This is a DNS query resolver written in Python 3 using socket
, I wrote it entirely by myself, it supports 8 primary DNS query types: A, NS, CNAME, SOA, PTR, MX, TXT, AAAA, and it is working correctly. Albeit the code is a little bit ugly.
Sample output:
In [22]: print(json.dumps(dns_query('', '', 'SOA'), indent=4))
"Question": {
"ID": "0425",
"Flags": {
"Hexadecimal": "8180",
"Binary": "1000000110000000",
"Breakdown": {
"Response": true,
"Operation Code": "Query",
"Authoritative Answer": false,
"Truncated": false,
"Recursion Desired": true,
"Recursion Available": true,
"Reserved": 0,
"Authenticated Answer": false,
"Non-authenticated Answer": "Unacceptable",
"Error Code": "NoError"
"Questions": 1,
"Answers": 1,
"Authorative Answers": 0,
"Additional Resources": 0,
"Name": "",
"Type": "SOA",
"Class": "INTERNET"
"Answers": [
"QName": "",
"QType": "A",
"QClass": "INTERNET",
"Time-to-live": 232,
"Data length": 4,
"RData": ""
In [23]: print(json.dumps(dns_query('', '', 'SOA'), indent=4))
"Question": {
"ID": "e52f",
"Flags": {
"Hexadecimal": "8180",
"Binary": "1000000110000000",
"Breakdown": {
"Response": true,
"Operation Code": "Query",
"Authoritative Answer": false,
"Truncated": false,
"Recursion Desired": true,
"Recursion Available": true,
"Reserved": 0,
"Authenticated Answer": false,
"Non-authenticated Answer": "Unacceptable",
"Error Code": "NoError"
"Questions": 1,
"Answers": 1,
"Authorative Answers": 0,
"Additional Resources": 0,
"Name": "",
"Type": "SOA",
"Class": "INTERNET"
"Answers": [
"QName": "",
"QType": "A",
"QClass": "INTERNET",
"Time-to-live": 176,
"Data length": 4,
"RData": ""
In [24]: print(json.dumps(dns_query('', '', 'SOA'), indent=4))
"Question": {
"ID": "3d0a",
"Flags": {
"Hexadecimal": "85b0",
"Binary": "1000010110110000",
"Breakdown": {
"Response": true,
"Operation Code": "Query",
"Authoritative Answer": true,
"Truncated": false,
"Recursion Desired": true,
"Recursion Available": true,
"Reserved": 0,
"Authenticated Answer": true,
"Non-authenticated Answer": "Acceptable",
"Error Code": "NoError"
"Questions": 1,
"Answers": 1,
"Authorative Answers": 0,
"Additional Resources": 0,
"Name": "",
"Type": "SOA",
"Class": "INTERNET"
"Answers": [
"QName": "",
"QType": "A",
"QClass": "INTERNET",
"Time-to-live": 60,
"Data length": 4,
"RData": ""
In [25]: print(json.dumps(dns_query('', '', 'SOA'), indent=4))
"Question": {
"ID": "9a50",
"Flags": {
"Hexadecimal": "8180",
"Binary": "1000000110000000",
"Breakdown": {
"Response": true,
"Operation Code": "Query",
"Authoritative Answer": false,
"Truncated": false,
"Recursion Desired": true,
"Recursion Available": true,
"Reserved": 0,
"Authenticated Answer": false,
"Non-authenticated Answer": "Unacceptable",
"Error Code": "NoError"
"Questions": 1,
"Answers": 1,
"Authorative Answers": 0,
"Additional Resources": 0,
"Name": "",
"Type": "SOA",
"Class": "INTERNET"
"Answers": [],
"Authorative Answers": [
"QName": "",
"QType": "SOA",
"QClass": "INTERNET",
"Time-to-live": 7200,
"Data length": 31,
"RData": {
"Primary Name Server": "",
"Responsible Authority's Mailbox": "",
"Serial Number": 2012145250,
"Refresh Interval": 300,
"Retry Interval": 300,
"Expire Limit": 2592000,
"Minimum TTL": 7200
import ipaddress
import publicsuffix2 as psl
import random
import socket
import validators
from collections import defaultdict
1: 'A',
2: 'NS',
5: 'CNAME',
6: 'SOA',
12: 'PTR',
15: 'MX',
16: 'TXT',
28: 'AAAA',
'A': 1,
'NS': 2,
'CNAME': 5,
'SOA': 6,
'PTR': 12,
'MX': 15,
'TXT': 16,
