I've implemented the following two versions of the classic "Max Sub-Array" problem in Clojure, using the Kadane algorithm.
First with loop
/ recur
(defn max-sub-array [A]
(loop [x (first A)
a (rest A)
max-ending-here 0
max-so-far 0]
(if (seq a)
(recur (first a) (rest a) (max x, (+ max-ending-here x)) (max max-so-far, max-ending-here))
Then with reduce
(defn max-sub-array-reduction [A]
(letfn [(find-max-sub-array [[max-ending-here max-so-far] x]
[(max x (+ max-ending-here x)) (max max-so-far max-ending-here)])]
(second (reduce find-max-sub-array [0 0] A))))
Is there a more concise implementation, perhaps using filter
or merely by making the reduce
version more "idiomatic" somehow?