.length));
var y = randomY;
var x = randomX;
document.getElementById("thingDisplay").innerHTML = y[x];
// remove randomx from the unused array since it's been used now
randomY.splice(randomX, 1);
if(mode2.checked && (videoCheck.checked || audioCheck.checked || photoCheck.checked || textCheck.checked)) {
if(videoCheck.checked) {
document.getElementById('thingDisplay').innerHTML = oddvideo[videoFor];
if (videoFor >= oddvideo.length) videoFor = 0;
if(audioCheck.checked) {
document.getElementById('thingDisplay').innerHTML = oddaudio[audioFor];
if (audioFor >= oddaudio.length) audioFor = 0;
if(photoCheck.checked) {
document.getElementById('thingDisplay').innerHTML = oddphoto[photoFor];
if (photoFor >= oddphoto.length) photoFor = 0;
if(textCheck.checked) {
document.getElementById('thingDisplay').innerHTML = oddtext[textFor];
if (textFor >= oddtext.length) textFor = 0;
if(mode3.checked && (videoCheck.checked || audioCheck.checked || photoCheck.checked || textCheck.checked)) {
if(videoCheck.checked) {
document.getElementById('thingDisplay').innerHTML = oddvideo[videoRev];
if (videoRev < 0) videoRev = oddvideo.length - 1;
if(audioCheck.checked) {
document.getElementById('thingDisplay').innerHTML = oddaudio[audioRev];
if (audioRev < 0) audioRev = oddaudio.length - 1;
if(photoCheck.checked) {
document.getElementById('thingDisplay').innerHTML = oddphoto[photoRev];
if (photoRev < 0) photoRev = oddphoto.length - 1;
if(textCheck.checked) {
document.getElementById('thingDisplay').innerHTML = oddtext[textRev];
if (textRev < 0) textRev = oddtext.length - 1;
<div align="center" id='thingDisplay'></div>
<div align="center">
<button onclick="newThing()">New Thing</button>
<form id="mode">
<label><input type="radio" name="modes" id="mode1"/></label> Random
<br/><label><input type="radio" name="modes" id="mode2"/></label> Old - New
<br/><label><input type="radio" name="modes" id="mode3"/></label> New - Old
<div align="right">
<form id="categories" align="right">
Video<label> <input type="radio" name="thing" id="videoCheck"/></label><br/>
Audio<label> <input type="radio" name="thing" id="audioCheck"/></label><br/>
Photo<label> <input type="radio" name="thing" id="photoCheck"/></label><br/>
Text<label> <input type="radio" name="thing" id="textCheck"/></label>
A Few Things to Note...
I organize the JavaScript arrays with the youngest at the top and oldest at the bottom (with dates, it would look like this:
oddDate = ['Oct. 1', 'Oct. 2', 'Oct. 3', 'Oct. 4', 'Oct. 5'];
The random mode is pseudo random, and is designed to display all array items once before repeating one.
The old-new and new-old modes move through the arrays from top-to-bottom and bottom-to-top, respectively.
Each mode and category saves its place when you change to a different one. For example, let's say you have the old-new mode on and are on item 3 of the text category. You switch to the photo category, run through the array a bit, then return to the text category. It will display the next item from where you left off previously - i.e. item 4. The same can be said for switching between the three modes; they are all independent of each other. This is something I would like to maintain.
One concern is that the generator and page will get slower and slower as I continue to add more items to the arrays, but I'm unsure if this is legitimate. In the live version, there are 500+ items in each array and more will be added over time.