I wrote a program to find the longest common subsequence among several strings. I used a naive algorithm and implementation.
The motivation was solving the Rosalind problem at http://rosalind.info/problems/lcs/ . You can find sample input there as well. The Rosalind problem concerns strings as DNA, but I think my code can be treated as a general string operation.
The problem asks for any of the common substrings if there is more than one, but I find all of them.
A common substring of a collection of strings is a substring of every member of the collection. We say that a common substring is a longest common substring if a longer common substring of the collection does not exist. For example, CG is a common substring of ACGTACGT and AACCGGTATA, whereas GTA is a longest common substring. Note that multiple longest common substrings may exist.
Given: A collection of DNA strings (of length at most 1 kbp each; ).
Return: A longest common substring of the collection. (If multiple solutions exist, you may return any single solution.)
Sample Dataset
Sample Output
How can this code be improved? What obvious problems are there?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
namespace Finding_a_Shared_Motif
class Program
private static void Main()
var input = File.ReadAllLines("rosalind_lcs.txt").ToList();
var t = new Stopwatch();
var lcs = LongestCommonSubstring(input);
File.WriteAllLines("output.txt", lcs);
Console.WriteLine("Finished in {0} msec.", t.ElapsedMilliseconds);
public static IEnumerable<string> LongestCommonSubstring(List<string> strings)
var lcs = LongestCommonSubstring(strings[0], strings[1]);
for (var i = 2; i < strings.Count(); i++)
var new_lcs = new BestStrings();
foreach (var s in lcs) new_lcs.Add(LongestCommonSubstring(s, strings[i]));
lcs = new_lcs;
return lcs;
private static BestStrings LongestCommonSubstring(string s1, string s2)
var lcs = new BestStrings();
for (var i = 1 - s2.Length; i < s1.Length; i++)
var substrings = BestSubstringWithAlignment(s1, s2, i);
if (substrings.Length == 0) continue;
return lcs;
private static BestStrings BestSubstringWithAlignment(string s1, string s2, int offset)
var substrings = new BestStrings();
var substring = "";
for (var i = Math.Max(0, offset); i < s1.Length && i < s2.Length + offset; i++)
var c1 = s1[i];
var c2 = s2[i - offset];
if (c1 == c2)
substring = substring + c1;
substring = "";
return substrings;
sealed class BestStrings : Collection<string>
public int Length
get { return base[0].Length; }
public BestStrings()
public new void Add(string s)
if (s.Length == 0 || s.Length < Length || Contains(s)) return;
if (s.Length > Length) Clear();
public void Add(IEnumerable<string> collection)
foreach (var s in collection) Add(s);