- Very small subset of Forth
- This is a proof of concept level compiler, no optimizations or over/underflow checking
- See the embedded POD for more information
- NASM is used as assembler
- gcc is used to link with glibc
- 32bit ELF Binary is generated
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
sub tokenize {
my $fullcode = shift;
if ( not defined $fullcode ) {
die "Invalid Arguments";
my @tokens;
while ( $fullcode =~ /([0-9]+|\+|\-|\*|\/|\.)/g ) {
push @tokens, $1;
return @tokens;
sub generate_assembly {
my @tokens = @{ $_[0] };
if ( not @tokens ) {
die "Invalid Arguments";
my $assembly = "section .text\nglobal main\nextern printf\nmain:\n";
say "Tokens";
say "==================";
foreach (@tokens) {
say "<$_>";
if ( $_ =~ /[0-9]+/ ) {
$assembly .= "push $_\n";
elsif ( $_ eq "+" ) {
$assembly .= "pop ebx\npop eax\nadd eax,ebx\npush eax\n";
elsif ( $_ eq "-" ) {
$assembly .= "pop ebx\npop eax\nsub eax,ebx\npush eax\n";
elsif ( $_ eq "/" ) {
$assembly .= "mov edx,0\npop ecx\npop eax\ndiv ecx\npush eax\n";
elsif ( $_ eq "*" ) {
$assembly .= "mov edx,0\npop ecx\npop eax\nmul ecx\npush eax\n";
elsif ( $_ eq "." ) {
$assembly .= "push message\ncall printf\nadd esp, 8\n";
$assembly .= "ret\nmessage db \"%d\", 10, 0;";
say "==================";
return $assembly;
my $version = "0.1";
say "Welcome to BhathiFoth compiler v$version";
say "========================================";
my $source = shift @ARGV;
my $output = shift @ARGV;
if ( not defined $source or not defined $output ) {
"Invalid Commandline arguments.\n\nUSAGE:\n% ./ <source> <output>";
open my $CODE, "<", $source or die "Cannot open file '$source'\n:$!";
my ( $line, $fullcode );
$fullcode = "";
while ( $line = <$CODE> ) {
$fullcode .= $line;
close $CODE or die "Cannot close file '$source'\n$!";
my @tokens = tokenize($fullcode);
my $assembly = generate_assembly( \@tokens );
say "Assembly Code";
say "==================";
say $assembly;
say "==================";
open my $ASM, '>', "$output.asm"
or die "Cannot open file to write '$output.asm'\n:$!";
print $ASM $assembly;
close $ASM or die "Cannot close file '$output.asm'\n$!";
say "Building Executable...";
system("nasm -f elf $output.asm && gcc -m32 -o $output $output.o");
# ---------------------------------
# BhathiForth compiler Documentation
# ---------------------------------
=head1 NAME
a reverse polish notation based compiler
(very small subset of forth)
(proof of concept level compiler, no optimizations or over/underflow checking)
=head2 instructions:
451 [0-9]+ push a number (integers only) to stack
+ add
- minus
* multiply
/ devide
. print (adds newline automatically, this will pop the value)
all other characters are ignored
=head2 information
uses nasm as assembler and gcc to link (depend on c library-glibc)
works only in linux (ELF binary format is used)
=head2 usage
chmod a+x ./
./ <source> <output>
# --------------------------------
10 push ten 10 push ten * pop twice, multiply and push . print top value : this prints hundred 200 56 push twenty eight + . prints two five six 256 2 / . prints one two eight 500 50 - . prints four five zero
When executed as ./ test.b4 test
Welcome to BhathiFoth compiler v0.1 ======================================== Tokens ================== <10> <10> <*> <.> <200> <56> <+> <.> <256> <2> </> <.> <500> <50> <-> <.> ================== Assembly Code ================== section .text global main extern printf main: push 10 push 10 mov edx,0 pop ecx pop eax mul ecx push eax push message call printf add esp, 8 push 200 push 56 pop ebx pop eax add eax,ebx push eax push message call printf add esp, 8 push 256 push 2 mov edx,0 pop ecx pop eax div ecx push eax push message call printf add esp, 8 push 500 push 50 pop ebx pop eax sub eax,ebx push eax push message call printf add esp, 8 ret message db "%d", 10, 0; ================== Building Executable...
Output ELF
Executed as ./test
100 256 128 450