I'm an iPhone Developer mainly, and I'm very new to web development - especially jQuery.
My task: I have three divs, which each contain a short biography about a certain person. (I have three people: liz, chris and michael). Those divs are hidden at the start of my code, because they all belong to the class profile
I have three images which are displayed throughout, and have the IDs: (lizIMG, chrisIMG, michaelIMG). When an image is clicked, any other biographies' divs should be hidden, and the selected biography's div should be shown.
Also, I have a tooltip above each image, if a div is hidden, it will say:
(Person Name) - Click to learn more
If a div is displayed, it will say:
(Person Name) - Click to hide
I have fully working code, but the code is far too long for the desired task. It's quite annoying because I know exactly how I would do this in Objective-C, but not in jQuery. I'm guessing re-factoring it will involve functions, and possibly arrays?
I would like to make this shorter.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('div.profile').hide(); // Hide all the profiles
$('#lizIMG').click(function() {
if ($("#lizDiv").is(":visible")) {
$('#lizTip').text('Click to learn more');
else {
$('#lizTip').text('Click to hide');
$('#chrisTip').text('Click to learn more');
$('#michaelTip').text('Click to learn more');
$('#chrisIMG').click(function() {
if ($("#chrisDiv").is(":visible")) {
$('#chrisTip').text('Click to learn more');
else {
$('#chrisTip').text('Click to hide');
$('#lizTip').text('Click to learn more');
$('#michaelTip').text('Click to learn more');
$('#michaelIMG').click(function() {
$('#lizTip').text('Click to learn more');
$('#chrisTip').text('Click to learn more');
if ($("#michaelDiv").is(":visible")) {
$('#michaelTip').text('Click to learn more');
else {
$('#michaelTip').text('Click to hide');
$("#profiles img[title]").tooltip(); // Used to set text for the tooltips