I'm trying to generate N prime numbers where my N = 200,000.
The method that I think I wrote is -
- Start with first prime of 2
- Increment possible prime number by 1
- See if possible prime is divisible by any found prime (if yes exit to 2)
- Stop testing when next found prime is more than half of the possible prime (exit to 2)
- Add it to the list
It works, but it is taking 1 minute 8 seconds which seems really long. Is my algorithm not doing what I think or is it just implemented incorrectly? Or should I not be using these arrays?
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer On
Option Compare Text
Module PrimeNumberGenerator
Sub Main()
Static start_time As DateTime
Static end_time As DateTime
Dim elapsed_time As TimeSpan
start_time = DateTime.Now
Dim targetPrimes(199999) As Integer
targetPrimes = GetPrimes(targetPrimes.Length)
end_time = DateTime.Now
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
End Sub
Private Function GetPrimes(ByVal countOfPrimes As Integer) As Integer()
Dim myPrimes(countOfPrimes - 1) As Integer
Dim primeIndex As Integer = 0
Dim testIndex As Integer = 0
Dim possiblePrime As Integer = 2
myPrimes(primeIndex) = possiblePrime
Do Until primeIndex = countOfPrimes - 1
possiblePrime += 1
For testIndex = 0 To primeIndex
If possiblePrime Mod myPrimes(testIndex) = 0 Then
Continue Do
ElseIf myPrimes(testIndex + 1) * 2 > possiblePrime Then
Exit For
End If
primeIndex += 1
myPrimes(primeIndex) = possiblePrime
Return myPrimes
End Function
End Module