Following on from this post and taking on board some of the suggestions, what follows is a re-write of the original python code. It's also just a rewrite of some of the functionality, this code only deals with the invoice data and turning it into a PDF, rather than collecting/inputting the invoice data then turning it into an invoice. If there's too much code, here's my defence ;-)
In summary: data => PDF
In my original post @Kate said (approximately) that I should possibly use I library such as Jinja. This brings me onto the essential subject of this post: Complexity.
Having read this post on decoupling and then this one The TL;DR is that decoupling introduces complexity and there's a fine line. This code is only for my invoices, there'll only ever be one 'style'. But then there's good coding practice, any tips on balancing quick and dirty versus/elegant ?
The full invoice looks something like this:
However, in order to reduce the amount of code that needs to be looked at (in line with comments from previous post) for this post, this is the invoice I've coded for: This invoice contains an example of each abstraction I've written, class Table and class TextBlock. The Table, I hope, is self explanatory, a TextBlock is several lines of text with roughly the same characteristics, eg: font style or positioning within the page.
However, there's an 'however' to my however (nested 'however's ? ) I've also included unittests for the code, which has doubled the length of the code, however that was also a suggestion from the previous post.
0) How are my unit tests ?
The invoice is represented by this module:
from dataclasses import dataclass
class DailyJobData:
hours: float = 0.0
TA_for_this_day: bool = True
Due to the reduced nature of the code base for this code review post only
Invoice['Job_Constants'] & Invoice['Data'] will actually be used.
Invoice = {
'Constants' : {
'business_name' : 'Quizz Tramarais',
'name' : 'Lozminda Lamarais',
'address' : '3rd floor flat, Whistle Street, Oldport, OP4 5GH',
'telephone' : '07889 578685',
'my_refs' : {
'national_ins' : 'DF 56 57 48 C',
'UTR' : '345865'
'Date' : {
'year' : 2023,
'month_last_day' : 6,
'month' : 'June'
'Job_Constants': {
'name' : 'Unit 6',
'job_address' : 'East Winsley Street',
'city' : 'Branburn',
'ref' : 'XYZ 008',
'travel_allowance' : 25.00
'Data' : {
1 : DailyJobData(10),
8 : DailyJobData(8, False),
2 : DailyJobData(8.5),
3 : DailyJobData(8.25),
9 : DailyJobData(8, False)
I'm using FPDF1, and have therefore had to 'roll my own' Table function. I've also used a Table and TextBlock class as abstractions to reduce coupling between the Invoice dictionary and the PDF class used to create the pdf.
1) Is dataclass for Table appropriate here. I've left TextBlock as an ordinary class (for comparison), should both be dataclasses or neither ?
Table and TextBlock classes in
# python3 -m unittest -v tables_and_text
import unittest
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, Union, List, Tuple
class Table:
xpos int: postion from left margin in mm.
ypos int: postion from top margin in mm.
data list: the contents of the table including the table
widths tuple: the widths of each column.
alignments tuple: alignments for each column:('C', 'L', 'R')
font_params nested tuple: containing font name and size
REQUIRED_PROPERTIES_KEYS = ('xpos', 'ypos', 'data', 'widths',
'alignments', 'font_params' )
properties: Dict[str, Union[Tuple, List, int]]
def __init__(self, **properties):
if type(properties) != dict:
raise TypeError("Table properties must be a dictionary")
for a_property_key in Table.REQUIRED_PROPERTIES_KEYS:
if a_property_key not in properties:
raise ValueError(f"{a_property_key} has not been supplied to Table constructor") = properties
class TextBlock:
xpos int: postion from left margin in mm.
ypos int: postion from top margin in mm.
lines_of_text list: for example:
['This is line 1', 'And this line 2', 'The third line etc']
widths tuple: the widths of the banner of each line. The banner is a
box that surronds each line of text and is important
for spacing on the page.
