This is part of a larger working system which I'm now trying to clean up. In the interests of making the system more test-able I'm splitting up the functions which can be split, but this 100-line function is messing me up.
Short overview, this takes 5 inputs:-
- matchedslots - A list of 4 times (nearest-match actual reporting schedule to the expected schedule in realslots)
- realslots - A list of 4 times (expected reporting schedule)
- leave - Fraction of the day that employee is on leave (0.2 is a 2 hour break, 0.5 is half-day leave, 1 is full-day leave)
- daytype - used elsewhere, but in this context 3 and above indicates a non-working day
- paid_lunch_period - special case for a certain class of employees who get paid for the lunch hour
And produces 6 outputs:-
- absent - 1, 0.5, or 0 indicating full/half/no absence on this day
- working - total number of hours worked
- shortearly - number of minutes the employee left early (for lunch or at day's end)
- shortlate - number of minutes the employee arrived late (morning or after lunch)
- overtime - number of minutes worked past closing time
- absentminutes - number of minutes the employee missed today (total)
The sheer number of if/else statements (and function length) convince me there must be a much better and more test-able way to write this, but I'm stumped.
def _calc_hours(matchedslots, realslots, leave, daytype, paid_lunch_period=False):
Based on the matched slots, calculate how many days absent, how many
minutes spent working (non-OT), how many minutes short, and how many
minutes overtime done (pass through _rounding_OT first)
Special case needs to be made for guard, where paid_lunch_period is
set to True. In that case he gets an additional 1 working hour per
day (assuming he was present).
absent, working, shortearly, shortlate, overtime = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
extratime = 0 # Used to track possible extra time for non-working days
# This time is only present around the lunch period
if leave not in (0, 0.2, 0.5, 1):
raise(ValueError('Leave can only be 0, 0.2, 0.5, or 1'))
# Variables to be used for calculating working time, may be overridden
# later if staff late/early
(clockin, lunchout, lunchin, clockout) = realslots
if lunchout:
morningminutes = _time_subtract(lunchout, clockin)
eveningminutes = _time_subtract(clockout, lunchin)
lunchduration = _time_subtract(lunchin, lunchout)
else: # Saturdays don't have lunch slots for some staff
morningminutes = _time_subtract(clockout, clockin)
eveningminutes = 0
lunchduration = 0
if matchedslots[0]: # Signed in in the morning
# Check for being late
late = _time_subtract(matchedslots[0], realslots[0])
if late > fuzzygap: # fuzzygap leeway given for morning
shortlate += late
clockin = matchedslots[0]
# Check if there IS a lunch time slot, and whether signout occured
if realslots[1] and matchedslots[1]:
# Check for possible short
early = _time_subtract(realslots[1], matchedslots[1])
if early > 0:
shortearly += early
lunchout = matchedslots[1]
early = early + lunchduration
extratime += -early if early < 0 else 0
else: # No morning sign-in, at least half-day absent
absent += 0.5
clockin = None
if matchedslots[3]: # Signed out sometime in evening/at night
# Check if there IS a lunch time slot, and whether signin occured
if realslots[2] and matchedslots[2]:
# Check for possible short
late = _time_subtract(matchedslots[2], realslots[2])
if late > 0:
shortlate += late
lunchin = matchedslots[2]
late = late + lunchduration
extratime += -late if late < 0 else 0
# Check for early signout
early = _time_subtract(realslots[3], matchedslots[3])
if early > 0:
shortearly += early
clockout = matchedslots[3]
else: # Did not leave early, check for overtime
overtime = -early
else: # No evening/night sign-out, at least half-day absent
absent += 0.5
clockout = None
# Calculate working hours
if lunchout and lunchin: # Not none meaning a normal day
if clockin:
working += _time_subtract(lunchout, clockin)
if clockout:
working += _time_subtract(clockout, lunchin)
if ((_time_subtract(clockout, time(15,15)) > 0) and
(_time_subtract(time(15,0), lunchin) > 0) and
not paid_lunch_period):
working -= 15 # tea break period
else: # A day without lunch hours
if clockin and clockout:
working += _time_subtract(clockout, clockin)
# If there's overtime, subtract up to an hour because lunch hour
# is not taken into account for this case yet
overtime = overtime - 60 if overtime >= 60 else 0
# If leave applied, this counts against absent
absent = absent - leave if absent >= leave else 0
if paid_lunch_period and absent == 0:
if lunchout and lunchin:
working += _time_subtract(lunchin, lunchout)
if daytype > 2: # Not a working day
# Add in the extra time
working += extratime
# Hours worked are counted as overtime
overtime += working
working = 0
# Can't be absent or early/late on non-working days
absent, shortearly, shortlate = 0, 0, 0
# Round out overtime hours
overtime = _rounding_OT(overtime)
# Calculate number of minutes absent
absentminutes = 0
if absent == 1: # Full day absence
absentminutes = morningminutes + eveningminutes
elif absent == 0.5: # Half day absence
if matchedslots[0]: # Signed in in morning, absence is evening
absentminutes = morningminutes
if leave == 0.2: # Time Off (max 2 hours)
if shortearly > shortlate:
shortearly = 0 if shortearly < 120 else shortearly - 120
shortlate = 0 if shortlate < 120 else shortlate - 120
return absent, working, shortearly, shortlate, overtime, absentminutes
Basically what's being done should be clear from the comments. If statements check for a combination of cases (some staff forget to sign in/out, and management doesn't penalise that in the case of lunch-time hours; Saturdays don't have lunch time slots for staff whose shift is only till noon; half-day leave can still result in half-day absence).
