I'm writing a tiny WebGL/JS framework to improve my knowledge of JavaScript and WebGL. Following is a class that wraps a Shader Program and provides methods for setting the shader parameters (AKA uniform variables):
ShaderProgram class:
"use strict";
ShaderProgram class:
function ShaderProgram(progName) {
this.detail = {
gl : Renderer.getWebGLContext(),
webGLProgramObj : null, // WebGLProgram.
vertexAttribs : null, // Map of { name: string, index: int } for each vertex attribute.
uniformVars : null, // Map of uniform var locations, indexed by var name.
name : progName || "unnamed" // Optional name/id string used for debugging.
* ---- Methods of ShaderProgram: ----
ShaderProgram.createShaderFromHtmlElement = function (shaderElementId) { // -> WebGLShader ['static' method]
console.assert(shaderElementId, "Provide a valid HTML element id!");
// Get shader text source element:
var shaderScript = document.getElementById(shaderElementId);
if (!shaderScript) {
console.error("Unable to find shader element for id '" + shaderElementId + "'!");
return null;
// Grab the GLSL source code:
var shaderSourceText = "";
var domNode = shaderScript.firstChild;
while (domNode) {
// NOTE: nodeType == 3 indicates a TEXT mode, which is what we want.
// See http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_node_nodetype.asp
// for a list of all node types.
if (domNode.nodeType == 3) {
shaderSourceText += domNode.textContent;
domNode = domNode.nextSibling;
var gl = Renderer.getWebGLContext();
// Created WebGL shader object:
// (Note that the 'x-shader' type is a user defined value.
// It could be any arbitrary string that does not conflict
// with a string expected by the common browsers).
var shader;
if (shaderScript.type === "x-shader/x-vertex") {
shader = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
} else if (shaderScript.type === "x-shader/x-fragment") {
shader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
} else {
console.error("Invalid shader type! shaderElementId = '" + shaderElementId + "'");
return null;
if (!shader) {
console.error("Failed to allocate new WebGL shader object! Possibly out of memory...");
return null;
gl.shaderSource(shader, shaderSourceText);
var infolog = gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader);
if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
console.error("Failed to compile shader '" + shaderElementId +
"'\n" + "Compiler info log:\n" + infolog);
return null;
// If we got an info log but COMPILE_STATUS was OK, there might be
// some warnings and other issues with the code that we should still print.
if (infolog) {
console.warn("Shader compiler info log for '" + shaderElementId + "':\n" + infolog);
// Allow it to continue.
// If we get here, the shader should be in a valid state for rendering.
return shader;
ShaderProgram.disposeShader = function (shaderObj) { // -> void ['static' method]
if (shaderObj) {
var gl = Renderer.getWebGLContext();
shaderObj = null;
ShaderProgram.prototype.initWithShaders = function (webGLVertexShaderObj, webGLFragmentShaderObj,
vertexAttributes, uniformVarNames) { // -> bool
if (!webGLVertexShaderObj) {
console.error("Null vertex shader for ShaderProgram.initWithShaders('" + this.detail.name + "')!");
return false;
if (!webGLFragmentShaderObj) {
console.error("Null fragment shader for ShaderProgram.initWithShaders('" + this.detail.name + "')!");
return false;
if (this.detail.webGLProgramObj) {
console.warn("Dispose the current program before initializing it again!");
return true;
this.detail.webGLProgramObj = this.detail.gl.createProgram();
if (!this.detail.webGLProgramObj) {
console.error("Failed to allocate new WebGL program object! Possibly out of memory...");
return false;
this.detail.gl.attachShader(this.detail.webGLProgramObj, webGLVertexShaderObj);
this.detail.gl.attachShader(this.detail.webGLProgramObj, webGLFragmentShaderObj);
// Bind the vertex attributes, if any.
// This must happen BEFORE linking the program.
if (vertexAttributes) {
this.detail.vertexAttribs = {};
for (var i = 0; i < vertexAttributes.length; ++i) {
vertexAttributes[i].index, vertexAttributes[i].name);
// Save the attribute indexes inside the this object for use with `gl.vertexAttribPointer()`.
this.detail.vertexAttribs[vertexAttributes[i].name] = vertexAttributes[i].index;
// Link the program into a GPU "executable" and check link status:
if (!this.detail.gl.getProgramParameter(this.detail.webGLProgramObj, this.detail.gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
console.error("Could not link GLSL shader program for '" + this.detail.name + "'!");
return false;
// Query uniform variable locations and store their handles inside this object:
if (uniformVarNames) {
this.detail.uniformVars = {};
for (var i = 0; i < uniformVarNames.length; ++i) {
var varHandle = this.detail.gl.getUniformLocation(this.detail.webGLProgramObj, uniformVarNames[i]);
if (!varHandle) {
console.warn("Unable to get uniform var '" + uniformVarNames[i] +
"' location for ShaderProgram '" + this.detail.name + "'!");
this.detail.uniformVars[uniformVarNames[i]] = varHandle;
console.log("New ShaderProgram '" + this.detail.name + "' initialized.");
return true;
ShaderProgram.prototype.initFromHtmlElements = function (vertexShaderElemId, fragmentShaderElemId,
vertexAttributes, uniformVarNames) { // -> bool
if (this.detail.webGLProgramObj) {
console.warn("Dispose the current program before initializing it again!");
return true;
var vertexShaderObj = ShaderProgram.createShaderFromHtmlElement(vertexShaderElemId);
if (!vertexShaderObj) {
return false;
var fragmentShaderObj = ShaderProgram.createShaderFromHtmlElement(fragmentShaderElemId);
if (!fragmentShaderObj) {
return false;
var result = this.initWithShaders(
vertexShaderObj, fragmentShaderObj,
vertexAttributes, uniformVarNames);
// Once the program is created, shader objects may be disposed.
