First, just for correctness..
a.- What if your input is s = "AGG"
and k = 3
Your program will not find any pattern.
b.- If your default value on getOrDefault
is 1, then your logic should be consistent with this. (Now if you have one match, the result will be 1 [getOrDefault(ss, 1)
] plus one [put(g+1)
] ie, 2 and this is not correct.
Fixing that you will have:
public static void mostCommonKmer(String s, int k) {
HashMap<String, Integer> m = new HashMap<>();
int l = 0, g;
String n = "", ss;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length() - k + 1; i++) {
ss = s.substring(i, i+k );
g = m.getOrDefault(ss, 0);
m.put(ss, g + 1);
if (l < g + 1) {
l = g + 1;
n = ss;
System.out.println("Most Frequent " + k + "-mer = " + n);
System.out.println("frequency = " + l);
Now, in order to make your code more readable you can try to use more meaningful names, like:
public static void mostCommonKmer(String dnaString, int kLength) {
HashMap<String, Integer> frequencyMap = new HashMap<>();
int maxFrequency = 0;
String mostCommonPattern = "";
int currentFrequency;
String subDNAString;
for (int i = 0; i < dnaString.length() - kLength + 1; i++) {
subDNAString = dnaString.substring(i, i + kLength);
currentFrequency = frequencyMap.getOrDefault(subDNAString, 0);
frequencyMap.put(subDNAString, currentFrequency + 1);
if (maxFrequency < currentFrequency + 1) {
maxFrequency = currentFrequency + 1;
mostCommonPattern = subDNAString;
System.out.println("Most Frequent " + kLength + "-mer = " + mostCommonPattern);
System.out.println("frequency = " + maxFrequency);
Now for make your program faster, this will be more a theorethical discussion than something that actually will improve the performance*. One approach is to think in less operations, (but this is not always true, if you replace 2 operations with one more 'expensive' for example).
Avoid HashMap resizing, even when it is an amortized operation can 'use some time', so in order to achieve that you can init your hashmap with a certain size.
Avoid boxing/unboxing; if you use int and Integer you should convert elements from one type to another, because you cannot use HashMaps with primitive values you can use Integer instead of int to avoid box/unboxing.
For cycle; remove any kind of dynamic evaluation (ie; length() )
Reduce any extra operation that you can (in the last code the + 1
So, you can have something like:
private static final int DNA_LETTERS = 4;
public static void mostCommonKmer(String dnaString, int kLength) {
int possibleCombinations = (int)Math.pow(DNA_LETTERS, kLength);
HashMap<String, Integer> frequencyMap = new HashMap<>(possibleCombinations);
Integer maxFrequency = 0;
String mostCommonPattern = "";
Integer currentFrequency;
String subDNAString;
int searchLimit = dnaString.length() - kLength + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < searchLimit ; i++) {
subDNAString = dnaString.substring(i, i + kLength);
currentFrequency = frequencyMap.getOrDefault(subDNAString, 0) + 1;
frequencyMap.put(subDNAString, currentFrequency);
if (maxFrequency < currentFrequency) {
maxFrequency = currentFrequency;
mostCommonPattern = subDNAString;
System.out.println("Most Frequent " + kLength + "-mer = " + mostCommonPattern);
System.out.println("frequency = " + maxFrequency);
I think that a good point was to declare the temporary
variables (g
and ss
or currentFrequency
and subDNAString
) outside the for loop avoiding all those reallocations in memory (but I don't know if the compiler would make some optimizations about that).
*Now, why I say that this is more a theoretical discussion? If you test the last version of the code, you will see that takes more time that the original version of the code. And maybe someone else can give us some clues about that!