First to address some of your questions:
- Would this sql work with all relational DB's that accept SQL?
No, it would not. In fact it's quite unrealistic (if not impossible) to write SQL queries that would port over to multiple DBMS, as they all have different syntax and different approaches. For example, row_number() over(order by u.Reputation desc)
only works with Transact-SQL language, it would fail with syntax error on every other DBMS that I know of.
The best way to write queries that can port to multiple DBMS is to use a library/framework that supports it. For example, Python has SQLAlchemy and Java has Hibernate. These can adapt queries to the database being used.
- If not, what is non-standard? How would I standardize it?
See (1) above. There's not really a "standard" per-se, it really depends on the DBMS and on the application code that uses it.
- I don't like all-uppercase queries - I find them more difficult to read, so I used the lowercase, is that problematic?
No, it is not problematic. Just be consistent with whatever style you use.
- Is it possible, in a standard way, to factor pieces out of this query? Or nonstandard way specific to SEDE (or other system)? For example, could I avoid doing lower(Location) repeatedly? What about aliasing my joined table outside the code block for usage inside of it? I have order by u.Reputation desc twice, for example, can I factor that out?
The nature of SQL makes it somewhat difficult to refactor parts of queries out. Most SQL engines support the creation of user-defined functions and/or procedures, which can help to simplify queries. In your case those calls to lower()
and upper()
are needed because SEDE has case-sensitivity enabled.
from -- denormalize the Users with their Badges, i.e., flatten into a single table.
Users u
Badges b
This from
clause is a bit ugly. The aliases u
and b
are not very good names. It's a good habit to use meaningful names for aliases, which are meant to be identifiers rather than just a way to shorten the references. Here with having such short table names, an alias seems like overkill. It is also a good habit to use the as
keyword and to specify the schema (although in the case of SEDE they are all the same schema, some other databases have tables organized in multiple schemes and it can become ambiguous).
dbo.Users as usr
-- denormalize the Users with their Badges, i.e., flatten into a single table.
join dbo.Badges as bdg
on usr.Id = bdg.UserId
would make a better column name than [#]
Your order by
clause at the end is redundant, you are already sorting in your row_number()
clause, so no need to sort them again. orber by
is expensive so you would want to limit the amount of ordering as much as you can.
We can extract the badge name and minimum reputation into variables:
declare @targetBadgeName nvarchar(50) = N'python';
declare @minimumReputation int = 1000;
And just use those in the query. You could also search multiple badges if you used a table variable and then just joined it.
I think it would be elegant to include the Gold, Silver and Bronze into the query if you want that as part of your result set. Note that this will decrease performance due to the min()
aggregate and resulting group by
case min(bdg.Class)
when 1 then 'Gold'
when 2 then 'Silver'
when 3 then 'Bronze'
else 'unknown' end as [Highest Badge],
Now your result set will look like this:
Rank User Link Reputation Highest Badge Location
---- ----------------------- ---------- ------------- ---------------------------
1 cletus 368937 Bronze New York, NY
2 Triptych 96145 Gold NYC
3 Claudiu 81412 Gold New York, NY
4 Ben Hoffstein 59650 Bronze New York, NY
5 Yuji 'Tomita' Tomita 59318 Gold New York, NY
6 danben 42686 Bronze New York, NY
7 David Robinson 42489 Gold New York, NY
8 Larry Lustig 33544 Bronze New York, NY
9 Aaron Hall 32035 Gold New York, NY, United States
10 chown 31348 Silver New York, NY
Finally, we can use a bit of SEDE magic to parametrize the query:
-- badgeName: Badge to search for:
declare @targetBadgeName nvarchar(50) = N##badgeName:string?python##;
-- minimumRep: Minimum reputation:
declare @minimumReputation int = ##minimumRep:int?1000##;
This will let you search other badges and different rep thresholds.
Everything combined (demo):
-- top users in NYC region for desired tag (default Python)
-- forked from Avinash Raj's query for Chennai
-- badgeName: Badge to search for:
declare @targetBadgeName nvarchar(50) = N##badgeName:string?python##;
-- minimumRep: Minimum reputation:
declare @minimumReputation int = ##minimumRep:int?1000##;
row_number() over(order by usr.Reputation desc) as [Rank],
usr.Id as [User Link],
case min(bdg.Class)
when 1 then 'Gold'
when 2 then 'Silver'
when 3 then 'Bronze'
else 'unknown' end as [Highest Badge],
dbo.Users as usr
-- denormalize the Users with their Badges, i.e., flatten into a single table.
join dbo.Badges as bdg
on usr.Id = bdg.UserId
where = @targetBadgeName
usr.Reputation >= @minimumReputation
lower(usr.Location) like '%nyc%'
or upper(usr.Location) like '%NY, NY%'
or lower(usr.Location) like '%staten%'
or lower(usr.Location) like '%bronx%'
or lower(usr.Location) like '%queens%'
or lower(usr.Location) like '%new york, ny%'
or lower(usr.Location) like '%manhattan%'
or lower(usr.Location) like '%brooklyn%'
group by