return result;
ShaderProgram.prototype.dispose = function () { // -> void
if (this.detail.webGLProgramObj) {
// Unbind first if needed.
if (this.detail.gl.getParameter(this.detail.gl.CURRENT_PROGRAM) === this.detail.webGLProgramObj) {
// Delete WebGL handle and reset this object:
this.detail.webGLProgramObj = null;
this.detail.vertexAttribs = null;
this.detail.uniformVars = null;
// Leave `this.detail.name` intact.
ShaderProgram.prototype.bind = function () { // -> void
if (this.detail.webGLProgramObj) {
ShaderProgram.bindNull = function () { // -> void ['static' method]
var gl = Renderer.getWebGLContext();
ShaderProgram.prototype.isBound = function () { // -> bool
if (!this.detail.webGLProgramObj) {
return false;
return this.detail.gl.getParameter(this.detail.gl.CURRENT_PROGRAM) === this.detail.webGLProgramObj;
ShaderProgram.prototype.getName = function () { // -> String
return this.detail.name;
ShaderProgram.prototype.setName = function (newName) { // -> void
this.detail.name = newName;
ShaderProgram.prototype.getVertexAttribIndex = function (name) { // -> GLenum
console.assert(name, "Invalid vertex attribute name!");
if (!this.detail.vertexAttribs) {
console.warn("No vertex attributes available for shader program '" + this.detail.name + "'!");
return -1;
if (!this.detail.vertexAttribs.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
console.warn("Undefined vertex attribute '" + name + "' for shader program '" + this.detail.name + "'!");
return -1;
return this.detail.vertexAttribs[name];
ShaderProgram.prototype.validateSetUniformParams = function (varName, varValue) { // -> bool
// This internal helper is used to validate the inputs of the `setUniformX()` methods.
if (this.detail.webGLProgramObj === null || this.detail.uniformVars === null) {
console.warn("Shader program '" + this.detail.name + "' is invalid or has no uniform vars!");
return false;
console.assert(varName !== undefined && varName !== null, "Invalid uniform var name/id!");
console.assert(varValue !== undefined && varValue !== null, "Invalid uniform var value!");
console.assert(this.detail.gl.getParameter(this.detail.gl.CURRENT_PROGRAM) === this.detail.webGLProgramObj,
"Bind the shader program '" + this.detail.name + "' first!");
if (!this.detail.uniformVars.hasOwnProperty(varName)) {
console.warn("Uniform var '" + varName + "' not found on program '" + this.detail.name + "'!");
return false;
return true;
ShaderProgram.prototype.setUniform1i = function (varName, ival) { // -> bool
if (!this.validateSetUniformParams(varName, ival)) {
return false;
this.detail.gl.uniform1i(this.detail.uniformVars[varName], ival);
return true;
ShaderProgram.prototype.setUniform1f = function (varName, fval) { // -> bool
if (!this.validateSetUniformParams(varName, fval)) {
return false;
this.detail.gl.uniform1f(this.detail.uniformVars[varName], fval);
return true;
ShaderProgram.prototype.setUniformVec2 = function (varName, v2) { // -> bool
if (!this.validateSetUniformParams(varName, v2)) {
return false;
this.detail.gl.uniform2fv(this.detail.uniformVars[varName], v2);
return true;
ShaderProgram.prototype.setUniformVec3 = function (varName, v3) { // -> bool
if (!this.validateSetUniformParams(varName, v3)) {
return false;
this.detail.gl.uniform3fv(this.detail.uniformVars[varName], v3);
return true;
ShaderProgram.prototype.setUniformVec4 = function (varName, v4) { // -> bool
if (!this.validateSetUniformParams(varName, v4)) {
return false;
this.detail.gl.uniform4fv(this.detail.uniformVars[varName], v4);
return true;
ShaderProgram.prototype.setUniformMatrix4x4 = function (varName, m4x4) { // -> bool
if (!this.validateSetUniformParams(varName, m4x4)) {
return false;
this.detail.gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this.detail.uniformVars[varName], /* transpose = */ false, m4x4);
return true;
Usage example:
// Assume a 'debug_line' shader is defined inside some `<script>` element.
var shdr = new ShaderProgram("debug_line");
var vertexAttribs = [
{ name: "vertex_position", index: 0 },
{ name: "vertex_color", index: 1 }
var shaderUniforms = [ "mvp_matrix" ];
"vs_debug_line", "fs_debug_line",
vertexAttribs, shaderUniforms);
shdr.setUniformMatrix4x4("mvp_matrix", Matrix4x4.identity());
Please review any and all aspects of the code and let me know if I'm following good and up-to-date JavaScript programming practices. I'm fairly new to JS, so tips on how to improve my coding style will be appreciated.
In particular, I had this idea of placing the "private" data of ShaderProgram
inside a sub-object literal conveniently named detail
, to emphasize that the data is not meant for direct external access. Is this okay? Are there better ways to define private class data in JavaScript?