I want to make a simple wrapper for sklearn models. The idea is that the wrapper automatically takes care of factors (columns of type "object"
) replacing them with the average value of the target, while preserving the syntax of sklearn models.
If the factor is too scarce, it is replaced by the overall average value of the target. It seems simple but issues arise when a factor is in the test set and was not in the train set. I came up with the following solution, that looks really awkward to me.
class ModelEmbedder :
def __init__(self, model, rare_threshold) :
self.model = model
self.means = {}
self.rare_threshold = rare_threshold
self.train = None
self.origin_train = None
self.average = 0
def fit(self,train,target):
self.origin_train = train.copy().fillna(-1)
self.train = train.copy()
self.train = self.train.fillna(-1)
self.train['target'] = target
self.average = target.mean()
for feat in train.columns:
if feat != 'target' :
if self.train[feat].dtype=='object' :
self.train.loc[self.train[feat].value_counts()[self.train[feat]].values < self.rare_threshold, feat] = "RARE"
self.origin_train.loc[self.origin_train[feat].value_counts()[self.origin_train[feat]].values < self.rare_threshold, feat] = "RARE"
self.means[feat] = self.train.groupby([feat])['target'].mean()
self.means[feat]["RARE"] = self.average
self.train[feat] = self.train[feat].replace(self.means[feat], inplace=False)
del self.train['target']
def _pre_treat_test(self,test) :
test = test.copy()
test = test.fillna(-1)
for feat in self.origin_train.columns:
if self.origin_train[feat].dtype=='object' :
test.loc[self.origin_train[feat].value_counts()[self.origin_train[feat]].values < self.rare_threshold, feat] = "RARE"
criterion = ~test[feat].isin(set(self.origin_train[feat]))
test.loc[criterion,feat] = self.average
test[feat] = test[feat].replace(self.means[feat], inplace=False)
return test
def predict_proba(self,test) :
test = self._pre_treat_test(test)
return self.model.predict_proba(test)
def get_params(self, deep = True):
return self.model.get_params(deep)
Then, every model can be wrapped:
rf = ensemble.ExtraTreesClassifier(n_jobs=7,
n_estimators = n_estimators,
random_state = 11)
rf_embedded = model_embedder.ModelEmbedder(rf,10)
and sent to a cross-validation loop or any pipeline.