
I'm developing a PHP function for calculating labor percentage (labor cost/sales) accounting for daily and weekly overtime rules, if applicable, based on the payroll period; the wages for each employee in the time input search range are calculated then summed to determine total labor cost.

The function takes start/end date/times from datetime pickers as POST data for the search range of sales and shift records, but can be hardcoded in as UTC stamps.

Intended for use with a DB containing tables for sales records (UNIX timestamp,amount) and employee clock in/out records (StaffID, ClockIn, ClockOut, RegRate, OvertimeRate) but similarly structured arrays will work just fine.

I'm looking for any criticisms or suggestions, tried to use verbose variable names for clarity.

Updated: I added the logic for calculating the employees' earnings for each shift, using the same payroll/overtime considerations. Response now returns (StaffID,TotalEarnings,TotalTime) records as well as the original clock in/out records in the search range with the ShiftEarnings appended.

function labor_summary_post() {

  $weeklimit = 0;   //weekly overtime hours threshold; 0 = no weekly OT  consideration e.g. 40
  $daylimit = 0;    //daily overtime hours threshold; 0 = no daily OT consideration e.g. 8
  $payrollstart = 0; //day of the week payroll starts; Sun-Sat = 0-6

  $offset = 0;  //time offset from UTC default in seconds

  $startDate = strtotime($this->post('startDate')); //unix timestamp of query start date
  $endDate = strtotime($this->post('endDate')); //unix timestamp of query end date

  if ($this->post('startTime')){    //optional
    $startTime = strtotime($this->post('startTime')); //unix timestamp of query start time
    $startminute = date('i', $startTime);   //0-59
    $starthour = date('H', $startTime); //0-23
    $startseconds = date('s', $startTime); // 1-12
  else{ //defaults to 00:00
    $startTime = 0;
    $startminute = 0;
    $starthour = 0;
    $startseconds = 0;
 if($this->post('endTime')){    //end time provided
     $endTime = strtotime($this->post('endTime')); //unix timestamp of query end time
    $endminute = date('i', $endTime);
    $endhour = date('H', $endTime);
    $endseconds = date('s', $endTime);
  }else{    //defaults to 00:00
    $endTime = 0;
    $endminute = 0;
    $endhour = 0;
    $endseconds = 0;

  $start = $startDate + ($starthour *3600) + ($startminute *60) +      $startseconds; //query start in seconds
  $end = $endDate + ($endhour *3600) + ($endminute *60) + $endseconds;  //query end in seconds
  if($endTime == 0){  //only end date provided; assume end of day
    $end += $ONEDAYSECONDS;

  $startz = $start - $offset; //start, timezone adjusted
  $endz = $end - $offset; //end, timezone adjusted

  //day of nearest, prior payroll start 
  $startweekday = date('w', $startDate);
  if($startweekday < $payrollstart){
    $daystoprevpayroll = 7 - ($payrollstart - $startweekday);
  } else{
    $daystoprevpayroll = abs($payrollstart - $startweekday);
  $timetoprevpayroll = $daystoprevpayroll * $ONEDAYSECONDS;
  $bufferedstarttime = ($startDate - $timetoprevpayroll) - $offset; //most recent payroll start

  $query = //multiarray of clock in/out staff records: Where bufferedstartime<=ClockIn<=endz
        //should exclude records where ClockOut == null
  $staffquery = //multiarray of staff (StaffID) who worked during range

  $employees = array(); //multiarray of shifts by employee
  $numShifts = count($query[0]);  //count of shift records
  //iterate through shifts
  for($i = 0; $i < $numShifts; $i++){
    $shift = $query[0][$i];
    $staffID = $shift['StaffID']; //employee identifier

    //arrange shifts by employee
    if(!array_key_exists($staffID, $employees)) {
      $employees[$staffID] = array();
    array_push($employees[$staffID], $shift);

  $newstaff = array(); //for returning cropped shift results
  $shiftrecords = array(); //for returning shift records w/ earnings added

  $totalRegHours = 0;   //sum of all regular hours worked by all employees
  $totalRegDollars = 0; //sum of all regular dollars earned by all employees
  $totalOverHours = 0;  //sum of all overtime hours worked by all employees
  $totalOverDollars = 0;    //sum of all overtime dollars earned by all employees

  //iterate through each employee
  foreach ($employees as $employee){
    $weekindex = 1; //current week in the iteration
    $dailyhourtotal = 0;    //sum of hours worked in current day
    $weeklyhourtotal = 0;   //sum of hours worked in current week
    $prevday = -1;  //tracks day of current shift
    $totalEarnings = 0; //record earnings of employee's shifts within provided date range
    $totalTime = 0; //record time of shifts within provided date range

