First things first, I'd thank Mr. G. Sliepen and Mr. Davislor regarding their help in the previous questions (C++ System data transfer design) (C++ System data transfer design - Following 1), given the resultant code can be found here*.
* The code includes some added functionalities beyond the point :)
Now I'm taking the review request one step further, as I've mentioned the "simplified SystemInterface" within the last question, I'm here to focus on it with any potential enhancements and optimizations.
General notes:
- The System Data transfer is over-simplified within this code.
- An introduced "Guarders" to guard against inaccepted payloads and allowed for correction in some cases.
- A partial of SystemInterface is herein provided.
- Comes with a "simplified ServiceManager", which manages Services (or Entities), giving each one a unique number which is utilized to identify it across other entities (as Logger/SystemInterface/..).
- SystemInterface is provided here as one instance lies in the global scope, in my code it's a composed object within each entity, which receives a
at construction. - The SystemInterface uses a kind of structural recursion to find the intended request.
Generally _execReq
is called when a data is received by any communication mean (as MQTT/HTTP/Serial/...), and it's callable from other entities ofcourse.
One of my concerns is the runtime of _execReq
call, and whether it's already optimized or there's a room for optimizing.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <concepts>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <ranges>
#include <span>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
// Tools
#define CHOP_FRONT(vs) (std::vector<std::string>(++vs.begin(),vs.end()))
std::string join(const std::vector<std::string>& vs,const char* delim) {
std::string rv="";
std::string sd(delim);
for(auto const& v:vs) rv+=v+sd;
for(int i=0;i<sd.size();i++) rv.pop_back();
return rv;
std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& s, const char* delimiter){
std::vector<std::string> vt;
std::string delim(delimiter);
auto len=delim.size();
auto start = 0U;
auto end = s.find(delim);
while (end != std::string::npos){
vt.push_back(s.substr(start, end - start));
start = end + len;
end = s.find(delim, start);
std::string tec=s.substr(start, end);
if(tec.size()) vt.push_back(tec);
return vt;
enum class RequestErrors : uint8_t
// Data types
using BasicReferenceData = std::variant<std::string_view, std::span<std::uint8_t>>;
using BasicConcreteData = std::variant<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>;
std::span<std::uint8_t> t;
using ConcreteDataContainer = std::vector<BasicConcreteData>;
using ReferenceDataContainer = std::vector<BasicReferenceData>;
Over simplified ReferenceData and ConcreteData, for the full implemented:
using ReferenceData = ReferenceDataContainer;
using ConcreteData = ConcreteDataContainer;
using ReturnData = ConcreteData;
using RequestReturn = std::pair<RequestErrors, ReturnData>;
using CallbackSignature = std::function<RequestReturn(const std::string &context, const ReferenceData &)>;
/// Guarders
using PayloadGuardFN = std::function<RequestReturn(const ReferenceData&)>;
/* Guarders Helper functions */
bool binaryData(const BasicReferenceData& data) {
return std::holds_alternative<std::span<std::uint8_t>>(data);
bool printable(const BasicReferenceData& in) {
auto span = std::get_if<std::span<std::uint8_t>>(&in);
return !span || std::all_of(span->begin(), span->end()-1, isprint) && (isprint(span->back()) || span->back() == '\0'); // Allows the presence of zero terminator
// !span means it's a string_view
void to_string(BasicReferenceData& data) { // Might remove the check.
if (std::holds_alternative<std::span<std::uint8_t>>(data)) {
auto span = std::get<std::span<std::uint8_t>>(data);
data = BasicReferenceData{std::string_view(reinterpret_cast<char*>(, span.size())};
void to_string(ReferenceDataContainer::iterator it) {
auto span = std::get<std::span<std::uint8_t>>(*it);
*it = BasicReferenceData{std::string_view(reinterpret_cast<char*>(, span.size())};
bool is_number(std::string_view s) {
bool numeric = false;
if (s.size()) {
bool first_char_valid = numeric = (isdigit(s.front()) || (s.front() == '-' && s.size() > 1));
if (first_char_valid) {
bool found_dot = false;
for (auto it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++) {
if (isdigit(*it)) continue;
else if (*it=='.' && !found_dot) {
found_dot = true;
numeric = false;
return numeric;
class Guarder {
virtual RequestReturn operator()(const ReferenceData& in) = 0;
/* Guarder classes */
class CountGuarder : public Guarder { // Or a template ??
