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Python exception for handling invalid argument types

Greetings One small problem that anyone have to tackle with in Python is handling invalid argument types ( without an automatic static type checking tool like Mypy ) One of the best methods for ...
KhodeNima's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Wrap a noexcept C++ library method with a method throwing exceptions with usable explanatory strings to stay DRY

In our apps we're using a shared inhouse library which provides filesystem functions. All the functions are noexcept. In several apps i found that similar or identical error return translations are ...
ridilculous's user avatar
3 votes
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Catching the timed out Exception raised by the __init__ method of the class ftplib.FTP

Introduction I have written a Python class which uses the module ftplib. In this class I have created a private method called <...
User051209's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Beginner Java Tic-Tac-Toe

I had a Tic Tac Toe assignment for class and the program seems to work fine but I feel like the exception/input handling could be done in a much better way. Is this a good way to approach the ...
Drosos-kal's user avatar
5 votes
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Write a simple, clean error message without a backtrace and exit on failure

I want to write on failure to either STDOUT or STDERR a clean, simple error message for the user, without the (verbose) ...
Timur Shtatland's user avatar
3 votes
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Class to wrap result or exception, similar to the OneOf approach

I recently came across the OneOf<T0,...,Tn> package from mcintyre321 via a video by Nick Chapsas, which presents the idea of holding exception types to be ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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Handling errors in potentially incomplete responses

I am using the library geoip2 to get Geolocation of many IP adderesses ...
Ali Pardhan's user avatar
5 votes
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C++ custom exception class

I am wondering, how can I improve this simple MissingResource exception class? I am using it in my simple game. ...
weno's user avatar
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1 vote
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Handling multiple try-catches in a for loop

Good day! I would like to know if this is possible to be refactored into a cleaner code. The reason I'm doing it like this is to catch the column that the error appeared on and then potentially output ...
Chansters's user avatar
4 votes
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Reader for graph-file with ugly return and questionable use of streams

I wrote a class that contains a static method that reads in files from NetworkRepository and converts them into a list of integer-arrays, each representing an edge. The file format from ...
Moritz Groß's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is it good practice to use try catch only for a part of the code [closed]

When I submit the form, I need to validate the input data from an HTML form field, which comes from the user who submitted the data. So inside the Page_Load event, ...
Adam's user avatar
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Handling errors in an input based program

I wrote a program which creates a svg-group that contains several arranged rectangles with passages inbetween to reach all of the rectangles inside of an area selected by the user. Each rectangle ...
IceRevenge's user avatar
8 votes
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See if a specific resource exists in a Kubernetes namespace

I want to have a function that checks to see if a certain resource (deployment, job, cronjob etc) exist in a namespace. Using the Kubernetes Python client, I can create a boolean function (using ...
user3079474's user avatar
1 vote
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Exception handling with null check in java

Hyeonseo Yang's user avatar
5 votes
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Custom C++ exception class with stack trace generation

I wanted to implement my own runtime error class in C++, that could provide more meaningful information on where the error occurred than std::runtime_error does. I ...
Jacajack's user avatar
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Is it a valid use case of using java.util.MissingResourceException?

I have a factory method that returns an Object based on a argument passed to it : ...
Innocuous's user avatar
10 votes
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Prompting for two integers and dividing, using exceptions to handle divide-by-zero errors

I'm trying to learn exception handling in C++. I wanted to read two integers and divide them and print them. The code should throw an exception when the second integer is zero, ask the user to re-...
AccGen's user avatar
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Command sequence executor with error handling

I've recently learned that as a Java developer my methods throw exceptions way too often, even when the reason for throwing is related to a business rule, when returning an error code instead could ...
Piovezan's user avatar
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Lightweight C Exception Library

JavaProphet's user avatar
2 votes
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Throwing exceptions if there is not exactly one box retrieved

(Note: this is originally posted as this SO question ) I'm trying to refactor the error logging and exception throwing into a method. Original code: ...
XoXo's user avatar
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Python exception handling class - Getting as much details printed

I'm trying to write a Exception Handling class in Python so that I can re-use. If you have any ideas on how I can improve this to output more detailed information I would appreciate it: ...
Philoxopher's user avatar
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Using a Boolean method that never returns "false" to check user permissions

