The class assigns various strings to the build number. So the build might look like
which would be of the format version.major.minor.patch
. When picking set codever button, it assigns (or replaces) the current MsCodeVer
with the new string. so basically, I have a global var MsCodeVer
that is used in every procedure in the workbook (if so desired) to help in tracking when I update a proc or module. I have other addins that use these global vars that can update libraries automatically. So, for me, this is helpful in tracking the development of code.
This is just my second class (but really the first class I have written). I would like to know if I got the 'class' part right?
To see it in action (with the user forms and modules), is there a place that I can upload the entire workbook to for further testing?
Below is CCodeVer
'@IgnoreModule ArgumentWithIncompatibleObjectType, UnassignedVariableUsage, VariableNotAssigned, ConstantNotUsed, ProcedureNotUsed
Option Explicit
Private m_Patch As String
Private m_Minor As String
Private m_Major As String
Private m_Version As String
Private m_CodeVer As String
Private Const MSCODEVERMOD As String = "3.0.4"
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
MsCodeVer = ""
m_Patch = "0"
m_Minor = "0"
m_Major = "0"
m_Version = "0"
m_CodeVer = m_Version & SEP & m_Major & SEP & m_Minor & SEP & m_Patch
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
MsCodeVer = ""
'do i really need to do anything here?
End Sub
Public Property Get CodeVerS() As String: Version = m_CodeVer: End Property
Public Property Let CodeVerS(ByVal CV As String): m_Version = CV: End Property
Public Property Get Major() As String: Major = m_Major: End Property
Public Property Let Major(ByVal Maj As String): m_Major = Maj: End Property
Public Property Get Minor() As String: Minor = m_Minor: End Property
Public Property Let Minor(ByVal Min As String): m_Minor = Min: End Property
Public Property Get Patch() As String: Patch = m_Patch: End Property
Public Property Let Patch(ByVal Pat As String): m_Patch = Pat: End Property
Public Property Get Version() As String: Version = m_Version: End Property
Public Property Let Version(ByVal Ver As String): m_Version = Ver: End Property
Public Sub AddCodeVer(ByVal Workbook As String, ByVal Module As String, ByVal Procedure As String, ByVal CodeVerString As String)
MsCodeVer = ""
Dim VbProj As VBIDE.VBProject
Dim VbComp As VBIDE.VBComponent
Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
Dim LineNum As Long
Dim ProcKind As VBIDE.vbext_ProcKind
Dim StartLine As Long
Dim EndLine As Long
Dim CountOfLine As Long
Dim Ai As AddIn
Dim Wb As Workbook
Dim Answer As VbMsgBoxResult
If CodeVerString = SNOVC Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo errHandler
'check for empty workbook combobox which means
'all open, unprotected workbooks and addins
If MobjUserForm.cbo_Workbook.Value = vbNullString Then
Answer = MsgBox("This will add the MsCodeVer string to all open" & vbCr & _
"and unprotected workbooks. This could take some time. Ok to continue? ", _
vbYesNo, "Process Workbooks?")
If Answer = vbNo Then Exit Sub
For Each Wb In Workbooks
If Not Wb.ProtectWindows Or _
Not Wb.ProtectStructure Or _
Not Wb.Name = ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Workbook = Wb.Name
Set VbProj = Wb.VBProject
For Each VbComp In VbProj.VBComponents
Module = VbComp.Name
Set CodeMod = VbComp.CodeModule
With CodeMod
LineNum = .CountOfDeclarationLines + 1
Do Until LineNum >= .CountOfLines
Procedure = .ProcOfLine(LineNum, ProcKind)
Select Case ProcKind
Case vbext_pk_Get
Procedure = Procedure & " (Get)"
Case vbext_pk_Let
Procedure = Procedure & " (Let)"
Case vbext_pk_Set
Procedure = Procedure & " (Set)"
End Select
If ProcKind = vbext_pk_Proc Then
StartLine = .ProcBodyLine(Procedure, vbext_pk_Proc)
EndLine = StartLine - 2 + .ProcCountLines(Procedure, vbext_pk_Proc)
Call SearchModule(Workbook, Module, Procedure, CodeVerString, CodeMod, StartLine, EndLine)
End If
LineNum = .ProcStartLine(Split(Procedure, " (")(0), ProcKind) + _
.ProcCountLines(Split(Procedure, " (")(0), ProcKind) + 1
End With
Next VbComp
End If
Next Wb
Answer = MsgBox("This will add the MsCodeVer string to all open" & vbCr & _
"installed and unprotected addins. This could take some time. Ok to continue? ", _
vbYesNo, "Process AddIns?")
