Here are the changes I would make to your code in terms of both style and efficiency:
def sortedRanges(lo: Int, hi: Int, reps: Int): List[List[Int]] = reps match {
case 0 => Nil :: Nil
case _ =>
List.range(lo, hi) flatMap (x =>
sortedRanges(x, hi, reps - 1) map (xs =>
x :: xs))
def combinationsWithReplacement(stuff: Vector[T], reps: Int): List[List[T]] =
sortedRanges(0, stuff.length, reps) map (xs =>
xs map (x =>
Style Comments
Methods which take functions as parameters (flatMap
and map
in this case) should be invoked using infix notation. That is, if there were a god of Idiomatic Scala Style he would prefer xs map (...)
Defined functions should use camel case, e.g. combWithRep
over comb_with_rep
In general, and you will get a feel for this the more you use Scala, pattern matching is preferred over if-statements. You will notice that in your function sortedRanges
I've swapped your if-else statement for a pattern match on the value reps
The last style tip I have for you is to break a chain of higher order functions over several lines. This last one can be fudged in some cases, but in general I find that it improves readability.
Efficiency Comment
The one change that I made in the name of efficiency was to change the container type of stuff
from List[T]
to Vector[T]
. The reason I made this change is that accessing an item in a List
takes linear time on the length of the list, whereas accessing an item in a Vector
is almost constant. And as you know, you are accessing elements of stuff
by index is in the last line of combinationsWithReplacement