Last semester in my Masters Program I developed this code for sieving. My professor wants me to write a report that he might use locally within the school, but I feel like I've done nothing that new, despite coming up with my algorithm without doing any research other than the bare numbers.
Essentially it skips over a large percentage of numbers (I estimate about 66%). It skips all factors of 2 and 3. The first loop throws in primes and potential primes through a modified formula of 6k+-1. The second nested loop takes the outer prime numbers and finds all multiples.
The inner if
statement skips numbers as well - if the number is a factor of 3, it skips ahead. For instance if B = 13, B+2 = 15%3 = 0, then B jumps straight to 17. I've found this method to be faster for some reason than accessing the array every b+=2; and switching the boolean. Unfortunately, I wish I could find a way to make it more efficient (I may be able to use an additional counter to just figure out when the number is going to fall on a five or three).
Psuedo-code as follows (of course this implementation is different, but follows similar principles):
- Initialize list with initial values (2,3).
- Use the formula 6k±1 where k = 1 and must increment by 1. Store values to list.
- Compute step 2 up to a product n, where n > 7 if k = 1.
- Starting with x=5, remove all products of x*y (to n), where y starts at x and
increments to the next number in the list as x remains the same. - Repeat step four by assigning x to the next number in the list - stop when x*y > N.
- Final step: We must remove all factors of the square of every prime number (25, 49)
Is this any decent, or is my implementation really slow?
// Class:
// Author: Alex Lieberman
// Purpose: Finds all prime numbers up to a specified
// maxNumber and marks them as true in the boolean array.
public class SixSieve
public static void main (String[] args)
int maxNumber = 1000;
boolean[] Numbers = new boolean [maxNumber];
Numbers[2] = true;
Numbers[3] = true;
int num = Numbers.length;
// The following loop finds
// potential primes and primes.
for (int i = 5, j = 7; i < num; i+=6, j+=6)
Numbers[i] = true;
if (j < num)
Numbers[j] = true;
// The following loop eliminates
// non-primes (multiples of everything
// in the previous loop).
for (int a = 5; a*a <= num; a+=2)
if (Numbers[a])
for (int b = a; b*a <= num; )
Numbers[b*a] = false;
if ((b+2)%3 == 0)
// The following loop prints
// all the primes found.
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
if (Numbers[i] == true)
System.out.print(i + " ");