
Could someone please review my code? It seems too convoluted. I am just starting to learn to go from blog to hosting.

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                                                    <h1 class="title">Federal and California Court 
                            Certified Spanish Interpreter </h1></div>
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                                                    <p class="description">
                                                    <span>Teri Szucs has made her 
                            love of languages her career. My Interpretations 
                            offers professional interpretation services in 
                            California, out of state and abroad. Teri is 
                            federally certified and forms part of a select group 
                            of interpreters also certified by the United States 
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3 Answers 3


It's a start, but there are a number of things that could be improved:

  • Your CSS and JavaScript should almost always be in separate files.
  • Most of your CSS looks okay, but you might find it easier to read if you indented the properties.
  • The comments between CSS properties like font-size/* */:/**/small; aren't necessary.
  • Your CSS font declaration, font: <font color="#E1C4FF" size="1">; is incorrect. You should be using color:#E1C4FF; font-size:14px; (or whatever size you need).
  • You really don't need most of those meta tags.
  • Using inline CSS like <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px">&nbsp;</p> is almost always discouraged.
  • Likewise, you shouldn't need all of those paragraph tags to create a break in your layout. Just set the margin or padding of whatever element you need.
  • I've never seen anything like the commented out variable definitions before, but they aren't necessary. Also, explaining that bordercolor means border color is a little redundant.
  • You have multiple script tags throughout the header. If you're going to have inline JavaScript, try limiting it to a single tag.
  • I'm not sure why you have another body tag in the middle of your HTML, but you only need one. You can also get rid of the font tags and just apply a CSS class if it needs to be different.
  • There is a lot of extra markup throughout, including a lot of empty tags. I haven't loaded this in a browser, but I suspect that you could do with a lot less and still get the same effect.

It's great that you're coming here looking to learn. Code like this will only start you on the wrong path and it will be difficult to maintain in the long run, but kudos for seeking improvement. I honestly think you would benefit from relearning the basics of HTML and CSS to start and then eventually adding some JavaScript. Specifically, look for some articles on CSS layouts and best-practices. Good luck!

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Thank you. You answered a question on stackexchange.com, I wanted to thank you. Now I am self-taught and barely at that. I would like to know how much you would charge me for a lesson so I can apply your answer to my work in progress. Between what I know and what I need I would probably need an hour.Thank you. \$\endgroup\$
    – Mindkind
    Commented Oct 2, 2011 at 6:04

It appears most of it is location independent and over scoped. For example:

.post h3 {


I would suggest doing this. It follows B.E.M naming conventions and will be easier for you to read.





Remember, think small. Make everything reusable. Skin it with conjoining classes.


It looks like your CSS is dynamic, though I can't place the language on sight. Using one codebase for multiple sites is great, but giving a custom look and feel can be a challenge sometimes. In your scenario, every page request has to a) get the style data, b) evaluate the style data, and c) return the style data in the document, adding precious bits to the downstream. That's a lot of unnecessary overhead on both the front and the back end of the request.

What I've done in the past is write the site's style definitions to an external file. They don't change their styles that often, but when they do, just regenerate the stylesheet. At the webroot (or some virtual directory somewhere) I have a folder titled 'sitespecific', with subfolders by site id. Each subfolder has a set structure of subfolder, containing assets specific to that site (images, scripts, css, etc). Then you have a default naming convention for certain files (site.css, header_banner.png, common.js, etc) so that they can easily be referenced:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/sitespecific/%siteid%/css/site.css" />

It gets easy after that. One of the big advantages here is that the web server can now cache requests to the stylesheet. It's no longer dynamically generated on each request, removing the overhead. And housekeeping becomes a little easier. A site cancels, or doesn't make payments, you archive their sitespecific content to a zip file, off server, for the next six months. Flip a bit flag in the db to 'deactivate' them.

The downside? You'll need a way to regenerate every site's stylesheet on command. If you make a change to core styles, or add some new class that requires definition, you have to have a way to push that change to all or your sites.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you, I am a newby, just learning how to go from blog posts to writing from scratch, in other words, over my head. I have tried to separate the stylesheet and link it using <link... but nothing happens, the new page is white and not styled. Could you dumb down your answer a bit. I have five pages, they all work but they are hardly neat programming. \$\endgroup\$
    – Mindkind
    Commented Oct 2, 2011 at 22:50

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