I'm trying to learn how to use logistic regression with Sklearn. After learning the theory, I tried implementing it using the Heart Attack Analysis datasheet from Kaggle.
Here's a snippet of the data:
I tried using just plain logistic regression after one-hot encoding two columns, and I got a score around 50%. The things I one-hot encoded I decided were categorical variables that had more than 2 categories (0 or 1) and were instead of forms like 0, 1, 2 and higher, so I figured one-hot encoding was necessary. I did this for the restecg
and cp
columns. Here's how my data sheet looked after the one-hot encoding, as well as obviously dropping out the output:
I'm trying to improve upon this. I tried some preprocessing with Sklearn, the reasons for which I'm meant to do this I'm still a bit unclear on but it's recommended, and my score is still quite poor. I'm trying to figure out if there is any way I can improve my score more:
# In[322]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn import preprocessing
# In[323]:
heart_df = pd.read_csv("heart.csv")
o2_sat_df = pd.read_csv("o2saturation.csv")
# not going to use the o2 sat df at this time as the data isn't given an id so I can't associate it with patients
# there isn't even an equal number of columns so I can't assume it goes with the same order as in heart_df
# In[324]:
# # Clean up data
# This shouldn't need much cleaning at all - according to the accompanied information at https://www.kaggle.com/rashikrahmanpritom/heart-attack-analysis-prediction-dataset it seems that most features are numeric where appropriate and categorical where appropriate. I will need to give cp and restecg columns one-hot encoding as they are categorical with more than 2 categories. L-1 columns are needed for L categories for logit or there is over-prediction, so will need to drop_first.
# In[325]:
# restecg should probably be one-hot encoded as it appears to be categorical with values 0, 1, 2
# It could be the case that the labeling is intentional however and actually in fact numeric..
# In[326]:
outputs = heart_df['output']
heart_df = heart_df.drop(columns=['output'])
# In[327]:
new_restecg = pd.get_dummies(heart_df['restecg'], drop_first = True, prefix = 'restecg')
new_cp = pd.get_dummies(heart_df['cp'], drop_first = True, prefix = 'cp')
# In[328]:
heart_df = heart_df.drop(columns=['cp','restecg'])
# In[329]:
# In[330]:
# # Pre-process data
# In[331]:
patient_numerical = []
patient_categorical = []
indices = heart_df.index.values
train_part = round(0.8*len(indices))
for i in range(len(indices)):
patient_num = np.asarray(heart_df.loc[heart_df.index == i].values[0][:-5])
patient_cat = np.asarray(heart_df.loc[heart_df.index == i].values[0][-5:])
# In[332]:
X_num = patient_numerical
# In[333]:
# Trying first standard scaling
scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(X_num)
X_num = scaler.transform(X_num)
test_x = X_num[train_part:]
# Can just try scaling to a range
# In[334]:
# Reinserting categorical data back
train_x = []
test_x =[]
for i in range(train_part):
current_list = list(X_num[i])
for j in range(len(patient_categorical[i])):
for i in np.arange(train_part, len(X_num)):
current_list = list(X_num[i])
for j in range(len(patient_categorical[i])):
# In[335]:
logit = LogisticRegression(random_state = 0, max_iter = 1000)
# In[336]:
logit.fit(train_x, train_y)
# In[337]:
predictions = logit.predict(test_x)
# In[338]:
accuracy_score(test_y, predictions)
What else can I do to get a higher score? Is preprocessing the key to doing this?