I am newish to Python and I am looking for some extra eyes on a script I wrote. I wrote this script to learn more about web-scraping and using requests and Beautiful Soup. I use it to connect to the website wallbase.cc and save the top 32 wallpapers from the last 3 days into a directory where I later cycle through displaying them on my desktop.
I'm really looking for some best practices suggestions, whatever you think is appropriate. I'm open to any constructive criticism.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import requests
import sys
import urllib.request
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import hashlib
def get_pic(number_imgs, timespan):
"""Returns a list of the specified number of top images over the specified
timeframe from wallbase.cc
url = "http://wallbase.cc/toplist"
opts = {
'section':'wallpapers', 'q':'', 'res_opt':'gteq',
'res':'1920x1080', 'aspect':'1.77', 'purity':'100',
'board':'21', 'thpp':number_imgs, 'ts':timespan
htmltext = requests.get(url, params = opts)
page_urls = []
img_urls = []
soup = BeautifulSoup(htmltext.content)
results = soup.findAll("a")
for r in results:
if "http://wallbase.cc/wallpaper/" in r['href']:
for p in page_urls:
wp_page = requests.get(p)
wp_soup = BeautifulSoup(wp_page.content)
wp_results = wp_soup.findAll("img")
for res in wp_results:
if "http://wallpapers.wallbase.cc/" in res['src']:
return img_urls
def save_pic(url):
"""Saves a file to disk when given a URL"""
save_path = sys.argv[1]
hs = hashlib.md5(url.encode('UTF-8')).hexdigest()
file_ext = url.split(".")[-1]
to_save = (save_path + hs + "." + file_ext)
if to_save != "":
if os.path.isfile(to_save):
print(hs + "." + str(file_ext) + "\texists, skipping...")
print(hs + "." + str(file_ext) + "\tdownloading...")
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, to_save)
if __name__ == "__main__":
for img in get_pic(32, "3d"):