    //iterate through each shift of the current employee
    foreach($employee as $shift){
      $currentday = date('d', ($shift['ClockIn'])); //index of the shift's day
      $clockin = $shift['ClockIn']; //stamp of shift start
      $clockout = $shift['ClockOut']; //stamp of shift end
      $duration = $clockout - $clockin; //length of shift
      $shiftearnings = 0.0; //earnings for given shift
      $staffID = $shift['StaffID'];

      $regRate = $shift['RegRate']; //employee's regular pay rate for the shift
      $overRate = $shift['OverRate'];   //employees OT rate for the shift

      $include = false; //include shift in labor % calculation

      //new week, if considered
      if($weeklimit > 0 && $clockin > ($bufferedstarttime + ($ONEWEEKSECONDS * $weekindex))){
        $weeklyhourtotal = 0;
        $weekindex += 1;

      //new day, if considered
      if($daylimit > 0 && $currentday != $prevday){
        $dailyhourtotal = 0;

      //punches don't fall in search range, but employee was punched in
      if($clockin <= $startz && $clockout >= $endz){
        $duration = $duration - ($startz - $clockin)/3600 - ($clockout - $endz)/3600;
        $include = true;
      //shift exceeds end date, truncate length
      else if($clockin >= $startz && $clockin <= $endz && $clockout >= $endz){
        $duration = $duration - ($clockout - $endz)/3600;
        $include = true;
      //shift starts before search and enters range
      else if($clockin <= $startz && $clockout >= $startz && $clockout <= $endz){
        $duration = $duration - ($startz - $clockin)/3600;
        $include = true;

      /* Calculate hours and pay
        Shifts in the buffered payroll range but outside the search range are excluded
        Each case applies the check before adding shift data to totals

      //CASE 1: Both daily and weekly will exceed overtime
      if($weeklimit > 0 && $daylimit > 0
        && $dailyhourtotal <= $daylimit && $dailyhourtotal + $duration > $daylimit
        && $weeklyhourtotal <= $weeklimit && $weeklyhourtotal + $duration > $weeklimit){
        $dailydif = ($duration + $dailyhourtotal) - $daylimit;  //day amount that exceeds OT limit
        $weeklydif = ($duration + $weeklyhourtotal) - $weeklimit; //week amount that exceeds OT
        if($dailydif >= $weeklydif  //day hours remainder is greater
            && (($clockin >= $startz && $clockout <= $endz) || $include)){
          $totalRegHours += ($daylimit - $dailyhourtotal);
          $totalRegDollars += ($daylimit - $dailyhourtotal) * $regRate;
          $totalOverHours += $dailydif;
          $totalOverDollars += $dailydif * $overRate;
          $shiftearnings += ($daylimit - $dailyhourtotal) * $regRate;
          $shiftearnings += $dailydif * $overRate;
        else if($weeklydif > $dailydif
            && (($clockin >= $startz && $clockout <= $endz) || $include)){
          $totalRegHours += $weeklimit - $weeklyhourtotal;
          $totalRegDollars += ($weeklimit - $weeklyhourtotal) * $regRate;
          $totalOverHours += $weeklydif;
          $totalOverDollars += $weeklydif * $overRate;
          $shiftearnings += ($weeklimit - $weeklytotalhours) * $regRate;
          $shiftearnings += $weeklydif * $overRate;
      //CASE 2: Already in weekly overtime
      else if($weeklimit > 0 && $weeklyhourtotal > $weeklimit
          && (($clockin >= $startz && $clockout <= $endz) || $include)){
        $totalOverHours += $duration;
        $totalOverDollars += $duration * $overRate;
        $shiftearnings += $duration * $overRate;
      //CASE 3: Already in daily overtime
      else if($daylimit > 0 && $dailyhourtotal > $daylimit
          && (($clockin >= $startz && $clockout <= $endz) || $include)){
        $totalOverHours += $duration;
        $totalOverDollars += $duration * $overRate;
        $shiftearnings += $duration * $overRate;
      //CASE 4: Will exceed weekly overtime
      else if($weeklimit > 0 && ($weeklyhourtotal + $duration) > $weeklimit
          && (($clockin >= $startz && $clockout <= $endz) || $include)){
        $totalRegHours += ($weeklimit - $weeklyhourtotal);
        $totalRegDollars += ($weeklimit - $weeklyhourtotal) * $regRate;
        $totalOverHours += ($weeklyhourtotal + $duration) - $weeklimit;
        $totalOverDollars += (($weeklyhourtotal + $duration) - $weeklimit) * $overRate;
        $shiftearnings += ($weeklimit - $weeklytotalhours) * $regRate;
        $shiftearnings += (($weeklytotalhours + $duration) - $weeklimit) * $overRate;
      //CASE 5: Will exceed daily overtime
      else if($daylimit > 0 && ($dailyhourtotal + $duration) > $daylimit
          && (($clockin >= $startz && $clockout <= $endz) || $include)){
        $totalRegHours += ($daylimit - $dailyhourtotal);
        $totalRegDollars += ($daylimit - $dailyhourtotal) * $regRate;
        $totalOverHours += ($dailyhourtotal + $duration) - $daylimit;
        $totalOverDollars += (($dailyhourtotal + $duration) - $daylimit) * $overRate;
        $shiftearnings += ($daylimit - $dailyhourtotal) * $regRate;
        $shiftearnings += (($dailyhourtotal + $duration) - $daylimit) * $overRate;
      //CASE 6: No overtime
      else if(($clockin >= $start - $offset && $clockout <= $endz) || $include){
        $totalRegHours += $duration;
        $totalRegDollars += $duration * $regRate;
        $shiftearnings += $duration * $regRate;
      //shift falls in supplied date range
      if($shift['ClockIn'] > $startz
          && $shift['ClockIn'] < $endz){
        $shift['ShiftEarnings'] = money_format('%!i', $shiftearnings); //add earnings to current punch
        array_push($shiftrecords, $shift);
      $dailyhourtotal += $duration; //update daily total w/ shift length
      $weeklyhourtotal += $duration;    //update weekly total w/ shift length
      $totalEarnings += $shiftearnings; //record earnings in total
      $totalTime += $duration;  //record time in total
      $prevday = $currentday;
    }   //finished single shift