alignments tuple: alignments of text within each banner, see Table above
font_params nested tuple: containing font name and sizes
REQUIRED_PROPERTIES_KEYS = ('xpos', 'ypos', 'width', 'lines_of_text',
'alignments', 'font_params' , 'heights')
def __init__(self, **properties):
if type(properties) != dict:
raise TypeError("TextBlock properties must be a dictionary")
for a_property_key in TextBlock.REQUIRED_PROPERTIES_KEYS:
if a_property_key not in properties:
raise ValueError(f"{a_property_key} has not been supplied to TextBlock constructor") = properties
#----------------------- TESTING ------------------------
class TestTextBlockConstructor(unittest.TestCase):
correct_params_for_this_object = { 'xpos' : 70,
'ypos' : 100,
'width' : 150,
'lines_of_text' : ("line1", 'line2'),
'height' : 5,
'font_params' : ('DejaVu-Bold', 15),
'alignments' : 'C'}
def test_TextBlock_parameter_not_dict(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
obj = TextBlock(5)
def test_TextBlock_missing_key_in_parameter(self):
missing_param = dict(TextBlockConstructorTest.correct_params_for_this_object)
del missing_param['xpos']
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
obj = TextBlock(**missing_param)
def test_TextBlock_object_successfully_constructed(self):
obj = TextBlock(**TextBlockConstructorTest.correct_params_for_this_object)
self.assertIsInstance(obj, TextBlock)
class TestTableConstructor(unittest.TestCase):
data = [["Date", "Description", "Job Ref", "Cost"],
[1, "10.00 hrs worked plus £25.00 travel allowance", "XYZ008", 325.00],
[2, "8.50 hrs worked plus £25.00 travel allowance ", "XYZ008", 280.00],
[3, "8.25 hrs worked plus £25.00 travel allowance ", "XYZ008", 272.50],
[8, "8.00 hours worked only", "XYZ008", 240.00]]
correct_params_for_this_object = { 'xpos' : 70,
'ypos' : 100,
'widths' : (18, 100, 32, 32),
'data' : data,
'height' : 5,
'font_params' : (('DejaVu-Bold', 11), ('DejaVu', 10)),
'alignments' : ('C', 'L', 'C', 'R')}
def test_Table_parameter_not_dict(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
obj = Table(5)
def test_Table_missing_key_in_parameter(self):
missing_param = dict(TableConstructorTest.correct_params_for_this_object)
del missing_param['xpos']
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
obj = Table(**missing_param)
def test_Table_object_successfully_constructed(self):
obj = Table(**TableConstructorTest.correct_params_for_this_object)
self.assertIsInstance(obj, Table) This 'formats' the Invoice dictionary values into either TextBlock or Tables to be passed to the PDF generator.
2) Am I barking up the wrong tree ? I.e. have I gone about this code totally the wrong way? I was thinking about organising the Invoice dictionary in line order as it appears on the invoice, creating a dict of string constants and then creating another dictionary of rules (about how to combine Invoice & string constants) and finally running all three through a loop, the final output being a combination of Invoice values and string literals combined as per 'the rules' dictionary. This seems almost as complicated as the system I've come up with here...