If Answer = vbNo Then Exit Sub
For Each Ai In Application.VBE.AddIns
If Not Ai.Name = ThisWorkbook.Name Or _
Not Right(Ai.Name, 3) = "XLL" Or _
Ai.Installed Or _
Not IsProtectedAi(Ai) Then
Workbook = Ai.Name
Set VbProj = Workbooks(Ai.Name).VBProject
For Each VbComp In VbProj.VBComponents
Module = VbComp.Name
Set CodeMod = VbComp.CodeModule
With CodeMod
LineNum = .CountOfDeclarationLines + 1
Do Until LineNum >= .CountOfLines
Procedure = .ProcOfLine(LineNum, ProcKind)
Select Case ProcKind
Case vbext_pk_Get
Procedure = Procedure & " (Get)"
Case vbext_pk_Let
Procedure = Procedure & " (Let)"
Case vbext_pk_Set
Procedure = Procedure & " (Set)"
End Select
If ProcKind = vbext_pk_Proc Then
StartLine = .ProcBodyLine(Procedure, vbext_pk_Proc)
EndLine = StartLine - 2 + .ProcCountLines(Procedure, vbext_pk_Proc)
Call SearchModule(Workbook, Module, Procedure, CodeVerString, CodeMod, StartLine, EndLine)
End If
LineNum = .ProcStartLine(Split(Procedure, " (")(0), ProcKind) + _
.ProcCountLines(Split(Procedure, " (")(0), ProcKind) + 1
End With
Next VbComp
End If
Next Ai
'check for empty module combobox
'which means all modules in selected workbook
ElseIf MobjUserForm.cbo_Module.Value = vbNullString Then
Workbook = MobjUserForm.cbo_Workbook.Value
Set VbProj = Workbooks(MobjUserForm.cbo_Workbook.Value).VBProject
For Each VbComp In VbProj.VBComponents
Module = VbComp.Name
Set CodeMod = VbComp.CodeModule
With CodeMod
LineNum = .CountOfDeclarationLines + 1
Do Until LineNum >= .CountOfLines
Procedure = .ProcOfLine(LineNum, ProcKind)
Select Case ProcKind
Case vbext_pk_Get
Procedure = Procedure & " (Get)"
Case vbext_pk_Let
Procedure = Procedure & " (Let)"
Case vbext_pk_Set
Procedure = Procedure & " (Set)"
End Select
If ProcKind = vbext_pk_Proc Then
StartLine = .ProcBodyLine(Procedure, vbext_pk_Proc)
EndLine = StartLine - 2 + .ProcCountLines(Procedure, vbext_pk_Proc)
Call SearchModule(Workbook, Module, Procedure, CodeVerString, CodeMod, StartLine, EndLine)
End If
LineNum = .ProcStartLine(Split(Procedure, " (")(0), ProcKind) + _
.ProcCountLines(Split(Procedure, " (")(0), ProcKind) + 1
End With
Next VbComp
'check for empty procedure combobox
'which means all procedures in the selected module
ElseIf MobjUserForm.cbo_Procedure.Value = vbNullString Then
Workbook = MobjUserForm.cbo_Workbook.Value
Module = MobjUserForm.cbo_Module.Value
Set CodeMod = Workbooks(Workbook).VBProject.VBComponents(Module).CodeModule
With CodeMod
LineNum = .CountOfDeclarationLines + 1
Do Until LineNum >= .CountOfLines
Procedure = .ProcOfLine(LineNum, ProcKind)
Select Case ProcKind
Case vbext_pk_Get
Procedure = Procedure & " (Get)"
Case vbext_pk_Let
Procedure = Procedure & " (Let)"
Case vbext_pk_Set
Procedure = Procedure & " (Set)"
End Select
If ProcKind = vbext_pk_Proc Then
StartLine = .ProcBodyLine(Procedure, vbext_pk_Proc)
EndLine = StartLine - 2 + .ProcCountLines(Procedure, vbext_pk_Proc)
Call SearchModule(Workbook, Module, Procedure, CodeVerString, CodeMod, StartLine, EndLine)
End If
LineNum = .ProcStartLine(Split(Procedure, " (")(0), ProcKind) + _
