
I'm trying to write Jasmine tests and I need a review and some advice on spying on events and their behavior.

// my example source code
;(function () {
  var app = {

    exampleModuleName: {
      navigateTo: function () { /* do something */ }

    navigation: {
      init: function () {
        this.routeHandler = this.handleRouteTo.bind(this);

        // bind all events
      bind: function () {            
        $(document).on('click', '.js-route-to', this.routeHandler);
      teardown: function () {
        $(document).off('click', this.routeHandler);

      handleRouteTo: function (event) {

      routeTo: function (target) {
        var module = app[target];
        if (module && $.isFunction(module.navigateTo)) {

And that is my uncompleted spec file.

// my test code
describe('App Navigation', function () {

  describe('initiation the navigation module', function() {

    it ('spy on behavior', function () {
        var spy = spyOn(app.navigation, 'init');

    // which tests are missing to be sure about well tested properties and methodes?

  describe('test routeTo handler', function() {
    var nav = app.navigation;

    beforeEach(function () {
        this.routeHandler = nav.handleRouteTo.bind(this);

    it ('should be defined', function () {

    it ('click at a link', function () {
        var node = $('<a href="" class="js-route-to" data-target="exampleModuleName">some text</a>');


        spyOn(nav, 'handleRouteTo');

        // why is it failed?


Please take a look and let us talk about this example. I want to learn more about testing.


1 Answer 1


From a once over:

  • I would drop this test, you are testing Jasmine and/or the test, but not the results of calling app.navigation.init()

    it ('spy on behavior', function () {
        var spy = spyOn(app.navigation, 'init');
  • Be aware that Function.bind() which you use in navigation.init() creates a brand new function, so this.routeHandler never calls this.hanldeRouteTo
  • Also be aware that you are not calling app.navigation.bind() as far as I can tell, so the binding of the event is not happening
  • Perhaps you are not a native English native speaker, but your describe calls are not up to snuff. It hampers my reading flow of the code. Example: 'initiation the navigation module'

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