Your main in-effeciency is here:
if(std::find(listOfNonPrimes.begin(), listOfNonPrimes.end(), i) != listOfNonPrimes.end())
For every non-prime you are a doing a search through the list of non primes. For both std::vector
and std::list
this is an O(n) operation.
The usual way of implementing this is to have an array where the removed elements are represented by their index into the array and thus represent a complexity of O(1) to both set and check if an element has already been set to false.
std::vector<bool> sieve(number + 1, true);
Then the following lines can be replaced:
if(std::find(listOfNonPrimes.begin(), listOfNonPrimes.end(), i) != listOfNonPrimes.end())
// Change too
sieve[i] = false;
Other things:
Every time through the loop you do a test:
if (i == current_prime_check) {
This is only true the first element.
So hoist it out of the loop. Do the container.push_back(i);
outside the loop and start i
at the next position:
for (unsigned int i = 2 * current_prime_check; i < number; i += current_prime_check)
// ^^^^ Start one place up from where you were.
Replace the other find as well:
while (std::find(listOfNonPrimes.begin(), listOfNonPrimes.end(), current_prime_check) != listOfNonPrimes.end()) {
If you use the sieve this can be replaced by a simple test into the sieve:
while (!sieve[current_prime_check]) {
After Edit Comments:
We can make it quicker.
Your function that generates the prime:
void CalculateListOfPrimes(std::vector<unsigned int>& container, const unsigned int number)
You pass an array the function fills the array then you processes the array as the next stage. A better solution would be to pass a function that is applied to each prime as you find it. Then you can have a simple version that pushes the values into a container. Or alternatively you can have a function that just sums up the primes (so you do not even need the container or have to iterate over it).
So try:
template<typename Func>
void CalculateListOfPrimes(Func const& action, const unsigned int number);
Then you could use it like this:
struct PB
std::vector<unsigned int>& cont;
PB(std::vector<unsigned int>& c): cont(c) {}
void operator()(unsigned int value) const { cont.push_back(value); }
std::vector<int> data;
CalculateListOfPrimes(PB(data), 2000000);
Or you can have a specific function
struct Sum
unsigned int& sum;
Sum(unsigned int& s) : sum(s) {}
void operator()(unsigned int value) const { sum += value; }
unsigned int total;
CalculateListOfPrimes(Sum(total), 2000000);
Don't use system("pause");
. It's plainly platform specific. All you are doing is getting the program to wait. So read a line from the standard input.
std::getline(std::cin, line); // If you have other input you may need to flush first.
Hash define not a good move.
Prefer to use a function (there is no performance penalty as it will probably be inlined). If you must use a hash define then define it like this:
#define PAUSE do { /* Action To Pause */ } while(false)
primes = CalculateListOfPrimes(std::atoi(argv[2]));
Not standard. No way to check failures.
I would use boost::lexical_cast(argv[2]) it will throw an exception on failure.
Don't pass pointers around
DisplayResult(&primes, 0);
Change the function so you pass by const
reference. This avoids the copy, stops you from accidentally modifying the array, and you can't accidentally pass a NULL
so its always valid.
void DisplayResult(std::vector<bool> const& container, const unsigned int sum);
Truth values:
The result of the ==
operation is a boolean so you don't need to use a ternary operator on-top of that:
bool isSumArg = (std::strcmp("-s", argv[1]) == 0 ? true : false);
is exactly equivalent to the easier-to-read
bool isSumArg = (std::strcmp("-s", argv[1]) == 0);
Prime specific values:
A quick optimization here. You do not need this loop to go all the way to number
You just need to loop as far as sqrt(number)
after that nothing will affect the result.
while (current_prime_check < number) { … }
Make functions do one thing.
This function does lots of different things depending on the inputs that are not related.
void DisplayResult(std::vector<bool>* container, const unsigned int sum) {
if(container == NULL && sum == 0) {
if(sum != 0) {
std::cout << "Sum of Primes: " << sum << std::endl;
} else if(container != NULL) {
std::cout << "List of Primes:" << std::endl;
for(unsigned int i = 1; i < container->size(); ++i) {
if(container->at(i) == true) std::cout << std::setw(15) << std::right << i << std::endl;