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12 votes

Printing the bits of an integer using bitfields and union

Avoid global variables - there's no need for t and v to exist outside main(). Always check ...
Toby Speight's user avatar
  • 81.8k
8 votes

Disjoint set in Haskell

Naming While it's usually not a big deal to have names like d and d' flying around, seeing ...
Phil Kiener's user avatar
7 votes

Disjoint-set data structure (C++)

Here are some things that may help you improve your program. Use include guards instead of #pragma once The use of ...
Edward's user avatar
  • 66.6k
5 votes

Printing the bits of an integer using bitfields and union

In addition to @Toby Speight's answer. There are only four types allowed for a bit field. There are the follows: signed int, ...
eanmos's user avatar
  • 405
5 votes

How Rusty is my generic union-find implementation?

Since you never delete nodes, and if you do not intend to implement element deletion, you may fare better with alternatives for storing nodes, such as ...
Peter Blackson's user avatar
5 votes

Performance of C++ Union-Find solution is strangely poor

This is a really interesting problem! Here are some things I noticed about your implementation. Performance Looking at a profile of your code (compiled with llvm on macOS High Sierra with Xcode 9.2), ...
user1118321's user avatar
  • 11.8k
4 votes

Graph library including minimum spanning tree using Kruskal's Algorithm

papagaga's user avatar
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4 votes

Graph library including minimum spanning tree using Kruskal's Algorithm

I see a number of things that may help you improve your program. Don't abuse using namespace std Putting using namespace std at ...
Edward's user avatar
  • 66.6k
4 votes

Swiftly counting rooms in a floor plan

Not a full review, I don’t know Swift at all. I just wanted to comment on the union-find implementation. I’ve seen this a lot, keeping track of the rank, it never found it useful. When you are ...
Cris Luengo's user avatar
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4 votes

Disjoint set in Haskell

Control.Lens makes the record syntax pain go away. non unmakes make, and eliminates the ...
Gurkenglas's user avatar
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4 votes

Union-Find in C++

Welcome to Code Review. union_find.cpp looks like a header-only library. It's thus strange its not named like a header. Make all single-argument-constructors ...
Deduplicator's user avatar
  • 19.3k
3 votes

K-clustering algorithm using Kruskal MST with Disjoint Set in place to check for cycles

Use your own typedefs I see this code: ...
G. Sliepen's user avatar
  • 61.7k
3 votes

Integer index based Union Find with path compression strategy

Using two arrays of int That's nice. There is a tendency to use Node objects that refer to each other by address, which still ...
user555045's user avatar
  • 10.8k
3 votes

Printing the bits of an integer using bitfields and union

I agree with most of the suggestions from @TobySpeight, except for the loop variable. Consider: ...
Reinderien's user avatar
  • 65.6k
3 votes

Weighted union-find with path compression in Python 3

unite should check if p and q are in the same set already and do nothing in that case. Using ...
Janne Karila's user avatar
  • 10.4k
3 votes

Union Find implementation

Consider an iterative path compression design for root. The recursive version uses more memory for stack frames. Typical iterative versions follow the path one at a ...
Milo Hartsoe's user avatar
3 votes

Find cycles in Graph using Union Find Algorithm on Adjacency List

addnode(self, key1, key2, edge=0) The parameter edge is not used. Either remove it, or use it, but keeping it with a default ...
AJNeufeld's user avatar
  • 34k
3 votes

Kruskal MST algorithm

General This should probably be three separate classes, unless there's some compelling reason you haven't shared to wrap WeightedEdge and ...
Eric Stein's user avatar
  • 6,626
3 votes

Weighted Union-Find class

Documentation Docstrings are for users of the class. Docstrings should explain what is being done and returned. Currently your docstrings explain how it is being done, which should be comments. ...
Zachary Vance's user avatar
3 votes

C++ two-phase path-compression quick-union union find over indices

Honestly, it seems cumbersome. First, using a std::size_t instead of a std::optional<std::size_t>, and making the roots ...
Deduplicator's user avatar
  • 19.3k
2 votes

Finding the size of the largest connected component in a graph

About the first approach: I would initialize max_size to 0 instead of Integer.MIN_VALUE, ...
Stingy's user avatar
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2 votes

Disjoint-set data structure (C++)

Prefer using operator[] instead of at() The member function at() performs bounds checking, ...
G. Sliepen's user avatar
  • 61.7k
2 votes

Leetcode 1584. How to make my Kruskal&Union Find algorithm faster?

Your solution already seems to be implemented (rather) efficiently. My only advice is to rename Find and Union to ...
coderodde's user avatar
  • 29.8k
2 votes

Union find using unordered map and templates in C++

Overall, that looks good to me. A few nitpicks, however, follow: Advice 1 ...
coderodde's user avatar
  • 29.8k
2 votes

Different approach Union Find

First of all, I like the idea and the implementation. I have refactored it a bit and came up with that: isConnected: Extract connection[a] and connection[b] in local variables and simplify the ...
Dorian Gray's user avatar
2 votes

Disjoint-set data structure (C++)

High-level design: All the other answers went over the minutiae quite sufficiently, but this is where about 66% savings are easily achieved. There are some questionable design-decisions, which ...
Deduplicator's user avatar
  • 19.3k
2 votes

Percolation threshold simulation using C++

Use std::size_t for sizes, counts and indices You are using int to store sizes, counts and indices, however an ...
G. Sliepen's user avatar
  • 61.7k
1 vote

Different approach Union Find

As soon as you said it's linear time, it was clear that something is wrong. Quick glance at the code showed no loops or recursion, so it was clear that it's indeed linear time and that your algorithm ...
superb rain's user avatar
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1 vote

Union find using unordered map and templates in C++

There is no need for unordered maps, especially not for two of them. Also, since you are dealing with indices and counts, you should make them std::size_t, not <...
Rainer P.'s user avatar
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