Some time ago I created a markdown parser in clojure and I would like to get some feedback, since I'm a clojure noob in the first place (is the code understandable?/is it idiomatic?/can some things be improved?).
So I'm looking for feedback on best practices and design pattern usage (performance isn't my main concern).
The most relevant parts are:
(ns mdclj.blocks
(:use [clojure.string :only [blank? split]]
[mdclj.spans :only [parse-spans]]
(defn- collect-prefixed-lines [lines prefix]
(when-let [[prefixed remaining] (partition-while #(startswith % prefix) lines)]
[(map #(to-string (drop (count prefix) %)) prefixed) remaining]))
(defn- line-seperated [lines]
(when-let [[par [r & rrest :as remaining]] (partition-while (complement blank?) lines)]
(list par rrest)))
(declare parse-blocks)
(defn- create-block-map [type content & extra]
(into {:type type :content content} extra))
(defn- clean-heading-string [line]
(-> line (to-string)
(clojure.string/replace #" #*$" "") ;; match space followed by any number of #s
(defn match-heading [[head & remaining :as text]]
(let [headings (map vector (range 1 6) (iterate #(str \# %) "#")) ;; ([1 "#"] [2 "##"] [3 "###"] ...)
[size rest] (some (fn [[index pattern]]
(let [rest (startswith head pattern)]
(when (seq rest)
[index rest]))) headings)]
(when (not (nil? rest))
[(create-block-map ::heading (parse-spans (clean-heading-string rest)) {:size size}) remaining])))
(defn- match-underline-heading [[caption underline & remaining :as text]]
(let [current (set underline)
marker [\- \=]
markers (mapcat #(list #{\space %} #{%}) marker)]
(when (and (some #(= % current) markers)
(some #(startswith underline [%]) marker)
(< (count (partition-by identity underline)) 3))
[(create-block-map ::heading (parse-spans caption) remaining {:size 1}) remaining])))
(defn- match-horizontal-rule [[rule & remaining :as text]]
(let [s (set rule)
marker [\- \*]
markers (mapcat #(list #{\space %} #{%}) marker)]
(when (and (some #(= % s) markers)
(> (some #(get (frequencies rule) %) marker) 2))
[{:type ::hrule} remaining])))
(defn- match-codeblock [text]
(when-let [[code remaining] (collect-prefixed-lines text " ")]
[(create-block-map ::codeblock code) remaining]))
(defn- match-blockquote [text]
(when-let [[quote remaining] (collect-prefixed-lines text "> ")]
[(create-block-map ::blockquote (parse-blocks quote)) remaining]))
(defn- match-paragraph [text]
(when-let [[lines remaining] (line-seperated text)]
[(create-block-map ::paragraph (parse-spans (clojure.string/join "\n" lines))) remaining]))
(defn- match-empty [[head & remaining :as text]]
(when (and (blank? head) (seq remaining))
(parse-blocks remaining)))
(def ^:private block-matcher
(defn- parse-blocks [lines]
(when-let [[result remaining] (some #(% lines) block-matcher)]
(cons result (parse-blocks remaining)))))
(defn parse-text [text]
(parse-blocks (seq (clojure.string/split-lines text))))
(ns mdclj.spans
(:use [mdclj.misc]))
(def ^:private formatter
[["`" ::inlinecode]
["**" ::strong]
["__" ::strong]
["*" ::emphasis]
["_" ::emphasis]])
(defn- apply-formatter [text [pattern spantype]]
"Checks if text starts with the given pattern. If so, return the spantype, the text
enclosed in the pattern, and the remaining text"
(when-let [[body remaining] (delimited text pattern)]
[spantype body remaining]))
(defn- get-spantype [text]
(let [[spantype body remaining :as match] (some #(apply-formatter text %) formatter)]
(if (some-every-pred startswith [body remaining] ["*" "_"])
[spantype (-> body (vec) (conj (first remaining))) (rest remaining)]
(defn- make-literal [acc]
"Creates a literal span from the acc"
{:type ::literal :content (to-string (reverse acc))})
(declare parse-spans)
(defn- span-emit [literal-text span]
"Creates a vector containing a literal span created from literal-text and 'span' if literal-text, else 'span'"
(if (seq literal-text)
[(make-literal literal-text) span] ;; if non-empty literal before next span
(defn- concat-spans [acc span remaining]
(concat (span-emit acc span) (parse-spans [] remaining)))
(defn- parse-span-body
(parse-span-body nil body))
