I've created a simplified event system for C++14. The code is commented, so it shouldn't be hard to read. There's also a simple usage scenario below.
It is still a work in progress and uses some not-so-best practices. For example any consumer, that has an access to the event can fire it. Also you will notice, that the subscribers (event handlers) are put into an unordered_map
, so they need a unique key, by which we could later determine, whether such a handler already exists. I get this key by 'unionizing' the function object with a uint64_t
, multiplying by 10 and then by adding the instance address. I doubt it is a very good idea and platform independent.
Any ideas and critique is welcome.
#ifndef __PD_EVENT__
#define __PD_EVENT__
#define PD_EVENT_VER 8
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std::placeholders;
// @brief Describes additional parameters for handler binding.
enum class EventFlag {
// @version 8
// @brief Defines means for delegate function subscription and calling on demand.
// Maximum allowed number of event arguments is 4.
// @param
template<class... Args>
class Event{
// @brief Address representation for use as identifier in container mapping.
using Address = uint64_t;
// @brief Function object with user-defined variadic template arguments.
using Handler = std::function<void(Args...)>;
// @brief Type that provides a unique memory-based integral definition for given objects.
// Concept: should be collision-free.
using Identifier = uint64_t;
// @brief Maximum supported event handler arguments.
static constexpr auto _MAX_EVENT_ARGS = 4;
static_assert(sizeof...(Args) <= _MAX_EVENT_ARGS, "Too many arguments");
// @brief Subscribes a lambda expression with a matching argument list.
// @param lambda - the lambda expression to bind.
void operator+=(Handler lambda) {
// TODO find a way to unbind
_addToList(_identify(&lambda, 0), lambda, EventFlag::DEFAULT);
// @brief Doubles as a fire function.
void operator()(Args... e) {
// @brief Calls every subscriber in container with given arguments.
// @param e... - arguments, that the defined event accepts.
// Contract: [0-4] arguments
void fire(Args... e) {
for (auto subscriber : subscribers)
// @brief Checks if there's a subscriber with a matching address in the container.
bool hasSubscriber(Address a) const {
return subscribers.find(a) != subscribers.end();
#pragma mark - bind(...) overloads
// @brief Subscribes a member function with no arguments.
// @param member - member function pointer &C::M.
// @param instance - instance of structure housing the member function.
// @usage <i>event.bind(&MyClass::member, myClassInstance)</i>.
template<class C, class M, class T>
void bind(C (M::*member)(), T *instance, EventFlag flag = EventFlag::DEFAULT) {
_addToList(_identify(instance, member), std::bind(member, instance), flag);
// @brief Subscribes a member function with 1 argument.
// Event handler argument A1.
template<class C, class M, class T, typename A1>
void bind(C (M::*member)(A1), T *instance, EventFlag flag = EventFlag::DEFAULT) {
_addToList(_identify(instance, member), std::bind(member, instance, _1), flag);
// @brief Subscribes a member function with 2 arguments.
// Event handler arguments: A1, A2.
template<class C, class M, class T, typename A1, typename A2>
void bind(C (M::*member)(A1, A2), T *instance, EventFlag flag = EventFlag::DEFAULT) {
_addToList(_identify(instance, member), std::bind(member, instance, _1, _2), flag);
// @brief Subscribes a member function with 3 arguments.
// Event handler arguments: A1, A2, A3.
template<class C, class M, class T, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
void bind(C (M::*member)(A1, A2, A3), T *instance, EventFlag flag = EventFlag::DEFAULT) {
_addToList(_identify(instance, member), std::bind(member, instance, _1, _2, _3), flag);
// @brief Subscribes a member function with 4 arguments.
// Event handler arguments: A1, A2, A3, A4.
template<class C, class M, class T, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
void bind(C (M::*member)(A1, A2, A3, A4), T *instance, EventFlag flag = EventFlag::DEFAULT) {
_addToList(_identify(instance, member), std::bind(member, instance, _1, _2, _3, _4), flag);
#pragma mark - unbind(...) overloads
// @brief Unsubscribes a member function by its function pointer address as key.
