A discussion arose not long ago on the 2nd Monitor about how much reputation has been lost due to the reputation caps. There are a number of queries on the SEDE which try to address this:
- A Users total Rep ON META if there was no reputation cap
- Percent lost to reputation cap among top 1000 users
- Top-rated users if there was no reputation cap
All of these queries (there are others as well) appear to suffer from the same two flaws... ( ... until now with the query in this question .... )
- the user's actual reputation is affected by things that are complicated, like posts being deleted, migrated on to, and off from the site, the starting rep bonus, and other things.
- that you cannot calculate a person's lost reputation without knowing the order in which the votes happened.
To understand why the post migration and deletion is important, you have to understand that reputation caps happens on a daily cycle. The number of days that people max their rep is much lower (for non-Skeets) than the number of times things are deleted, etc. There are things that happen on days other than rep-max days, that affect your reputation, and mean that voting records for those things are not available on the Data Explorer. Your user record records your total reputation, but there is no way to sum up all the reputation events and re-create that. Thus, any attempts to figure out how much rep is lost will come up short, or long, and this leads to funny things like negative-lost-reputation.
To understand why the order is significant, consider the following poor user 'Bob':
- Lucky day, and ends up at exactly 200 rep from a good answer.
- Someone upvotes again, and he loses 10 rep to the cap.
- Someone downvotes and he loses 2 (198)
- Someone downvotes again, he loses another 2
- Now his rep is 196 and the day ends ... sorry, no mortarboard for you, and you lost 10 rep
If the order was different, then it could be lucky 'Bill' instead:
- Lucky day, and ends up at exactly 200 rep from a good answer.
- Someone downvotes and he loses 2 (198)
- Someone downvotes again, he loses another 2 (196)
- Someone upvotes again, and he scores 4, and loses 6 rep to the cap.
- Now his rep is 200 and the day ends ... Celebrate! Mortarboard for you!
These calculations are more common than others, but, if you were to think of the implications of vote orders when the user offers a bounty... it's big.
The most accurate way to calculate the daily rep requires recreating the order of reputation events. There are still some problems though:
- there is no way to find out when people downvote answers, which is a -1 rep hit.
- there is no way to find out if a user hit rep-max, lost some rep, and then an answer which he got reputation for was later deleted, and the reputation lost.
- if the user rep-maxes on their very first day, their joining bonus makes the process impossible.
So, inspired by the complexities of actually calculating the cap, I put together this query which rebuilds the progression of reputation events for either a specific user, or for each user that has previously won the Mortarboard badge.
For Review:
How can this code be improved:
- cursors are notoriously inefficient, but is there a better way?
- are there missing edge cases?
Any suggestions for improvement are welcome.... (and feel free to fork the query and take it for a spin!)
declare @userid as int = ##UserId:int?-1##
declare @userrep as int
declare @epoch as date = '1 jan 2099'
declare @pdate as date
declare @rdate as date
declare @rtime as datetime
declare @raction as varchar(10)
declare @rrep as int
declare @rcnt as int
declare @rtmp as int
declare @message as varchar(250)
declare @rollingrep as int
declare @rollingbonus as int
declare @rollingcap as int
create table #REPDAY (
UserId int not null,
Reputation int not null,
RepDate DATE not null,
CapLimited int not null,
UnCapped int not null,
Discarded int not null)
-- loop through all users who have earned mortarboard
-- which is an appoximate list of people who have lost rep.
