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Determining the winning bingo from a set of bingo boards and sequence of draws

I've learned Python basics about two years ago and did a few personal projects, one big one that turned out to be useful in my line of work, a few small programs for my hobbies and I've also began ...
Oleg Shevchenko's user avatar
3 votes
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Euler Project: Sums of Digit Factorials

MY CODE: ...
CaptainPotato's user avatar
1 vote
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Sum of differences between products and LCMs

I've been trying to solve this Codewars problem In this kata you need to create a function that takes a 2D array/list of non-negative integer ...
post_lupy's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Hangman Game: Revealing guessed letters

I solved this problem: the Edabit Hangman Game challenge. Create a function that, given a phrase and a number of letters guessed, returns a string with hyphens - ...
mcccuklev's user avatar
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Decibinary for xth number (Python code)

I created the code for the problem description below. It works for \$N\le10^6\$ but after that it gives a time out error. What I don't understand is how to optimize the code using dynamic programming. ...
vijayalakshmi_bhagat's user avatar
4 votes
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Time limit error in 'The Minion Game' using python in Hacker Rank

This is the question link for the quick reference. Problem : There are two players Kevin and Stuart have to play a game in which they're pleased to create multiple strings and will get +1 score for ...
Sanjay Varyani's user avatar
4 votes
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Geektrust coding challenge: simulating a marketplace for loans

This is the my solution to a coding challenge in Geektrust. The question is linked here. A shortened version would be as follows. The aim is to simulate a marketplace for banks to lend money to ...
SATW's user avatar
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Counting primes less than n in Python

I implemented (a refinement of) the Sieve of Eratosthenes for counting primes less than a given number n. This is a coding exercise from LeetCode. The class Solution...
user avatar
3 votes
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MP3 Playlist Class in Python

Background Info I am an intermediate level Python programmer. This is my implementation of a MP3 Playlist class challenge that was hosted on 101 Computing.Net. The ...
Seraph776's user avatar
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4 votes
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Python program for the Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

I write my Python program below for this Leetcode problem: Given a string s, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. Example 1: ...
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9 votes
3 answers

Determine if Hill or Valley

This is my accepted submission for LeetCode. The problem is You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums. An index i is part of ...
Senior Software Engineer's user avatar
0 votes
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Largest product in a series

Problem description: The four adjacent digits in the 1000-digit number that have the greatest product are 9 × 9 × 8 × 9 = 5832. 73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934 ...
Amir Motefaker's user avatar
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the 10001st prime number

Problem description: By listing the first six prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, we can see that the 6th prime is 13. What is the 10001st prime number? Prime number: A prime number is a whole ...
Amir Motefaker's user avatar
3 votes
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LeetCode 68. Text Justification

I am trying out Leetcode problem 68 and I need your help to asses the code. I am pretty new to this. Given an array of strings words and a width ...
Chintamani Chavan's user avatar
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Sum square difference

Problem description: The sum of the squares of the first ten natural numbers is, 1² + 2² + … + 10² = 385 The square of the sum of the first ten natural numbers is, (1 + 2 + … + 10)² = 55² = 3025 Hence ...
Amir Motefaker's user avatar
2 votes
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The smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20

Problem description: 2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the numbers from 1 to 10 without any remainder. What is the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of ...
Amir Motefaker's user avatar
3 votes
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The largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers

Problem description: A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 × 99. Find the largest palindrome made from the ...
Amir Motefaker's user avatar
4 votes
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Calculate the first largest factor of 600851475143

ٍProblem description: The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. Largest prime factor 13195 is 29. What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ? Prime Factor: any of the prime ...
Amir Motefaker's user avatar
1 vote
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PyQt6 program that lets you adjust the HSV values of an RGB color

I don't know how to actually describe what this script does concisely. I am writing GUI programs using PyQt6, and I want the most beautiful palette for my programs, so I browsed Wikipedia for a bunch ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
3 votes
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Python 3 number convertor that converts floats between decimal and bases 2-36

This is a Python 3 script that converts any real number (ints and floats) from decimal notation to any positional number system ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
2 votes
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follow-up - Checking Nested Bracket Levels in Strings Programming Challenge

A follow-up to this question, this post improves on test case issues. To restate problem parameters, a given string S is considered closed if it: Has a matching ...
T145's user avatar
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Programming Challenge - Capturing Bracket Levels

I don't have a formal description for this problem, but here are the parameters: Given a string S check that each opening bracket has a matching closing bracket. ...
T145's user avatar
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Programming Challenge: Python 3 DNS query resolver using socket

This is a DNS query resolver written in Python 3 using socket, I wrote it entirely by myself, it supports 8 primary DNS query types: A, NS, CNAME, SOA, PTR, MX, TXT,...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
3 votes
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Programming Challenge - Game Scoring

Can this solution be made more efficient? ...
T145's user avatar
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11 votes
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Calculator using variable names

I've recently been assigned an assignment to create a word calculator, and given my knowledge in python is still quite lacking, I want to ask if anybody has any better ideas for any possible solutions....
Ruma Svenchko's user avatar
6 votes
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LFU Cache implementation in Python 3

Need some feedback on this implementation of LFU cache in python3. Original problem : Would really appreciate some feedback on readability, understandability ...
Mike's user avatar
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10 votes
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Wordle puzzle game

