Problem Statement:
You are given a function \$f(x)\$, where \$f(x)\$ is \$1\$ if the first and last characters of string \$x\$ are equal; else it is \$0\$. You are given a string \$S\$ and you have to find the sum of \$f(x)\$ for all substrings \$x\$ of given string \$S\$.
Sample Input:
Sample Output:
, f("aba")=1
, f("abaca")=1
but f("ab")=0
, f("bac")=0
. Hence counting all substrings we get 14.
The 14 substring are
a - 4(times)
b - 2
c - 1
aba - 2
bab - 1
aca - 1
ababa - 1
abaca - 1
ababaca - 1
My code:
l = int(input())
s = [x for x in input().strip()]
print(l + sum([1 for i in range(0,l-1) for j in range(i+1,l) if s[i] == s[j]]))
I have tried the following snippets too:
from collections import Counter
import math
l, s = int(input()), [x for x in input()]
print(l + sum([math.factorial(value-1) for value in Counter(s).values() if value != 1]))
Wrong answer:
import itertools
l, s = int(input()), input()
print(sum(int(i[0] == i[-1]) for i in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(s,2)))
The solutions is working fine except that it times out in certain test cases. Can anyone suggest a better way to do this?