Here's the test function I use to verify that it works (sorry, its a bit verbose). The first format of matchedslots and realslots can be seen to be a list of 4 datetime.time() instances. leave is one of the values (0, 0.2, 0.5, 1)
, daytype is 2 and below or 3 and above, paid_lunch_period is a boolean value.
from datetime import time
def test_calc_hours():
daytype = {'work': 1, 'nonwork': 3}
normalschedule = [time(8,30), time(12,30), time(13,30), time(18,0)]
fridayadmin = [time(8,30), time(12,30), time(13,30), time(18,0)]
fridaymuslim = [time(8,30), time(13,0), time(14,30), time(18,0)]
fridaynon = [time(8,30), time(13,0), time(14,0), time(18,0)]
saturdayadmin = [time(8,30), None, None, time(12,30)]
saturdayothers = [time(8,30), time(12,30), time(13,30), time(15,0)]
matchedslots = [time(8,31), time(12,31), time(13,6), time(18,16)]
(absent, working, shortearly, shortlate, overtime, absentminutes
) = _calc_hours(matchedslots, normalschedule, 0,
assert (absent, working, shortearly, shortlate) == (0, 8*60 + 15, 0, 0)
assert (overtime, absentminutes) == (0, 0)
matchedslots = [time(9,45), time(12,31), time(13,6), time(18,16)]
(absent, working, shortearly, shortlate, overtime, absentminutes
) = _calc_hours(matchedslots, normalschedule, 0.2,
assert (absent, working, shortearly, shortlate) == (0, 7*60, 0, 0)
assert (overtime, absentminutes) == (0, 0)
matchedslots = [time(8,31), time(12,31), time(12,46), time(16,1)]
(absent, working, shortearly, shortlate, overtime, absentminutes
) = _calc_hours(matchedslots, normalschedule, 0,
assert (absent, working, shortearly, shortlate) == (0, 0, 0, 0)
assert (overtime, absentminutes) == (6*60+15, 0)
matchedslots = [time(8,17), None, None, time(12,14)]
(absent, working, shortearly, shortlate, overtime, absentminutes
) = _calc_hours(matchedslots, saturdayadmin, 0,
assert (absent, working) == (0, 224)
assert (shortearly, shortlate) == (16, 0)
assert (overtime, absentminutes) == (0, 0)
matchedslots = [time(8,17), None, None, time(13,44)]
(absent, working, shortearly, shortlate, overtime, absentminutes
) = _calc_hours(matchedslots, saturdayadmin, 0,
assert (absent, working) == (0, 240)
assert (shortearly, shortlate) == (0, 0)
assert (overtime, absentminutes) == (0, 0)
matchedslots = [time(8,17), None, None, time(18,1)]
(absent, working, shortearly, shortlate, overtime, absentminutes
) = _calc_hours(matchedslots, saturdayadmin, 0,
assert (absent, working) == (0, 0)
assert (shortearly, shortlate) == (0, 0)
assert (overtime, absentminutes) == (8*60+30, 0)
matchedslots = [time(8,39), None, None, time(17,0)]
(absent, working, shortearly, shortlate, overtime, absentminutes
) = _calc_hours(matchedslots, saturdayothers, 0,
assert (absent, working) == (0, 5*60+21)
assert (shortearly, shortlate) == (0, 9)
assert (overtime, absentminutes) == (2*60+0, 0)