I am a beginner programmer with not much experience, the little I do have is with Python specifically. With all the fuss going around about the popular word game "Wordle" I wanted to ...
Erikson Thomas's user avatar
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Kattis Battle Simulation

I have a working program for a problem, but need to optimize it in a way where the processing time is less than 3 seconds. This is where I found the problem:
Ted's user avatar
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Extract and write fasta files using Biopython based on input from another file

I have the below code that takes a sequence file and another file with a list of contigs and extracts the sequences and writes them to a file, specifically based on the file with the contig list. The ...
Susheel Busi's user avatar
0 votes
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Codewars Runtime Error

I am currently trying to solve the problem "Is my friend cheating?" on Codewars. The Text are the Details to the Problem: A friend of mine takes the sequence of all numbers from 1 to n (...
Florian's user avatar
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Advent of Code 2021: day 10- Syntax Scoring

The following code solves day 10 in the advent of code challenge. The goal for this time around is evaluating whether a line of brackets is complete, has a syntax error or is missing some closing ...
N3buchadnezzar's user avatar
1 vote
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HackerRank - Climbing the Leaderboard: I don't understand why my code is exceeding the time limit

Climbing the Leaderboard An arcade game player wants to climb to the top of the leaderboard and track their ranking. The game uses Dense Ranking, so its leaderboard works like this: The player with ...
No Name's user avatar
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5 votes
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DNA Challenge from CS50

Added the problem link below and my implementation of it. Took me a few hours to program. I have added comments to explain my thought process. Problem Link Goal - To implement a program that ...
singhsokhal's user avatar
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Find the average score, given data in a table with labeled columns not in a fixed order

I was on Hacker Rank for the first time and there was a question that required to get the inputs from STDIN and use collections.namedtuple(). It was my first time ...
seriously's user avatar
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6 votes
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Container with most water, with pre-computation of possible bounds

Here's my attempt at leetcode's container with most water. Problem: Given n non-negative integers a1, a2, ..., an , where each represents a point at coordinate (i, ai). n vertical lines are drawn ...
kubatucka's user avatar
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Python functions to serialize nested data structures human readably

See Serializing (nested) data structures in a human-readable format for more details. In the last two days I have significantly improved my function, and wrote seven implementations of it. I have ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
5 votes
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Counting swaps in a sequence sorting algorithm

I have been working on this question, You are given a sequence, in the form of a string with characters ‘0’, ‘1’, and ‘?’ only. Suppose there are n ‘?’s. ...
ChickenCoding123's user avatar
-2 votes
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leetcode 169 optimzations reducing complexity [closed]

This is for leetcode problem: There is something wrong with the way I create solutions, and not sure how to stop doing it. Basically the problem is I ...
Preston_Jarvis's user avatar
2 votes
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CodeChef - Red Alert

I have solved this problem from the CodeChef platform using the Python prorgamming language Here is the code: ...
King Cold's user avatar
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Find the closest match to a string [closed]

Input The first line of input contains a string s: the word misspelled by your partner. Assume that your partner did not add or remove any letters; they only replaced letters with incorrect ones. The ...
Anony's user avatar
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Drug Analyzer challenge

What do I need help with? I'm doing the challenge below, in which I need to increase code performance. It's currently at 63% and I need to increase it to at least 71% however I can't optimize more ...
Manassés G.'s user avatar
3 votes
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ZigZag Conversion Coding Challenge

This is my solution for ZigZag Conversion, a coding challenge from LeetCode. The challenge: Write a program that takes two parameters, a string and a number of rows, that interprets the string as if ...
Tim_Jarvis99's user avatar
1 vote
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Rock paper scissors coding assignment

I had a coding assignment to write a Rock Paper Scissors game. The main task is not to show a solution but rather to test the coding style. The rules are such: Problem: rock is "O", paper is ...
Harton's user avatar
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4 votes
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HackInScience exercise: Sequence Mining

I am working on a practice problem found here: Overview Sequence mining is useful for analyzing list of events when order matters. It's used ...
Tommyp's user avatar
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Climbing the leaderboard (Hacker Rank) via binary search

I am trying to solve the Climbing the leaderboard problem on Hacker Rank. My code passes all the test cases except Test Cases 6 to 9, which I assume are using large data sets. I'm using binary search ...
MM360's user avatar
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Search for text in a file

I have this implementation of Grep where I use ...
Eliaz Bobadilla's user avatar
4 votes
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Bisection, linear recurrences and even Fibonacci numbers

So this code is yet another attempt at solving the second Project Euler problem to improve my handling of Python. The purpose of the code is to solve the problem below Each new term in the Fibonacci ...
N3buchadnezzar's user avatar
10 votes
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First non-repeating Character, with a single loop in Python

I recently tried to solve the first non-repeating character problem. Please tell me if my solution is valid. I'm aiming for O(n) with a single loop. My thinking is, it would be easy to tell you what ...
zing's user avatar
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Permuted multiples in python

How can I improve efficiency/readability of the following code? It can be seen that the number, 125874, and its double, 251748, contain exactly the same digits, but in a different order. Find the ...
SSSNIPD's user avatar
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Google Foobar challenge optimization

I am trying to solve Google Foobar challenge prepare-the-bunnies-escape using my own approach, instead of BFS. I attempt to solve two ends of the maze and try to ...
ScriptKidd's user avatar

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