I was eventually going to add another computer and more options to this (i.e., Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock) but I wanted to make sure I was using the best practice for this type of game. Any help would be appreciated.
# The traditional paper scissors rock game
import os
def clear():
print ("\n\nPaper, Rock, Scissors Game -(Best of five games)")
x = 0 ; l = 0 ; w = 0 ; d = 0 ; lt = 0 ; wt = 0 ; dt = 0
while x < 5:
x = x + 1
import random
class Computer:
comp_is = Computer()
comp_is.opt = ('r','p','s')
comp_is.rand = random.choice(comp_is.opt)
if comp_is.rand == 'r':
comp = 'rock'
elif comp_is.rand == 'p':
comp = 'paper'
comp = 'scissors'
class Human:
human_is = Human
human_is.player = raw_input(' Enter your choice of\n r\
for rock\n p for paper or\n s for scissors ... ')
class Result:
Result_is = Result
if comp_is.rand == human_is.player:
print ("draw - computer chose ", comp)
d = d + 1
dt = dt + 1
elif comp_is.rand == 'r' and human_is.player == 'p':
print (" player beats computer -computer chose ", comp)
w = w + 1
wt = wt + 1
elif comp_is.rand == 'p' and human_is.player == 's':
print (" computer chose ", comp)
print (" player beats computer-because scissors cuts paper")
print ()
w = w + 1
wt = wt + 1
elif comp_is.rand == 's' and human_is.player == 'r':
print (" computer chose ", comp)
print (" player beats computer-because rock breaks scissors")
w = w + 1
wt = wt + 1
else :
print (" computer wins - computer chose ", comp)
l = l + 1
lt = lt + 1
if x == 5:
print ()
print ()
print (" games won ... ", w)
print (" games lost ... ", l)
print (" games drawn ... ", d)
print ()
print (" Running total overall of games won ... ", wt)
print (" Running total overall of games lost ... ", lt)
print (" Running total overall of games drawn ... ", dt)
print ()
w = 0 ; l = 0 ; d = 0
again = input('Do you want to play again y for yes, n for no .. ')
if again == 'y':
x = 0
if lt > wt:
print ("You are a miserable loser,\nYou have lost more than you have won,\nPoor show indeed ")
print ('finish')