import unittest
from generate_PDF import *
from tables_and_text import Table, TextBlock
from helperfunctions import safeget
from invoice import Invoice
# ------------------- TextBlock: 'For work carried out etc.' -------------------
def create_invoice_info_TextBlock(job_consts, date):
invoice_description = (f"For work carried out at {job_consts['name']}, "
f"Month ending {date['month_last_day']} {date['month']} {date['year']}")
return TextBlock(xpos=int((PDF.PAGE_WIDTH_MM - 150) / 2), ypos=100, width=150,
lines_of_text=invoice_description, font_params=(('DejaVu', 15), ('DejaVu', 16), ('DejaVu-Bold', 15)),
heights=(12, 6, 10), alignments='C')
# ------------------------------ Table Creation ------------------------------
def calc_cost_from(hours, TA_for_this_day, TA, rate) -> float:
return hours * rate + (TA * TA_for_this_day)
def format_main_table_data_for_table_class_constructor(data, TA, ref, rate):
table_text = [["Date", "Description", "Job Ref", "Cost"]]
for date, daily_job_data in data.items():
a_row = []
description_text = f"{daily_job_data.hours:.2f} hrs worked plus"
if not daily_job_data.TA_for_this_day:
description_text = f"{daily_job_data.hours:.2f} hours worked only"
description_text = description_text + f" £{TA:.2f} travel allowance"
cost = calc_cost_from(daily_job_data.hours, daily_job_data.TA_for_this_day, TA, rate)
return table_text
def create_main_table(invoice, rate_of_pay):
idata = safeget(invoice, 'Data')
ta = safeget(invoice, 'Job_Constants', 'travel_allowance')
ref = safeget(invoice, 'Job_Constants', 'ref')
main_table_data = format_main_table_data_for_table_class_constructor(idata, ta, ref, rate_of_pay)
table_widths = (18, 100, 32, 32)
font_properties_main = (('DejaVu-Bold', 11), ('DejaVu', 10))
return Table(ypos=150, xpos=int((PDF.PAGE_WIDTH_MM - sum(table_widths)) / 2) ,
data=main_table_data, widths=table_widths,
alignments=('C', 'L', 'C', 'R'), font_params=font_properties_main)
def create_pdf(invoice):
rate_of_pay = 30.00
pdf = PDF(orientation = 'P', unit = 'mm', format = 'A4')
pdf.add_font('DejaVu', '', '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf', uni=True)
pdf.add_font('DejaVu-Bold', '', '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf', uni=True)
invoice_info = create_invoice_info_TextBlock(safeget(invoice, 'Job_Constants'),
safeget(invoice, 'Date'))
main_table = create_main_table(invoice, rate_of_pay)
pdf.apply_text_objects(invoice_info, main_table)
return pdf
def save_pdf(pdf, filename):
print("---------------------- PDF file saved ! ----------------------")
#----------------------- TESTING ------------------------
# python3 -m unittest -v invoice_to_PDF
class TestTextBlockCreationFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
Invoice = {
'Job_Constants': {
'name' : 'Unit 6',
'job_address' : 'East Winsley Street',
'city' : 'Branburn',
'ref' : 'XYZ 008',
'travel_allowance' : 25.00
'Date' : {
'year' : 2023,
'month_last_day' : 6,
'month' : 'June'
def test_create_invoice_info_TextBlock_return_type(self):
result = create_invoice_info_TextBlock(safeget(TestTextBlockCreationFunctions.Invoice, 'Job_Constants'),
safeget(TestTextBlockCreationFunctions.Invoice, 'Date'))
self.assertIsInstance(result, TextBlock)
self.assertIsInstance(, dict)
class TestTableCreationFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
from dataclasses import dataclass
class DailyJobData:
hours: float = 0.0
TA_for_this_day: bool = True
Invoice = {
'Job_Constants': {
'name' : 'Unit 6',
'job_address' : 'East Winsley Street',
'city' : 'Branburn',
'ref' : 'XYZ 008',
'travel_allowance' : 25.00
'Date' : {
'year' : 2023,
'month_last_day' : 6,
'month' : 'June'
'Data' : {
1 : DailyJobData(10),
8 : DailyJobData(8, False),
2 : DailyJobData(8.5)
test_data_for_table = [['Date', 'Description', 'Job Ref', 'Cost'],
['1', '10.00 hrs worked plus £25.00 travel allowance', 'XYZ 008', '325.00'],
['8', '8.00 hours worked only', 'XYZ 008', '240.00'],
['2', '8.50 hrs worked plus £25.00 travel allowance', 'XYZ 008', '280.00']]
def test_calc_cost_from(self):
result1 = calc_cost_from(10, False, 25, 10)
result2 = calc_cost_from(10, True, 25, 10)
self.assertEqual(result1, 100)
self.assertEqual(result2, 125)
def test_format_main_table_data_for_table_class_constructor(self):
idata = safeget(TestTableCreationFunctions.Invoice, 'Data')
ta = safeget(TestTableCreationFunctions.Invoice, 'Job_Constants', 'travel_allowance')
ref = safeget(TestTableCreationFunctions.Invoice, 'Job_Constants', 'ref')
main_table_data = format_main_table_data_for_table_class_constructor(idata, ta, ref, 30)
self.assertEqual(main_table_data, TestTableCreationFunctions.test_data_for_table)
def test_create_main_table_return_type(self):
TABLE_REQUIRED_PROPERTIES_KEYS = ('xpos', 'ypos', 'data', 'widths',
'alignments', 'font_params' )
result = create_main_table(TestTableCreationFunctions.Invoice, 30)
self.assertIsInstance(result, Table)
self.assertIsInstance(, dict)
self.assertEqual(['alignments'], ('C', 'L', 'C', 'R'))
self.assertEqual(['widths'], (18, 100, 32, 32))
if __name__ == '__main__':
FILENAME = "~/Invoice2PDF/Test_Invoice.pdf"
save_pdf(create_pdf(Invoice), FILENAME) (I've not included any tests as despite my best efforts to slim the code down, it's still a lot of code !)