size_t count;
RequestReturn operator()(const ReferenceData& in) override{ return std::make_pair((in.size() > count ? RequestErrors::TOO_MANY_INPUTS : in.size() < count ? RequestErrors::TOO_FEW_INPUTS : RequestErrors::OK), ReturnData{});}
CountGuarder(size_t count) : count(count) {}
class StringsGuarder : public Guarder {
RequestReturn operator()(const ReferenceData& in) override {
std::cout << "String Guarder\t";
auto mut_in = const_cast<ReferenceData*>(&in);
// auto view = in | std::views::filter(binaryData);
if (std::all_of(in.begin(), in.end(), printable)) {
for (auto it = mut_in->begin(); it != mut_in->end(); it++) {
if (binaryData(*it)) {
// std::ranges::for_each(mut_in | std::views::filter(binaryData), to_string);
std::cout << "OK\n";
return std::make_pair(RequestErrors::OK, ConcreteData{});
} else {
std::cout << "NOT_STRING\n";
return std::make_pair(RequestErrors::NOT_STRING, ConcreteData{});
// Should follow a StringGuarder within the pipeline and remove the StringGuarder inside?
class NumericGuarder : public Guarder {
RequestReturn operator()(const ReferenceData& in) override {
std::cout << "Numeric Guarder\t";
StringsGuarder stringify;
auto result = stringify(in);
if (result.first != RequestErrors::OK) {
return result;
for (auto& i : in) {
auto* sv = std::get_if<std::string_view>(&i);
if (!sv || !is_number(*sv)){
std::cout << "Not Numeric!\n";
return std::make_pair(RequestErrors::NOT_NUMERIC, ConcreteDataContainer{std::string(*sv)});
std::cout << "OK\n";
return std::make_pair(RequestErrors::OK, ConcreteData{});
// Can build custom Guarders.
RequestReturn toStringCorrector(const ReferenceData& pload) {
StringsGuarder stringify;
return stringify(pload);
// SystemInterface
struct request {
std::uint32_t owner;
std::uint32_t levID;
CallbackSignature cbf;
std::vector<Guarder*> guarders;
using REQMAP = std::unordered_multimap<std::string,request>;
using REQMAP_I = REQMAP::iterator;
enum REQ_ID {
REQ_LOGGER, // A predefined ID for some instances, as the Logger.
class SystemInterface
REQMAP requestsMap;
REQMAP_I __exactMatch(const std::string& cmd,uint32_t owner){
auto any=requestsMap.equal_range(cmd);
for(auto i=any.first;i!=any.second;i++) if(i->second.owner==owner) return i;
return requestsMap.end();
void __flatten(std::function<void(std::string)> fn){ // For generating "help" list
for(ptr=requestsMap.begin();ptr!=requestsMap.end(); ptr++){
if(ptr->second.levID) _flattenCmds(fn,ptr->first,ptr->first,ptr->second.levID);
else fn(ptr->first);
RequestReturn _dispatch(std::vector<std::string> vs, ReferenceDataContainer ploads, uint32_t owner=0){
std::cout << "_dispatch: " << join(vs,"/") << "\n";
std::string cmd=vs[0];
if(i->second.cbf) {
return [=]()->RequestReturn{
for(auto& guard : i->second.guarders) {
auto ret = (*guard)(ploads);
if (ret.first!=RequestErrors::OK) {
return ret;
return i->second.cbf(join(CHOP_FRONT(vs),"/"), ploads);
else return _dispatch(CHOP_FRONT(vs), ploads, i->second.levID);
} else return std::make_pair(RequestErrors::NOT_FOUND, ConcreteDataContainer{});
} else return std::make_pair(RequestErrors::NOT_FOUND, ConcreteDataContainer{});
void addRequest(uint32_t owner, uint32_t levId, const std::string &name, CallbackSignature cbf, std::initializer_list<Guarder*> guarders={})
if (__exactMatch(name, owner) == requestsMap.end()){
// std::cout << "Inserting " << name << "\n";
requestsMap.insert(std::make_pair(name,request{owner,levId, cbf, guarders}));}
std::cout << "Already assigned path!\n";
RequestReturn _execReq(std::string topic, ReferenceDataContainer ploads){
std::vector<std::string> cmd=split(topic,"/");
return _dispatch(cmd, ploads); // optimise?