.ProcCountLines(Split(Procedure, " (")(0), ProcKind) + 1
End With
Set CodeMod = Workbooks(Workbook).VBProject.VBComponents(Module).CodeModule
With CodeMod
StartLine = .ProcBodyLine(Procedure, vbext_pk_Proc)
EndLine = StartLine - 2 + .ProcCountLines(Procedure, vbext_pk_Proc)
Call SearchModule(Workbook, Module, Procedure, CodeVerString, CodeMod, StartLine, EndLine)
End With
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("CCodeVer " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description)
End Sub
Public Sub AddCodeVerVar(ByVal Workbook As String, Optional bDelete As Boolean = False)
Dim VbComp As VBComponent
Dim Counter As Long
Dim TrimLines As String
Dim Found As Boolean
For Each VbComp In Workbooks(Workbook).VBProject.VBComponents
With VbComp.CodeModule
For Counter = 1 To .CountOfDeclarationLines
TrimLines = Trim(.Lines(Counter, 1))
If TrimLines Like "Public MsCodeVer as String*" Then
Found = True
If bDelete Then VbComp.CodeModule.DeleteLines (Counter)
Exit Sub
End If
Next Counter
If Not Found Then
If Not ModExists(Workbook, "MDeclare") Then
Set VbComp = Workbooks(Workbook).VBProject.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule)
With VbComp
.Name = "MDeclare"
.CodeModule.InsertLines (.CodeModule.CountOfDeclarationLines + 1), "Public MsCodeVer as String"
End With
End If
Exit For
Set VbComp = Workbooks(Workbook).VBProject.VBComponents("MDeclare")
VbComp.CodeModule.InsertLines (VbComp.CodeModule.CountOfDeclarationLines + 1), "Public MsCodeVer as String"
End If
End With
Next VbComp
End Sub
Public Sub AddCodeVerVersionConst(ByVal Workbook As String, ByVal Version As String, Optional bDelete As Boolean = False)
Dim VbComp As VBComponent
Dim Counter As Long
Dim TrimLines As String
Dim Found As Boolean
For Each VbComp In Workbooks(Workbook).VBProject.VBComponents
If VbComp.Name = "MDeclare" Then
With VbComp.CodeModule
For Counter = 1 To .CountOfDeclarationLines
TrimLines = Trim(.Lines(Counter, 1))
If TrimLines Like "Public Const MSVERSION As String = *" Then
Found = True
If bDelete Then
VbComp.CodeModule.DeleteLines Counter
VbComp.CodeModule.ReplaceLine Counter, "Public Const MSVERSION As String = " & Chr(34) & Version & Chr(34)
End If
Exit Sub
End If
Next Counter
End With
End If
Next VbComp
If Not Found Then
If Not ModExists(Workbook, "MDeclare") Then
Set VbComp = Workbooks(Workbook).VBProject.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule)
With VbComp
.Name = "MDeclare"
.CodeModule.InsertLines (.CodeModule.CountOfDeclarationLines + 1), "Public Const MSVERSION As String = " & Chr(34) & Version & Chr(34)
End With
End If
Set VbComp = Workbooks(Workbook).VBProject.VBComponents("MDeclare")
VbComp.CodeModule.InsertLines (VbComp.CodeModule.CountOfDeclarationLines + 1), "Public Const MSVERSION As String = " & Chr(34) & Version & Chr(34)
End If
End Sub
Public Function AddMajor(Major As Long) As String
MsCodeVer = ""
Dim CvSplit As Variant
CvSplit = Split(MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString.Value, ".")
