
I'm a complete beginner of Factor, but I just managed to solved Euler Problem #1 using it, and would love to have the code reviewed. Anything that can be improved? In particular I'm wondering if there is a cleaner or more idiomatic way to write the mult3or5? word.

USING: math kernel sequences math.ranges prettyprint ;
IN: euler1

: mult? ( x y -- ? ) rem 0 = ;

: mult3? ( x -- ? ) 3 mult? ;
: mult5? ( x -- ? ) 5 mult? ;

: mult3or5? ( x -- ? ) dup mult3? swap mult5? or ;

: sumMultsOf3or5 ( seq -- n ) [ mult3or5? ] filter sum ;

: solveEuler1 ( -- ) 0 1000 (a,b) sumMultsOf3or5 . ;

2 Answers 2


dup f swap g is a common idiom, so Factor has bi.

: mult3or5? ( x -- ? ) [ mult3? ] [ mult5? ] bi or ;

I'm a Factor beginner too, but I'd use the zero? word from math in the definition of mult:

: mult? ( x y -- ? ) rem zero? ;
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks. A small improvement though. Let me know if you find something else. \$\endgroup\$
    – Torbjørn
    Commented Oct 4, 2011 at 21:12

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