I'd like to refactor my extractSimplePromptName
test so it does the same but it's "prettier", hence less code. As far as looking at it, it seems like it could be refactored so it does the same thing, but it's just less code. I'm just fairly new to programming so having a hard time seeing where I should make the changes.
Guessing it has something to do with putting some stuff out of the first if sentence or perhaps just removing something that doesn't do anything.
I just ain't that certain, and I'd really like some help so I can get better at doing decent code.
public void makeSimpleName1() {
String promptNameOrg = "20129142\\1234";
String simplePromptName = extractSimplePromptName(promptNameOrg);
Assert.assertEquals("1234", simplePromptName);
public void makeSimpleName2() {
String promptNameOrg = "80808080\\159;20129142\\1234";
String simplePromptName = extractSimplePromptName(promptNameOrg);
Assert.assertEquals("1234", simplePromptName);
public void makeSimpleName3() {
String promptNameOrg = "159;1234";
String simplePromptName = extractSimplePromptName(promptNameOrg);
Assert.assertEquals("1234", simplePromptName);
private String extractSimplePromptName(String promptNameOrg) {
String simplePromptName = "";
if (promptNameOrg != null) {
if (promptNameOrg.contains(";") || promptNameOrg.contains("\\")) {
List<String> splitPrompts = Arrays.asList(promptNameOrg.split(";"));
String promptName = splitPrompts.get(splitPrompts.size() - 1);
if (promptName.contains("\\")) {
String[] split = promptName.split("\\\\");
List<String> splitPromptName = Arrays.asList(split);
simplePromptName = splitPromptName.get(splitPromptName.size() - 1);
} else {
simplePromptName = promptName;
} else {
simplePromptName = promptNameOrg;
return simplePromptName;