void _flattenCmds(std::function<void(std::string)> fn,std::string cmd,std::string prefix,uint32_t lev){
REQMAP_I i=requestsMap.find(cmd);
std::string trim = prefix+"/"+i->first;
if(i->second.levID) _flattenCmds(fn,i->first,trim,i->second.levID);
else fn(trim);
void help() {
std::vector<std::string> unsorted={};
__flatten([&unsorted](std::string s){ unsorted.push_back(s); });
std::cout << "HELP: \n";
for (auto& path : unsorted) {
std::cout << "\t" << path << "\n";
SystemInterface interface;
// Guarder objects
CountGuarder c1Guard(1);
NumericGuarder nGuard;
StringsGuarder sGuard;
// ServiceManager
class ServiceManager {
std::uint32_t pid;
std::string name;
static std::uint32_t services;
ServiceManager(std::string name) : name(name), pid(++services+REQ_MAX) {
// std::cout << "name=" << name << " pid=" << pid << "\n";
std::uint32_t ServiceManager::services=0;
class Service1 : public ServiceManager {
Service1() : ServiceManager("service1") {
// Installs a level of "svc1"
interface.addRequest(REQ_ROOT, pid, "svc1", nullptr, {}); // LevelID
// Can add sub level ID on top of (pid) further ...
// Adds a request path "svc1/test1"
interface.addRequest(pid, 0, "test1",[this](const std::string& ctx, const ReferenceData& pload){
std::cout << "Received on test1\n";
return std::make_pair(RequestErrors::OK, ConcreteDataContainer{std::string{"Hello from test1"}});
}, {});
// Adds a request path "svc1/onestring"
interface.addRequest(pid, 0, "onestring",[this](const std::string& ctx, const ReferenceData& pload){
std::cout << "Received on onestring\n";
return std::make_pair(RequestErrors::OK, ConcreteDataContainer{std::string{"Hello from onestring"}});
}, {&c1Guard, &sGuard});
class Logger : public ServiceManager {
// dummy logger
int level;
Logger() : ServiceManager("logger") {
interface.addRequest(REQ_ROOT, REQ_LOGGER, "logger", nullptr, {}); // LevelID
interface.addRequest(REQ_LOGGER, 0, "level", [this](const std::string& ctx, const ReferenceData& pload){
std::cout << "Received on level ctx=" << ctx << "\n";
if (ctx == "set") {
if ((pload.size() == 1)) {
if (auto plevel = std::get_if<std::string_view>(&pload[0])) { // MUST be true with the sGuard.
level = std::atoi(std::string(*plevel).c_str());
} else {
return std::make_pair(RequestErrors::TOO_FEW_INPUTS, ConcreteDataContainer{});
} else if (ctx != "get") {
return std::make_pair(RequestErrors::NOT_FOUND, ConcreteDataContainer{});
return std::make_pair(RequestErrors::OK, ConcreteDataContainer{std::to_string(level)});
}, {&sGuard, &nGuard});
Service1 svc1;
Logger logger;
And here's a compiler explorer link with a simple example.
Lastly, I'd like to attribute Philbowles (Passed) who is the original author of SystemInterface's internal methods which inspired me.
With Thanks,
Hamza Hajeir
should be aconstexpr
function, possibly returning astd::span
. \$\endgroup\$tail
. (But you can tell from my answers here that my coding style is heavily influenced by functional programming.) I would also make it a view, not copy every element. \$\endgroup\$