([spantype body]
(if (in? [::inlinecode ::image] spantype)
(to-string body)
(parse-spans [] body)))) ;; all spans except inlinecode and image can be nested
(defn- match-span [acc text] ;; matches ::inlinecode ::strong ::emphasis
(when-let [[spantype body remaining :as match] (get-spantype text)] ;; get the first matching span
(let [span {:type spantype :content (parse-span-body spantype body)}]
(concat-spans acc span remaining))))
(defn- extract-link-title [text]
(reduce #(clojure.string/replace % %2 "") (to-string text) [#"\"$" #"'$" #"^\"" #"^'"]))
(defn- parse-link-text [linktext]
(let [[link title] (clojure.string/split (to-string linktext) #" " 2)]
(if (seq title)
{:url link :title (extract-link-title title)}
{:url link})))
(defn- match-link-impl [acc text type]
(when-let [[linkbody remaining :as body] (bracketed text "[" "]")]
(when-let [[linktext remaining :as link] (bracketed remaining "(" ")")]
(concat-spans acc (into {:type type :content (parse-span-body type linkbody)} (parse-link-text linktext)) remaining))))
(defn- match-link [acc text]
(match-link-impl acc text ::link))
(defn- match-inline-image [acc [exmark & remaining :as text]]
(when (= exmark \!)
(match-link-impl acc remaining ::image)))
(defn- match-break [acc text]
(when-let [remaining (some #(startswith text %) [" \n\r" " \n" " \r"])] ;; match hard-breaks
(concat-spans acc {:type ::hard-break} remaining)))
(defn- match-literal [acc [t & trest :as text]]
(seq trest)
(parse-spans (cons t acc) trest) ;; accumulate literal body (unparsed text left)
(seq text)
(list (make-literal (cons t acc))))) ;; emit literal (at end of text: no trest left)
(def ^:private span-matcher
(defn parse-spans
(parse-spans [] text))
([acc text]
(some #(% acc text) span-matcher)))
(ns mdclj.misc)
(defn in?
"true if seq contains elm"
[seq elm]
(some #(= elm %) seq))
(defn startswith [coll prefix]
"Checks if coll starts with prefix.
If so, returns the rest of coll, otherwise nil"
(let [[t & trest] coll
[p & prest] prefix]
(and (= p t) ((some-fn seq) trest prest)) (recur trest prest)
(= p t) '()
(nil? prefix) coll)))
(defn partition-while
([f coll]
(partition-while f [] coll))
([f acc [head & tail :as coll]]
(f head)
(recur f (cons head acc) tail)
(seq acc)
(list (reverse acc) coll))))
(defn- bracketed-body [closing acc text]
"Searches for the sequence 'closing' in text and returns a
list containing the elements before and after it"
(let [[t & trest] text
r (startswith text closing)]
(not (nil? r)) (list (reverse acc) r)
(seq text) (recur closing (cons t acc) trest))))
(defn bracketed [coll opening closing]
"Checks if coll starts with opening and ends with closing.
If so, returns a list of the elements between 'opening' and 'closing', and the
remaining elements"
(when-let [remaining (startswith coll opening)]
(bracketed-body closing '() remaining)))
(defn delimited [coll pattern]
"Checks if coll starts with pattern and also contains pattern.
If so, returns a list of the elements between the pattern and the remaining elements"
(bracketed coll pattern pattern))
(defn to-string [coll]
"Takes a coll of chars and returns a string"
(apply str coll))
(defn some-every-pred [f ands ors]
"Builds a list of partial function predicates with function f and
all values in ands and returns if any argument in ors fullfills
all those predicates"
(let [preds (map #(partial f %) ands)]
(some true? (map #((apply every-pred preds) %) ors))))
Some "highlights":
(def ^:private block-matcher
(defn- parse-blocks [lines]
(when-let [[result remaining] (some #(% lines) block-matcher)]
(cons result (parse-blocks remaining)))))
This piece always seemed somewhat strange to me. Is using a list of function and when-let
idiomatic here? Are there alternatives?
(defn- create-block-map [type content & extra]
(into {:type type :content content} extra))
I'm using this function to create hashmaps in a certain "format". Is this an idiomatic approach?
P.S.: While looking at the code myself, I spot two minor things: I can use when-not
instead of when(not (...
and clojure.string/join coll
instead of (apply str coll)