Here is my personal implementation of the clustering k-means algorithm.
from scipy.spatial import distance
import numpy as np
import random
# (x,y) coordinates of a point
X = 0
Y = 1
def get_first(k, points):
return points[0:k]
def cost(cetroids, clusters):
cost = 0
for i in range(len(centroids)):
centroid = centroids[i]
cluster = clusters[i]
for point in cluster:
cost += (distance.euclidean(centroid, point))**2
return cost
def compute_centroids(clusters):
centroids = []
for cluster in clusters:
centroids.append(np.mean(cluster, axis=0))
return centroids
def kmeans(k, centroids, points, method, iter):
clusters = [[] for i in range(k)]
for i in range(len(points)):
point = points[i]
belongs_to_cluster = closest_centroid(point, centroids)
new_centroids = compute_centroids(clusters)
if not equals(centroids, new_centroids):
print "Iteration " + str(iter) + ". Cost [k=" + str(k) + ", " + method + "] = " + str(cost(new_centroids, clusters))
clusters = kmeans(k, new_centroids, points, method, iter+1)
return clusters
def closest_centroid(point, centroids):
min_distance = float('inf')
belongs_to_cluster = None
for j in range(len(centroids)):
centroid = centroids[j]
dist = distance.euclidean(point, centroid)
if dist < min_distance:
min_distance = dist
belongs_to_cluster = j
return belongs_to_cluster
def contains(point1, points):
for point2 in points:
if point1[X] == point2[X] and point1[Y] == point2[Y]:
return True
return False
def equals(points1, points2):
if len(points1) != len(points2):
return False
for i in range (len(points1)):
point1 = points1[i]
point2 = points2[i]
if point1[X] != point2[X] or point1[Y] != point2[Y]:
return False
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
data = [[-19.0748, -8.536 ],
[ 22.0108, -10.9737 ],
[ 12.6597, 19.2601 ],
[ 11.26884087, 19.90132146 ],
[ 15.44640731, 21.13121676 ],
[-20.03865146, -8.820872829],
[-19.65417726, -8.211477352],
[-15.97295894, -9.648002534],
[-18.74359696, -5.383551586],
[-19.453215, -8.146120006],
[-16.43074088, -7.524968005],
[-19.75512437, -8.533215751],
[-19.56237082, -8.798668569],
[-19.47135573, -8.057217004],
[-18.60946986, -4.475888949],
[-21.59368337, -10.38712463],
[-15.39158057, -3.8336522 ],
[-40.0, 40.0 ]]
k = 4
# k-means picking the first k points as centroids
centroids = get_first(k, data)
clusters = kmeans(k, centroids, data, "first", 1)
I understood and followed the theory of the algorithm, but as you can see, when running the code, the cost on each iteration of the algorithm increases. I am new to python and I think the problem relies in some misunderstanding from my side regarding list manipulation. Any ideas?