'AAAA': 28
0: 'Query',
1: 'IQuery',
2: 'Status',
4: 'Notify',
5: 'Update',
6: 'DSO'
0: 'NoError',
1: 'FormErr',
2: 'ServFail',
3: 'NXDomain',
4: 'NotImp',
5: 'Refused',
6: 'YXDomain',
7: 'YXRRSet',
8: 'NXRRSet',
9: 'NotAuth',
10: 'NotZone',
def byte2int(by: bytes) -> int:
if not isinstance(by, bytes):
raise TypeError()
return int.from_bytes(by, 'big')
def byte2hex(by: bytes) -> str:
if not isinstance(by, bytes):
raise TypeError()
return by.hex()
def dns_opcode(n: int):
if not isinstance(n, int):
raise TypeError()
if n not in OPCODE:
raise ValueError()
return OPCODE[n]
def dns_rcode(n: int):
if not isinstance(n, int):
raise TypeError()
if n not in RCODE:
raise ValueError()
return RCODE[n]
def dns_cd(n: int):
if n not in (0, 1):
raise ValueError()
return ['Unacceptable', 'Acceptable'][n]
def dns_qclass(n: int):
if n == 1:
return 'INTERNET'
raise ValueError('Invalid QCLASS value received')
DECODE_HEADER = [byte2hex, byte2hex, byte2int, byte2int, byte2int, byte2int]
FLAG_LENGTH = [1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4]
HEADERS = ['ID', 'Flags', 'Questions', 'Answers', 'Authorative Answers', 'Additional Resources']
'Operation Code',
'Authoritative Answer',
'Recursion Desired',
'Recursion Available',
'Authenticated Answer',
'Non-authenticated Answer',
'Error Code'
SOA_NUMBERS = ['Serial Number', 'Refresh Interval', 'Retry Interval', 'Expire Limit', 'Minimum TTL']
DECODE_FLAG = [bool, dns_opcode, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, bool, dns_cd, dns_rcode]
def decode_flags(flag: str) -> dict:
if not isinstance(flag, str):
raise TypeError()
if not (len(flag) == 4 and all(i in '0123456789abcdef' for i in flag)):
raise ValueError()
flag = '{:016b}'.format(int(flag, 16))
index = 0
flags = []
for i, f in zip(FLAG_LENGTH, DECODE_FLAG):
flags.append(f(int(flag[index:index+i], 2)))
index += i
return dict(zip(FLAGS, flags))
def decode_response(fields: bytes) -> dict:
if not isinstance(fields, bytes):
raise TypeError()
if len(fields) != 10:
raise ValueError()
qtype = QTYPE[byte2int(fields[:2])]
qclass = dns_qclass(byte2int(fields[2:4]))
ttl = byte2int(fields[4:8])
length = byte2int(fields[8:10])
return {
'QType': qtype,
'QClass': qclass,
'Time-to-live': ttl,
'Data length': length
def valid_domain(domain):
return (validators.domain(domain) and psl.get_sld(domain, strict=True))
def make_query(query, qtype):
if not (isinstance(query, str) and isinstance(qtype, str)):
raise TypeError('Parameters must be instances of `str`')
qtype = QTYPE.get(qtype.upper(), None)
if not qtype:
raise ValueError('QTYPE is invalid or unsupported')
if qtype == 12:
if validators.ipv4(query):
query = ipaddress.IPv4Address(query).reverse_pointer
elif validators.ipv6(query):
query = ipaddress.IPv6Address(query).reverse_pointer
raise ValueError('QUERY is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address')
if not (validators.domain(query) and (sld := psl.get_sld(query, strict=True))):
raise ValueError('QUERY is not a valid web domain')
if qtype in (2, 15, 16):
query = sld
return b''.join([
random.randbytes(2), b'\1\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0',
''.join(chr(len(i)) + i for i in query.split('.')).encode('utf8'),
b'\0', qtype.to_bytes(2, 'big'), b'\0\1'
class DNS_Parser:
def __init__(self, response: bytes) -> None:
if not isinstance(response, bytes):
raise TypeError('Argument must be an instance of `bytes`')
self.response = response
self.names = dict()
self.question = dict()
