The following code uses scikit-learn to carry out K-means clustering where \$K = 4\$, on an example related to wine marketing from the book DataSmart. That book uses excel but I wanted to learn Python (including numPy and sciPy) so I implemented this example in that language (of course the K-means clustering is done by the scikit-learn package, I'm first interested in just getting the data in to my program and getting the answer out).
I'm new to Python so any advice on style or ways to write my code in a more idiomatic way would be appreciated.
The csv files needed (in the same directory as the program code) can be produced from downloading "Chapter 2" from the book link above and saving the first and second sheets of the resulting excel file as csv.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A program to carry out Kmeans clustering where K=4
on data relating to wine marketing from book
"Data Smart: Using Data Science to Transform Information into Insight"
Requires csv input file OfferInfo.csv with headings
'Campaign', 'Varietal', 'Minimum Qty (kg)', 'Discount (%)', 'Origin', 'Past Peak'
and input file Transactions.csv with headings
'Customer Last Name', 'Offer #'
#make more similar to Python 3
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import, unicode_literals
#other stuff we need to import
import csv
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
#beginning of main program
#read in OfferInfo.csv
csvf = open('OfferInfo.csv','rU')
rows = csv.reader(csvf)
offer_sheet = [row for row in rows]
#read in Transactions.csv
csvf = open('Transactions.csv','rU')
rows = csv.reader(csvf)
transaction_sheet = [row for row in rows]
#first row of each spreadsheet is column headings, so we remove them
offer_sheet_data = offer_sheet[1:]
transaction_sheet_data = transaction_sheet[1:]
K=4 #four clusters
num_deals = len(offer_sheet_data) #assume listed offers are distinct
#find the sorted list of customer last names
customer_names = []
for row in transaction_sheet_data:
customer_names = list(set(customer_names))
num_customers = len(customer_names)
#create a num_deals x num_customers matrix of which customer took which deal
deal_customer_matrix = np.zeros((num_deals,num_customers))
for row in transaction_sheet_data:
cust_number = customer_names.index(row[0])
deal_number = int(row[1])
deal_customer_matrix[deal_number-1,cust_number] = 1
customer_deal_matrix = deal_customer_matrix.transpose()
#initialize and carry out clustering
km = KMeans(n_clusters = K)
#find center of clusters
centers = km.cluster_centers_
centers[centers<0] = 0 #the minimization function may find very small negative numbers, we threshold them to 0
centers = centers.round(2)
print('\n--------Centers of the four different clusters--------')
print('Deal\t Cent1\t Cent2\t Cent3\t Cent4')
for i in range(num_deals):
#find which cluster each customer is in
prediction = km.predict(customer_deal_matrix)
print('\n--------Which cluster each customer is in--------')
for i in range(len(prediction)):
#determine which deals are most often in each cluster
deal_cluster_matrix = np.zeros((num_deals,K),
print('\n-----How many of each deal involve a customer in each cluster-----')
print('Deal\t Clust1\t Clust2\t Clust3\t Clust4')
for i in range(deal_number):
for j in range(cust_number):
if deal_customer_matrix[i,j] == 1:
deal_cluster_matrix[i,prediction[j]] += 1
for i in range(deal_number):
for j in range(K):
print('The total distance of the solution found is',sum((km.transform(customer_deal_matrix)).min(axis=1)))