I am working on a project that has to parse through a text file and perform validations on certain fields in the file. Some of the validations are basic (i.e. data types), and other's are a little more complex (i.e. field 1 must be x if field 2 is y).
There is a requirement that this be done in SQL Server. I have a C# background and find myself frustrated by T-SQL's difficulty in manipulating data. It is awesome for Set based operations and CRUD. However, if I need to perform row operations, I find myself writing ugly code. For example, if I need to loop through a table and step through row by row, and pull out 10 columns etc. it generates hard to read code.
Here is the code I have created and with some more information. I have a file with a predetermined format. This file needs to be validated against a list of validations stored in a table. For example, the first character of a line must be either 1, 3 or 5. I need to group the lines together based on a key and then loop through these and run all the validations against them. All this logic must be done in SQL Server.
declare @activeValidations table
validationId int,
processed bit
insert into @activeValidations
select Validation_ID, 0 from Validations_List where [ENABLED] = 'Y'
-- UDT
declare @keyData KeyData
insert into @keyData
select distinct Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, Field5, Field6, 0 as 'Processed'
from [FILE]
where Field2 is not null
WHILE (select COUNT(*) from @keyData where processed = 0) > 0
declare @recordId bigint
select top 1 @recordId = KeyDataRecordId from @keyData where processed = 0
update @activeValidations
set Processed = 0
WHILE (select COUNT(*) from @activeValidations where processed = 0) > 0
declare @validationId int
select top 1 @validationId = validationId from @activeValidations where processed = 0
declare @keyDataRow KeyData
insert into @keyDataRow
select top 1 Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, Field5, Field6, [Processed] from @keyData where KeyDataRecordId = @recordId
declare @storedProcIndicator char(1)
select @storedProcIndicator = PROC_INDICATOR from Validations_List where Validation_ID = @validationId
IF @storedProcIndicator = 'Y'
declare @procName nvarchar(40)
select @procName = PROC_NAME from Validations_List where Validation_ID = @validationId
EXECUTE sp_executesql @procName, N'@keyDataRow KeyData READONLY', @keyDataRow
update @activeValidations
set Processed = 1
where validationId = @validationId
update @keyData
set Processed = 1
where KeyDataRecordId = @recordId
Validation Proc
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp110_v1]
(@keyData KeyData READONLY)
declare @validationMessage varchar(500)
select @validationMessage = Message from Validations_List where Validation_ID = 110
-- Field must be numeric in Position 108-117 10 bytes
insert into FailedValidations
select Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, Field5, Field6, @validationMessage
from [FILE] wf
where wf.Field1= (select Field1 from @keyData) and
wf.Field2 = (select Field2 from @keyData) and
wf.Field3 = (select Field3 from @keyData) and
wf.Field4 = (select Field4 from @keyData) and
wf.Field5 = (select Field5 from @keyData) and
wf.Field6 = (select Field6 from @keyData) and
wf.RecordType = '04' and
--Note the row column is varchar(500) and represents 1 row in a text file
ISNUMERIC(SUBSTRING(Row, 108, 10)) <> 1