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2 votes

Advent of Code 2022 - Day 3

Type hints Use type hints to clearly display what types are accepted by a function, and what types are returned. Disclaimer: These type hits are written using Python 3.11, so you might need to update …
Linny's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Employee lookup with hard-coded database entries

I'm creating a DataBase for looking up employee's different stats in a company. Is there any way I can make this more compact/efficient? /** * Write a description of class DataBase here. * * @au …
Linny's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Swimming Pool Staff/Patron Structure

To work on my Java skills, I decided to create a structure for a pool that I work at. Lifeguards get shifted when their time at their position is up, and managers periodically check the pH level of th …
Linny's user avatar
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4 votes

Login and Register program

Please indent your code Taking a first pass it was really difficult to determine where functions ended. While I was scanning it looked like you have random while statements outside your functions. Ind …
Linny's user avatar
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3 votes

Python - Password Generator & Strength Checker

Reliability I get that this program is meant for you to continue learning python, but please don't use any passwords generated by this program. Especially since your strength check is really weak. I.E …
Linny's user avatar
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1 vote

Rock Paper Scissors Beginner Python Game

Welcome to Python! Choosing Rock/Paper/Scissors/ This if choice == 'R': choice = "Rock" elif choice == 'P': choice = "Paper" elif choice == 'S': choice = "Scissors" can be choice = …
Linny's user avatar
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7 votes

Interactive Discord bot for tabletop RPG

List Comprehension Instead of roll = [] for x in range(0, dice): roll.append(roll_die()) do this roll = [roll_die() for _ in range(0, dice)] The result is the same, it requires less code, …
Linny's user avatar
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1 vote

Constructing a lexicon and frequency array from a long string

Your for loop can be reduced to one line, utilizing sum: frequency_train = [ sum(1 if lexicon_train[i] in email else 0 for email in X_train) for i in range(211441) ] It removes the need to crea …
Linny's user avatar
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1 vote

Beginner Hangman Game

Getting lines from a file You can use simple list comprehension to get all the lines from a file. words = [word for word in open("dictionary.txt", "r")] However, this does not ensure the file will …
Linny's user avatar
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0 votes

Tic Tac Toe in Python 3

Displaying the grid Personally, I would move displaying the grid into a separate function, such as display_grid: def display_grid() -> None: for row in game: print(row) This removes th …
Linny's user avatar
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3 votes

text-based RPG game in python- character selection

Naming I would make the following changes w() -> remove t() -> print_text() Since w() is just time.sleep, it isn't necessary. And someone looking at your code would understand time.sleep a lot after …
Linny's user avatar
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3 votes

Hangman Game from OCW MIT 6.0001 Pset No. 2

I'm going to go function by function and explain what I changed and why. Imports I used: from typing import List load_words def load_words() -> List[str]: """ Returns a list of valid words. …
Linny's user avatar
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1 vote

Simple blackjack game using OOP

Blackjack.hit_or_stand This function can be shortened to the following def hit_or_stand(self): while decision := input("(hit/stand h/s): ").lower()[0]: if decision in 'hs': ret …
Linny's user avatar
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2 votes

Strong Password Detection in Python

You preform multiple function calls which are all very related. You can cram each of the regex checks into one if statement. You should use a main guard to ensure that the code is only running if thi …
Linny's user avatar
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2 votes

Beginner user registration and login program

Not a full review, but too long for a comment I'm not a C++ developer, but there are a few common foundational programming mistakes that you've made that I saw: using namespace std is a bad practic …
Linny's user avatar
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