I recently wrote some R code, which I would normally not do, to find repeats in DNA fasta files.
Here is an example fasta file:
The code takes in a fasta file as input and identifies repeats:
library(Biostrings) # read a file in
library(stringr) # string manipulation
library(jsonlite) # save as JSON for pretty printing
# usage: Rscript test.R yourfile.fa
args <- commandArgs()
dna <- readDNAStringSet(args[6])
# Assuming 'dna' is S4 object with strings
dna_strings <- as.character(dna) # Convert S4 object to character vector
if (TRUE %in% duplicated(dna_strings)) {
stop('Duplicate input!')
# Split each string using the regular expression pattern
split_dna <- strsplit(dna_strings, '(A{2,}|C{2,}|G{2,}|T{2,})', perl = TRUE)
# Find all matches and their starting positions; using 0-based indices
matches <- gregexpr('(A{2,}|C{2,}|G{2,}|T{2,})', dna_strings, perl = TRUE)
# Extract the matched substrings based on the starting positions and lengths
#repeating_strings <- regmatches(dna_strings, matches)
# save these lists for making a dataframe later
seqs <- c()
starts_ends <- c()
all_capture_starts <- lapply(matches, function(match) {
as.integer(attr(match, "capture.start"))
all_capture_lengths <- lapply(matches, function(match) {
as.integer(attr(match, "capture.length"))
for (i in seq_along(all_capture_starts)) {
seqs <- append(seqs, dna_strings[i])
locs <- c()
for (j in seq_along(all_capture_starts[[i]])) {
locs[j] <- c()
stsp <- c(all_capture_starts[[i]][j]-1, all_capture_starts[[i]][j] + all_capture_lengths[[i]][j]-2)
locs <- append(locs, list(stsp))
if (-2 %in% locs[[1]]) {
starts_ends <- append(starts_ends, 'None')
} else {
starts_ends <- append(starts_ends, toJSON(locs))
# for (att in c('match.length', 'capture.start', 'capture.length', 'index.type', 'capture.names')) {
# cat(att, attr(matches[[i]], att), "\n", sep = "\t")
# }
df <- data.frame('Sequences' = seqs, 'Starts/Ends' = starts_ends)
and the results look like:
Sequences Starts.Ends
seq0 ATCGGGGACGA [[3,6]]
seq1 ATTTTCGGGGACGA [[1,4],[6,9]]
I am very much used to more functional programming languages like C and Perl; writing this in R was very difficult for me, and took me 3 days, but the script does exactly what it was supposed to do.
How would a better R programmer write this?