I need to check that a user is allowed to save/retrieve contacts to/from the database by calling a web service, and return an HTTP403 with an explanation if it is not the case. So for the sake of ...
Anas's user avatar
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Retrieving access token from SharedPreference

Here is code that retrieves an access token from SharedPreference. ...
Vsevolod Poletaev's user avatar
4 votes
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AggregateException handling

How do you handle AggregateException? It is really useful in many TPL or business scenarios, but handling is a real pain. I defined the following three extensions ...
Dmitry Nogin's user avatar
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Throw an exception which contains a nested set of previous exceptions

I have a set of domain objects which try to find a solution to a problem. The top level object has an algorithm which splits up the problem and delegates it to lower level objects, which in turn do ...
Jayy's user avatar
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Custom error/fatal error and exception handler in PHP

Introduction I wrote three functions that aims to log errors and exceptions as well as show a user a generic error page. Would appreciate some feedback on it with regards to the PSR standards and if ...
kexxcream's user avatar
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C# PasswordService class

I am new to C# and develop a configurable PasswordService class. As the code works the next step is to improve the code. Right now there are the following options: ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Simple factorial program using recursion

Two concepts I realized I needed to understand and use more are recursion and Exceptions. Thus, I combined both in the following program. Although it began with a focus on using recursion it became ...
Legato's user avatar
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Handling exceptions and executing code if one was found

I have this code: ...
frostblooded's user avatar
16 votes
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Using finally with return statement or not

I was wondering if it is the proper way to always put the return statement of a function with a try-catch clause in the finally ...
Aki K's user avatar
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How to add exceptions in a class that reads a config file?

I am using Boost for reading a config file that is in the .json format. I am using a class to do this and I am calling exit(message) in case of bad values or ...
thedarkside ofthemoon's user avatar
2 votes
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Python and Exception Handling IOError [closed]

I'm trying to work with exception handling by displaying "No Such File" when the file doesn't exist. I need to use a try statement. ...
CoPoPHP's user avatar
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Throw exception in favor of an error?

I've been reviewing my previous projects for the last few days. I've found that I never return an error from any of my methods. I always throw exceptions. I googled about exceptions vs errors and I ...
Moon's user avatar
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How to chain exceptions?

I have some function like: ...
Loom's user avatar
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Throw an exception to control the flow of code execution

There is a recommendation not to use an Exception to control the flow of execution. This gives me a reason for doubt when I do something like this: ...
Eugene's user avatar
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Rethrowing exception just as an information

I have something like that: My custom exception class: ...
radekEm's user avatar
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Compiler warning on unused exception...need to improve structure?

Consider the below: ...
KingCronus's user avatar
5 votes
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Accumulating inner exception messages

Say, there is a class with some methods, that have try catch blocks. I need to accumulate messages from all inner exceptions of generated exception and use ...
Artyom Neustroev's user avatar
2 votes
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Suggestions for improving error handling [closed]

I am interested in finding out what is the correct way of implementing error handling for this situation in C#. The system tries to do an operation. If the operation succeeded (returns a non-error ...
Coral Doe's user avatar
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uplifitng return value error reporting to Exception based error reporting

In Framework Design guideline book there is a chapter about Exception and they talk about return-value-based error reporting and exception based error reporting and the fact that we in a O.O language ...
LonelySemicolon's user avatar
1 vote
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PHP - Is this proper use of exceptions for error handling within classes?

I've searched plenty on this topic and have gotten a lot of good (but different) results. Some of the results weren't quite related and it does seem to be a matter of preference in the end, but I'm ...
Daniel Elkins's user avatar
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Exception handling continuing the excecution

This code is for continuing the execution after an exception, and this is ugly: ...
Hernán Eche's user avatar
19 votes
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Generic C++ exception catch handler macro

I have this set of legacy C++ projects with a large number of public functions. At the start, none of those publicly exposed functions had try..catch insulation ...
Allbite's user avatar
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Making a job completed, rolling back on error

I have the following construction in the program: ...
Vladislav Rastrusny's user avatar
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Providing unchecked exception "wrapper" interfaces for an API with checked exceptions

I recently had a discussion in the forum of an API, because they changed an exception from checked to unchecked. I believed it needs to be checked, because it is recoverable. The arguments of "the ...
Bozho's user avatar
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