self.answers = []
self.soa = []
self.position = 0
self.raw = dict()
self.simple = dict()
def check_bounds(self, pos: int):
if not isinstance(pos, int):
raise TypeError('Argument must be an instance of `int`')
if pos >= len(self.response):
raise IndexError('Index exceeds the maximum possible value')
def read_stream(self, pos: int, recur: bool=False, length: int=0) -> str:
chunks = []
count = 0
while True:
hint = self.response[pos]
if hint == 0:
if not recur:
self.position = pos
elif hint == 192:
index = self.response[pos+1]
self.position = pos+1
if index in self.names:
name = self.names[index]
name = self.read_stream(index, True)
self.names[index] = name
pos += 2
count += 2
if not length or count == length:
pos += 1
count += 1
chunk = self.response[pos:pos+hint].decode('utf8')
pos += hint
count += hint
return '.'.join(chunks)
def parse_dns_query(self):
pos = self.response[12:].index(0)
query = self.response[:pos+17]
headers = [f(query[:12][i:i+2]) for f, i in zip(DECODE_HEADER, range(0, 12, 2))]
self.question = dict(zip(HEADERS, headers))
flags = self.question['Flags']
self.question['Flags'] = {
'Hexadecimal': flags, 'Binary': f'{int(flags, 16):016b}',
'Breakdown': decode_flags(flags)
name = self.read_stream(12)
self.names[12] = name
qtype = QTYPE[byte2int(query[pos+13:pos+15])]
self.position = pos + 16
'Name': name, 'Type': qtype,
'Class': dns_qclass(byte2int(query[-2:]))
def rdata_ipv4(self, pos: int) -> str:
return '.'.join([str(i) for i in self.response[pos:pos+4]])
def rdata_ipv6(self, pos: int) -> str:
return str(ipaddress.IPv6Address(self.response[pos:pos+16]))
def rdata_txt(self, pos: int, length: int) -> dict:
return {'Text length': self.response[pos], 'Text': self.response[pos+1:pos+length+1].decode('utf8')}
def rdata_mx(self, pos: int, length: int) -> dict:
return {'Preference': byte2int(self.response[pos:pos+2]), 'Mail Exchange': self.read_stream(pos+2, length-2)}
def rdata_soa(self, pos: int) -> dict:
pns = self.read_stream(pos)
ramx = self.read_stream(self.position+1)
fields = self.response[self.position+1:self.position+21]
soa = [byte2int(fields[i:i+4]) for i in range(0, 20, 4)]
soa = dict(zip(SOA_NUMBERS, soa))
rdata = {'Primary Name Server': pns, "Responsible Authority's Mailbox": ramx}
self.position += 20
return rdata
def parse_dns_answer(self):
qname = self.read_stream(self.position+1)
headers = decode_response(self.response[self.position+1:self.position+11])
answer = {'QName': qname}
qtype = headers['QType']
length = headers['Data length']
if length == 0:
raise ValueError('DNS message is malformed or invalid')
if qtype == 'A':
if length != 4:
raise ValueError('DNS message is malformed or invalid')
rdata = self.rdata_ipv4(self.position+11)
self.position += 14
elif qtype == 'AAAA':
if length != 16:
raise ValueError('DNS message is malformed or invalid')
rdata = self.rdata_ipv6(self.position+11)
self.position += 26
elif qtype == 'TXT':
rdata = self.rdata_txt(self.position+11, length)
if length - rdata['Text length'] != 1:
raise ValueError('DNS message is malformed or invalid')
self.position += (10 + length)
elif qtype in ('CNAME', 'NS', 'PTR'):
rdata = self.read_stream(self.position+11, length)
if not valid_domain(rdata):
raise ValueError('DNS message is malformed or invalid')
elif qtype == 'MX':
if length == 3 and self.response[self.position+13] == 0:
prefs = byte2int(self.response[self.position+11:self.position+13])
rdata = {'Preference': prefs, 'Mail Exchange': '<Root>'}