from fpdf import *
from helperfunctions import safeget, always_get_item
from tables_and_text import Table, TextBlock
class PDF(FPDF):
# REQUIRED_PROPERTIES_KEYS = ('xpos', 'ypos', 'data', 'widths', 'alignments', 'font_params' )
def __create_table(self, properties):
__Table is applied to PDF one row at a time, one cell at a time. The position of the
next cell is dictated by cell_start, (see comment later).
# if there are 2 columns cell_start should be [0, 1], 5 columns [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
# 1 tells cell_start to move to the position of the first column, 0 just to the end
# of that column.
l_td = len(properties['data'][0])
cell_start = [0 if i != l_td - 1 else 1 for i in range(l_td) ]
for idx, row in enumerate(properties['data']):
self.x = properties['xpos']
temp_properties_tuple = always_get_item(properties['font_params'], idx)
self.set_font(temp_properties_tuple[0], size=temp_properties_tuple[1])
for table_idx, element in enumerate(row):
self.cell(w = always_get_item(properties['widths'], table_idx), h = 5,
align = always_get_item(properties['alignments'], table_idx),
txt = element, border = 1,
ln = cell_start[table_idx])
def __create_text_block(self, properties):
properties should contain these keys: 'xpos', 'ypos', 'width', 'lines_of_text',
'alignments', 'font_params' which are supplied as parameters from the object passed to
the calling function. The checking of the properties is done elsewhere.
This function applies 1 or more lines of text to the pdf in accordance with the properties
self.set_xy(properties['xpos'], properties['ypos'])
for idx, text in enumerate(properties['lines_of_text']):
temp_properties_tuple = always_get_item(properties['font_params'], idx)
self.set_font(temp_properties_tuple[0], size=temp_properties_tuple[1])
self.cell(w = properties['width'], h = always_get_item(properties['heights'], idx),
align = always_get_item(properties['alignments'], idx), txt = text,
border = 0, ln = 1)
def apply_text_objects(self, *user_PDF_objects):
for PDF_obj_type in user_PDF_objects:
tt = type(PDF_obj_type).__name__
if tt == 'Table':
elif tt == 'TextBlock':
raise TypeError('Objects passed to this function should be of type Table or TextBlock')
And finally
# From
def safeget(dct, *keys):
for a_key in keys:
dct = dct[a_key]
except KeyError:
return None
return dct
In Summary:
0) How are my unit tests ?
1) Should class Table and TextBlock be dataclasses here ?
2) Am I barking up the wrong tree ? I.e. have I gone about this code totally the wrong way? Although I understand my code, do you ?
3) Anything else that stands out much appreciated...
This post is also an invoice to PDF generator, but it's content is all static, I believe mine is much more generalisable and content will potentially be able to be modified without a class re-write, i.e. PDF generation and the invoice are reasonably decoupled (and complex unfortunately). I've also taken on board some of the points made in that post.