Ok, so... there's a lot to talk about here. I've simply gone through it line by line, and added comments. So prepare for a pretty long review.
As for the indentation, the reason it's different when you paste it here is probably that you're still using tabs. It should be soft tabs, i.e. just 2 space characters. Not 1 tab character set to be 2 characters wide, but actual spaces.
Anyway, long review incoming.
# BuildShape is a poor name for a class. Classes should generally be nouns,
# but "Build shape" is an imperative. It's true that the class does build a
# shape, but the class in itself is not "the act of building".
class BuildShape
# This class has no "initialize" method, but because its parent
# class (which is Object, when nothing else is specified) has one,
# I can still call "BuildShape.new.buildSquare" (for instance). But
# if I do, things will be weird, because @text and @texture haven't
# been defined. And without an initialize method (or attribute
# setters), there's no way to define them.
# Don't duplicate the name of the class in the names of its methods.
# There's simply no need to do that; you don't need to name a file
# on your computer after the folder it's in.
# Also, Ruby uses underscored method names, so if anything, it should
# be called "build_shape_check"
def buildShapeCheck
if @text == "square"
self.buildSquare # no need for "self." here
self.buildTriangle # or here
# This produces a 5x3 rectangle - not a square!
# It looks like a square because of the font you use to
# show it, but that's coincidental and may not hold true
# in all situations. So either make the method produce a
# real NxN square, or make it very clear in the comments
# that "by square, I do not actually mean a square" (i.e.
# admit the deceit and its reasons)
def buildSquare
(1..3).each do # you could also just use "3.times do"
puts @texture*5
# again: Underscore naming style
def buildTriangle
j = 1 # This is completely unnecessary...
(1..5).each do # ...if you just add |j| as a block argument
puts @texture*j
j += 1 # And then this can go too
# When I said "classes should be nouns" I meant *singular* nouns.
# The String class is not called "Strings" for instance.
# If anything, this should be called "Texture"
# But more importantly, this class doesn't make sense. You use
# class inheritance because you have a generic class and want to
# make a specialization of that class. E.g. you have a class called
# "Vehicle", and you make a class called "Car" or "Boat". Those are
# specializations of a common thing: a vehicle.
# But here, you seem to be making a new class for a completely
# different reason - a reason I can't quite figure out.
class Textures < BuildShape
# Again, no initialize method...
# Again you're kinda-sorta repeating the name of the class
# in the method name, because - due to inheritance - this class
# is a BuildShape. It'd be enough to call the method "check".
# ... buuut, this method isn't checking anything, so it'd
# still be a terrible name.
def shapeCheck
# This is unnecessary; @texture *will* be set to either "#"
# or to "*" - there's no reason to set it to anything else
# beforehand.
@texture = ""
# Another thing is that this method is pointless in many ways.
# You can't set the @texture variable anywhere else, which means
# @texture is 100% dependent on what @text is. Which, in turn,
# means you can just figure out the right texture when you're
# drawing the shape. You don't even need the @texture variable;
# the methods that print the shape are already different depending
# on whether you want a triangle or a square; they can just print
# the correct character themselves.
if @text == "square"
@texture = "#"
# Don't call this here, *and* in the else-block: Call it *after*
# the if-else instead, since you want to call independent of
# what the @text is
@texture = "*"
buildShapeCheck # Again: Delete this
# Ok, this is a better name of a class. UserInput sounds like a
# class name. But of course, your inheritance chain is saying that
# "UserInput is a kind of Textures, which is a kind of BuildShape"
# Do you see how that doesn't make sense?
# It also highlights why the other classes are problematic: You
# can't use them on their own. Only after 2 levels of inheritance
# do you get the class that actually solves the task. The preceding
# classes don't solve anything by themselves, you're simply
# treating them as stepping stones to the class you actually want.
# They're dependent on you extending them, which, to reuse the
# analogy from earlier, is like saying that vehicles don't work
# until someone builds a boat; it's backwards.
class UserInput < Textures
# Yay! An initialize method!
def initialize(text)
@text = text
# Ok, it prints the input - but it also checks the input
# and that's not at all obvious. Your methods should only
# do what it says on the tin.
def printInput
print "you entered: "
puts @text
# Uh, no. The name of this method is again pretty wrong.
# Does it mean "it only does its test, if things are valid"?
# The Ruby-like name for this thing would be "valid?"
# And again, the method isn't just testing; it's also
# the method that actually produces the output! AND it
# completely duplicating code from *outside* the class.
# What's worse, it creates a instance of itself, within
# itself, and... honestly, I don't know how to best explain
# how weird this is. Sorry, but that the case.
def testIfValid
if @text == "square" || @text == "triangle"
puts "#{@text} is a valid shape."
puts "#{@text} is not a valid shape, try again"
newUserInput = UserInput.new(gets.chomp.downcase)
# If you just used single quotes, you wouldn't have to escape
# the inner double quotes...
puts "Enter either \"triangle\" or \"square\""
# Terrible naming: "user_input" is *not* a UserInput object;
# that's "newUserInput"! Which, again, shouldn't be CamelCased
# and just plain shouldn't be called that.
user_input = gets.chomp
newUserInput = UserInput.new(user_input.downcase)
# So... when you say printInput, you actually mean
# "do everything and print the *output*"?
Here's a different way of doing things:
def print_triangle(size = 5)
size.times { |count| puts "*" * count }
def print_square(size = 5)
size.times { puts "#" * size }
while true # loop until further notice
puts 'Please type either "triangle" or "square"'
type = gets.chomp.downcase
if %w(triangle square).include?(type) # did the user enter something valid?
send("print_#{type}") # call the proper method
break # stop looping
puts "Sorry, that didn't make sense. Try again."
And done. I know this doesn't use any class hierarchy or anything like that, but that's also to illustrate that it isn't always necessary. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.