I have started some experiments with node.js.
Any comment on style (especially the callbacks) and best practice is appreciated:
* Export single function that creates the passportControl object
* The passport control object is supposed to be a wrapper for
* nodejs/express/passport authentication.
* When the object is created it adds two end points to the server
* /auth?type=<AuthenticationType>
* /auth/callback?type=<AuthenticationType>
* Where AuthenticationType is the service doing the authentication.
* Eg Facebook/Twitter/Amazon etc
* This object has two public methods:
* checkPassport(req, res)
* registerGuest(req, res)
* req: http request received from node.
* res: response object we use to reply to the request.
* These are automatically hooked up to the exposed endpoints.
* To extend this for any particular service just add the appropriate
* objects to the array built with buildData()
module.exports = function(app, register) {
// App: Application object
// register: The user registration service
// This has been abstracted from the passport authentication code.
// I will document this interface separately.
// Get the passport object we reap
// Correctly initialize and turn on sessions.
var passport = require('passport');
// Set passport to only save the user ID to the session
passport.serializeUser(function(localUser, done) {
done(null, localUser.id);
// Set passport to retrieve the user object using the
// saved id (see serializeUser).
passport.deserializeUser(function(localUserId, done) {
register.getSavedUser(localUserId, function(localUser) {
done(null, localUser);
// Create the passport control object
passportControl = {
data: buildData(passport, register),
checkPassport: function(req, res) {
return this.getItem(this.data[0], req, res);
registerGuest: function(req, res) {
return this.getItem(this.data[1], req, res);
getItem: function getItem(dataItem, req, res) {
item = dataItem[req.query.type];
if (item == null) {
item = dataItem['default'];
return item(req, res);
// register the service endpoints
// This will control all authentication.
app.get('/auth', function(req, res) { passportControl.checkPassport(req, res);});
app.get('/auth/callback', function(req, res) { passportControl.registerGuest(req, res);});
return passportControl;
// Global object for correctly escaping URL
var querystring = require('querystring');
// Private Method
// This builds the data object central to "passportControl"
// It is basically a two element array containing two maps.
// The Key: Is the name of the "AuthenticationType" the value is the passport object that does the authentication.
// The first object handles the initial authentication request.
// The second object handles the callback from the authentication service
function buildData(passport, register) {
// Set Up facebook authentication strategy.
var FacebookStrategy = require('passport-facebook').Strategy;
passport.use(new FacebookStrategy({
clientID: "XXXXXX",
clientSecret: "YYYYYY",
callbackURL: "http://iPubCrawlMaps.com:3000/auth/callback?type=facebook"
function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
register.updateUser({ provider: profile.provider,
providerId: profile.id,
function(localUser) {
done(null, localUser);
// Add more strategies as required here.
return [
default: function(req, res) {res.redirect('/login?'+querystring.stringify({reg_error:'Invalid Authentication Type (attempt)'}));},
facebook: passport.authenticate('facebook'),
default: function(req, res) {res.redirect('/login?'+querystring.stringify({reg_error:'Invalid Authentication Type (callback)'}));},
facebook: passport.authenticate('facebook', { successRedirect: '/', failureRedirect: '/login' }),