// @param member - member function pointer &C::M.
// @param instance - instance of structure housing the member function.
// @usage <i>event.unbind(&MyClass::member, myClassInstance)</i>.
template<typename C, typename M, typename T>
void unbind(C (M::*member)(), T *instance) {
_removeFromList(_identify(instance, member));
// @brief Unsubscribes a member function by its function pointer address as key.
// Event handler argument A1.
template<class C, class M, class T, typename A1>
void unbind(C (M::*member)(A1), T *instance) {
_removeFromList(_identify(instance, member));
// @brief Unsubscribes a member function by its function pointer address as key.
// Event handler arguments: A1, A2.
template<class C, class M, class T, typename A1, typename A2>
void unbind(C (M::*member)(A1, A2), T *instance) {
_removeFromList(_identify(instance, member));
// @brief Unsubscribes a member function by its function pointer address as key.
// Event handler arguments: A1, A2, A3.
template<class C, class M, class T, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
void unbind(C (M::*member)(A1, A2, A3), T *instance) {
_removeFromList(_identify(instance, member));
// @brief Unsubscribes a member function by its function pointer address as key.
// Event handler arguments: A1, A2, A3, A4.
template<class C, class M, class T, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
void unbind(C (M::*member)(A1, A2, A3, A4), T *instance) {
_removeFromList(_identify(instance, member));
#pragma mark - Address conversion
// @brief Unions a generic lvalue object address and an integral identifier.
template<typename T>
union AddressCast {
explicit AddressCast(T _type) : type(_type) { }
T type;
Identifier address;
// @brief Returns a unique identifier for a given member function pointer and instance pointer.
template<class C, class M>
inline static Identifier _identify(C _class, M _member) {
return AddressCast<C>(_class).address * 10 + AddressCast<M>(_member).address;
#pragma mark - Private inline functions
// @brief Validates prepared function object and adds it to the container.
// Contract: handlers with matching identifiers present in the container are silently ignored.
inline void _addToList(Address a, Handler h, EventFlag flag) {
// disallow non-unique handlers
if (flag == EventFlag::ONLY_UNIQUE && hasSubscriber(a)) return;
subscribers.insert(std::make_pair(a, h));
// @brief Removes bound function object from the container by its address.
// Contract: non-existent member identifier is silently ignored.
inline void _removeFromList(Address a) {
auto it = subscribers.find(a);
if (it != subscribers.end())
else {
// TODO handle
// @brief Pairs bound subscribers with their unique memory address.
// Container has to be unordered for the handlers to be called sequentially.
std::unordered_map<Identifier, Handler> subscribers;
Here is a simple usage scenario:
struct WidgetEventArgs {
explicit WidgetEventArgs(std::string _reversedString) : reversedString(_reversedString) { }
std::string reversedString;
class Widget {
void reverseString(std::string s) {
auto reversedS = std::string(s.rbegin(), s.rend());
// fire stringReversed event
// method 1:
// method 2:
Event<WidgetEventArgs> stringReversed;
class Consumer {
Consumer() {
// event subscription to a member function
_widget.stringReversed.bind(&Consumer::_onStringReversed1, this);
_widget.stringReversed.bind(&Consumer::_onStringReversed2, this);
// ignore subscription if handler function already subscribed:
_widget.stringReversed.bind(&Consumer::_onStringReversed2, this, EventFlag::ONLY_UNIQUE);
// unsubscribe event
_widget.stringReversed.unbind(&Consumer::_onStringReversed2, this);
// subscribe a lambda
_widget.stringReversed += [](auto e) {
std::cout << e.reversedString << " from lambda\n";
Widget _widget;
void _onStringReversed1(WidgetEventArgs e) {
std::cout << e.reversedString << 1 << std::endl;
void _onStringReversed2(WidgetEventArgs e) {
std::cout << e.reversedString << 2 << std::endl;
int main() {
Consumer c;
return 0;
, I'd rather like to know if I can suggest C++14 features in my review. \$\endgroup\$