    //add total times/earnings to staff record
    foreach($staffquery as $staff){
      if($staff['StaffID'] == $staffID){
        $staff['TotalEarnings'] = money_format('%!i', $totalEarnings);
        $staff['TotalTime'] = $totalTime;
        array_push($newstaff, $staff);
    $totalEarnings = 0; //reset earnings for next employee
    $totalTime = 0; //reset time for next employee
  } //finished all of a single employee's shifts

$results = array(); //array for POST response
$results['RegularHours'] = $totalRegHours;
$results['RegularDollars'] = $totalRegDollars;
$results['OvertimeHours'] = $totalOverHours;
$results['OvertimeDollars'] = $totalOverDollars;
$results['TotalDollars'] = $totalRegDollars + $totalOverDollars;

$results['Staff'] = $newstaff; //key-val arrays w/ StaffID,TotalEarnings,TotalTime
$results['Shifts'] = $shiftrecords; //key-val arrays for shifts with earnings added

$salesquery = //DB query for total sales: Select sum(amount) From salesTbl Where: startz<=time<=endz
$totalSales = $salesquery[0];
$results['TotalSales'] = $totalSales;
if($totalSales == 0){ //no sales; labor is 100% of cost
  $results['LaborPercent'] = 100;
  $results['LaborPercent'] = (($totalRegDollars + $totalOverDollars) / $totalSales) * 100;

Feel free to use this; the results can easily be reported in an HTML table populated with an ng-repeat on the staff and shift arrays.

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ That's a big ass function. o,o \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 1, 2014 at 7:45
  • \$\begingroup\$ Yea sorry, didn't realize the size of the problem when I set out. I just tie this function to a submit button w/ the pickers \$\endgroup\$
    – lundhjem
    Commented Sep 1, 2014 at 7:48
  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ My first reaction is that you should be able to split that into smaller, more manageable functions. \$\endgroup\$
    – Emily L.
    Commented Sep 1, 2014 at 11:11
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you. In the interest of hopefully flushing out some errors not related to function length, I'll work on adding an updated version to address that. \$\endgroup\$
    – lundhjem
    Commented Sep 1, 2014 at 18:40

1 Answer 1


Use Classes


Using classes will not only make your code more readable, but also more easier to be maintainable and re-usable. It will help you separate the HTML logic and the PHP logic, instead of having a lot of messy PHP code in HTML files. My recommendation is, learn OOP Principals.


Variables like $ONEWEEKSECONDS and $ONEDAYSECONDS can be simplified as:

$ONEWEEKSECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
$ONEDAYSECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24;

This looks more read-able.

Also, looking at the length of your single function, I don't think anyone will bother even looking at it, they will simply give up. I suggest you to separate it into different smaller functions which perform ONLY ONE TASK.

One function, one job

When you look at your function, it is more like as if it is Hardcoded only for your task. A good programmer always code's it in a way, where it is re-usable. Have different functions for different tasks

  • \$\begingroup\$ I don't think anyone will bother even looking at it, they will simply give up. - That is not very nice to say, and I believe that you are totally wrong about that. It is a long function, yes, but that doesn't mean that everyone will give up when reading it. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 1, 2014 at 15:00
  • \$\begingroup\$ @SimonAndréForsberg well, what I actually meant was, people will not really be getting a positive impression. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 1, 2014 at 15:15
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you for the advice. I'm familiar w/ common practices like classes, functions, and readability; I'm mainly concerned w/ having the payroll logic and arithmetic peer reviewed. Maybe I mistakenly figured this consolidated version of my live code would be more clear to a reader, without having to consult function definitions at each line. \$\endgroup\$
    – lundhjem
    Commented Sep 1, 2014 at 18:37

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