-- or, if a userid is specified, use that user.
declare TOPUSERS cursor for
select Users.Id as UserId, Users.Reputation as Reputation
from Users, Badges
where @userid < 0
and badges.Name = 'Mortarboard'
and Badges.UserId = Users.id
select Id, Reputation
from Users
where Id = @userid
fetch next from TOPUSERS into @userid, @userrep
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
-- for each user, reset the accumulators
select @pdate = @epoch -- something different
select @rcnt = 0
select @rollingrep = 0
select @rollingbonus = 0
select @rollingcap = 0
declare USERVOTES cursor for
-- NOTE: convert to DATE truncates the Time-part!!!
select convert(DATE, tstamp) as tdate, tstamp, action, rep
from (
--Approved suggested edits.
select se.ApprovalDate as tstamp, 'edit' as action, 2 as rep
from SuggestedEdits se
where se.OwnerUserId = @userid
and se.ApprovalDate is not null
-- Up and Down votes on Q's and A's
select v.CreationDate as tstamp,
'invote' as action,
case when v.VoteTypeId = 1 then 15
when v.VoteTypeId = 2 then p.PostTypeId * 5 -- cheeky 5 or 10 for question/answer
when v.VoteTypeId = 3 then -2
when v.VoteTypeId = 8 then v.BountyAmount
else 0
end as rep
from Posts p, Votes v
where v.PostId = p.Id
and p.OwnerUserId = @userid
and p.PostTypeId in (1,2)
and v.VoteTypeId in (1,2,3,8)
-- Bounties that were offered....
select v.CreationDate as tstamp, 'bounty' as action, -1 * v.BountyAmount as rep
from Votes v
where v.VoteTypeId = 9
and v.UserId = @userid
) as tdata
order by tstamp
fetch next from USERVOTES into @rdate, @rtime, @raction, @rrep
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
if @pdate <> @rdate and @rcnt > 0
-- break point, new day, save old day's data
insert into #repday
values (@userid, @userrep, @pdate, @rollingrep, @rollingbonus, @rollingcap)
-- reset our accumulators
select @rollingrep = 0, @rollingcap = 0, @rollingbonus = 0, @pdate = @rdate
select @rcnt = @rcnt + 1
if @rrep > 10 or @raction = 'bounty'
-- things that score > 10 (accept) are not capped - assume bonus never <= 10
select @rollingbonus = @rollingbonus + @rrep
-- things that score 10 or less are subject to cap
select @rollingrep = @rollingrep + @rrep
if @rollingrep > 200
-- last action passed the cap... but how much past?
select @rtmp = @rollingrep - 200
-- set the value back to 200, and add the difference to the lost rep
select @rollingrep = 200,
@rollingcap = @rollingcap + @rtmp
select @message = 'Vote Maxed ' + Convert(Varchar(20), @rdate)
+ ' ' + @raction + ' rep ' + Convert(varchar(3), @rrep)
+ ' ' + Convert(varchar(3), @rtmp) + ' rep wasted'
print @message
fetch next from USERVOTES into @rdate, @rtime, @raction, @rrep
deallocate USERVOTES
-- save away the last day's values that were not break-processed
insert into #repday
values (@userid, @userrep, @rdate, @rollingrep, @rollingbonus, @rollingcap)
select @message = 'Replayed user ' + Convert(varchar(10), @userid)
+ ' with rep ' + Convert(varchar(10), @userrep)
+ ' and repcnt ' + Convert(varchar(10), @rcnt)
print @message
fetch next from TOPUSERS into @userid, @userrep
deallocate TOPUSERS
with UserLost as (
select UserId as LostId,
sum(Discarded) as LostAmt
from #REPDAY
group by UserId
select UserId as [User Link],
Reputation as [Current Rep],
Convert(Varchar(12), RepDate, 107) as [Date],
CapLimited as [Actual Regular],
UnCapped as [Accepts Bonuses],
CapLimited + UnCapped as [Day Rep],
Discarded as [Lost Rep],
LostAmt as [Total Lost],
Convert(Decimal(8,2), 100.0 * (convert(real,LostAmt) / convert(real,Reputation + LostAmt)) ) as [Lost%]
from #REPDAY,
where LostId = UserId
and ( CapLimited + UnCapped >= 200 -- days which count for Mortarboard
or Discarded > 0) -- days with lost rep
order by Reputation DESC, RepDate ASC