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3 votes

Increase speed of Google Drive upload for large files

I ended up diving in boots and all, and figuring it out myself. With the help of google-apis-dotnet-client source, I modified to suit my requirements. I believe this could be implemented in future ...
Brendan Gooden's user avatar
3 votes

Automatically Sending an Email based on a Google Sheet's cell value

Few minor things to improve: you may unpack row in the for row in rows loop; moreover, you can use extended Python-3.x iterable ...
alecxe's user avatar
  • 17.3k
1 vote

Retrieve filename and ID with Google Drive API in C#

First of all let me clarify that I'm not familiar with the Google Drive API. I've done some refactoring but I haven't tested it (just make it compile). If I can assume you are using greater C# version ...
Peter Csala's user avatar
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Spreadsheet generated through Google Drive file iteration

Tracking Previously Indexed Files From my tests it appears that DriveApp.getFiles() returns the files in the order that they were last modified. This is not ...
Joshua Dawson's user avatar

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