self.position += 13
rdata = self.rdata_mx(self.position+11, length)
mx = rdata['Mail Exchange']
if not valid_domain(mx):
raise ValueError('DNS message is malformed or invalid')
elif qtype == 'SOA':
rdata = self.rdata_soa(self.position+11)
pns, ramx = rdata['Primary Name Server'], rdata["Responsible Authority's Mailbox"]
if not (valid_domain(pns) and valid_domain(ramx)):
raise ValueError('DNS message is malformed or invalid')
answer['RData'] = rdata
self.answers.append(answer) if qtype != 'SOA' else self.soa.append(answer)
def parse_dns_response(self):
total = sum((
self.question['Authorative Answers'],
self.question['Additional Resources']
count = 0
while count < total:
count += 1
self.raw['Question'] = self.question
self.raw['Answers'] = self.answers
if self.soa:
self.raw['Authorative Answers'] = self.soa
def dns_query(query, address, qtype):
request = make_query(query, qtype)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.sendto(request, (address, 53))
response = sock.recv(8192)
except Exception as e:
parser = DNS_Parser(response)
return parser.raw
It isn't complete yet, but it is indeed working properly and there are no bugs.
How can I improve its performance, refactor the code, improve readability, make it more structured, group the functions into classes, reduce code duplication and increase reuse rate, etc?
Well, I think I need to make something clear. Obviously this project wasn't done for practicality, I am not some sort of egomaniac arrogant enough to think my code is better than library code written by experienced professionals; This project was done in the name of learning only, it was a self-imposed challenge, I only did it to learn, in the hopes of improving my skills.
This script is poorly written and hacked together, but I really did learn a lot from the experience, I aimed for the process, not the result;
So if you don't like it and don't want to help me to improve, that's fine, just don't try to discourage me or say the script should be deleted.
Well I have found a bug in the code, but since there are answers I can't edit the code. The length
parameter in read_stream
is useless, remove that. There is no check against recursion after the pointer jumped back, so the position indicator (self.position
) might be falsely decremented, thus breaking the code.
The solution is to put the indicator change inside if not recur:
Unfortunately fixing the previously mentioned bug introduces yet another bug, I have only encountered the bug just now.
Trying to query anything with TXT
will raise the following:
In [164]: dns_query('', '', 'TXT').raw
UnicodeDecodeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-161-6d0c784748c1> in rdata_txt(self, pos, length)
199 def rdata_txt(self, pos: int, length: int) -> dict:
--> 200 return {'Length': self.response[pos], 'Text': self.response[pos+1:pos+length+1].decode('utf8')}
202 def rdata_mx(self, pos: int) -> dict:
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xc0 in position 11: invalid start byte
It can be fixed by simply removing +1
after length
. The error wasn't there before.
Anyways I have obtained something like this:
In [178]: print(json.dumps(multi_query('', '', 'SOA'), indent=4))
"Question": {
"Name": "",
"Type": "SOA",
"Class": "INTERNET"
"Answers": {
"A": [
"CNAME": [
"Authority": {
"SOA": [
"MNAME": "",
"RNAME": "",
"Serial": 2022031717
It combines information from multiple responses to one single query into a single dictionary: