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3 votes
2 answers

Wait for a callback and then using the result

I'm using Frida to run a script on a process, and I want to wait for it to send the result back to me, as a callback. My current code looks like this: ...
JJTech's user avatar
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It's Teetime; adding tee like functionality to Popen

I recently needed to run some command line applications from Python. Whilst this is fairly simple with subprocess.Popen. I wanted to be able to properly pipe the ...
Peilonrayz's user avatar
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2 answers

Function to call a list of callables with retry

This script is designed to be run via windows task scheduler once per day. All callables passed to this function should only return a bool. The callables are called until either the maximum number of ...
Dave's user avatar
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1 answer

Python lazy dictionary

Here is a lazy dictionary with test cases. ...
Justin Fay's user avatar
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4 answers

Indenting a function to recursively find filenames

I wrote this function that recursively traverses a given directory resolves the relative file-names to absolute file-names and yields the resolved file-name if it matches a given pattern. You can ...
Ricky Wilson's user avatar
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Three implementations of observable objects

I wonder, what might be the best (most pythonic) way of implementing multiple observerables in Python. There are multiple objects, which should be able to register themselves at one or multiple ...
Sebastian Werk's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Hooking with Python3 Decorators

I wrote this prototype after reading the Wikipedia article on hooking. I didn't bother to read any of the code examples listed there because, well, I just didn't. I don't have a good excuse. The ...
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1 answer

Python model for a "snake"-like game

I wrote a python model for the game "snake" that I'm not really satisfied with. My intention was to separate the game logic from the drawing and input handling (which worked quite well) but I've got ...
tfeldmann's user avatar
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