I am still new to scalaScala and wrote a small snippet to find all the combinations with replacement of a sequence, e (e.g. cwr(ab, 3) should give aaa, aab, abb, bbb). The slow way would be to generate all permutations, sort them, and throw out duplicates. I'd like to know if this code is idiomatic scalaScala style, and if I'm making any bad performance mistakes.
def sortedRanges(lo: Int, hi: Int, reps: Int) : List[List[Int]] =
if (reps == 0) List(Nil) else (
(x:Int) => (sortedRanges(x,hi,reps-1).map((xs:List[Int]) => x :: xs ))
def combinations_with_replacement[T](stuff: List[T], reps: Int) : List[List[T]] =
sortedRanges(0,stuff.length, reps).map( (xs:List[Int]) => xs.map(stuff(_)))