m_Version = CvSplit(0)
m_Major = CvSplit(1)
m_Minor = CvSplit(2)
m_Patch = CvSplit(3)
AddMajor = Format(CLng(m_Major) + Major, "0")
If MobjUserForm.chk_ShowLeadingZeros.Value = True Then
AddMajor = Format(CLng(m_Major) + Major, "0000")
AddMajor = Format(CLng(m_Major) + Major, "0")
End If
If AddMajor > 9999 Then
AddMajor = "0"
m_Major = "0"
m_Version = CStr(CLng(m_Version + 1))
End If
If CLng(m_Version) >= 999999 Then
MsgBox ("Resetting to base string")
m_Version = "0"
m_Major = "0"
m_Minor = "0"
m_Patch = "0"
End If
m_CodeVer = m_Version & SEP & AddMajor & SEP & m_Minor & SEP & m_Patch
Application.EnableEvents = False
MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString = m_CodeVer
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Function
Public Function AddMinor(Minor As Long) As String
MsCodeVer = ""
Dim CvSplit As Variant
CvSplit = Split(MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString.Value, ".")
m_Version = CvSplit(0)
m_Major = CvSplit(1)
m_Minor = CvSplit(2)
m_Patch = CvSplit(3)
AddMinor = Format(CLng(m_Minor) + Minor, "0")
If MobjUserForm.chk_ShowLeadingZeros.Value = True Then
AddMinor = Format(CLng(m_Minor) + Minor, "0000")
AddMinor = Format(CLng(m_Minor) + Minor, "0")
End If
If AddMinor > 9999 Then
AddMinor = "0"
m_Minor = "0"
m_Major = CStr(CLng(m_Major + 1))
End If
If CLng(m_Major) > 9999 Then
m_Major = "0"
m_Version = CStr(CLng(m_Version + 1))
End If
If CLng(m_Version) >= 999999 Then
MsgBox ("Resetting to base string")
m_Version = "0"
If CvSplit(1) = "9999" Then m_Major = "0"
If CvSplit(2) = "9999" Then m_Minor = "0"
If CvSplit(3) = "9999" Then m_Patch = "0"
End If
m_CodeVer = m_Version & SEP & m_Major & SEP & AddMinor & SEP & m_Patch
Application.EnableEvents = False
MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString = m_CodeVer
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Function
Public Function AddPatch(Patch As Long) As String
MsCodeVer = ""
Dim CvSplit As Variant
CvSplit = Split(MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString.Value, ".")
m_Version = CvSplit(0)
m_Major = CvSplit(1)
m_Minor = CvSplit(2)
m_Patch = CvSplit(3)
AddPatch = Format(CLng(m_Patch) + Patch, "0")
If MobjUserForm.chk_ShowLeadingZeros.Value = True Then
AddPatch = Format(CLng(m_Patch) + Patch, "0000")
AddPatch = Format(CLng(m_Patch) + Patch, "0")
End If
If AddPatch > 9999 Then
AddPatch = 0
m_Patch = "0"
m_Minor = CStr(CLng(m_Minor + 1))
End If
If CLng(m_Minor) > 9999 Then
m_Minor = "0"
m_Major = CStr(CLng(m_Major + 1))
End If
If CLng(m_Major) > 9999 Then
m_Major = "0"
m_Version = CStr(CLng(m_Version + 1))
End If
If CLng(m_Version) >= 999999 Then
MsgBox ("Resetting to base string")
m_Version = "0"
If CvSplit(1) = "9999" Then m_Major = "0"
If CvSplit(2) = "9999" Then m_Minor = "0"
If CvSplit(3) = "9999" Then m_Patch = "0"
End If
m_CodeVer = m_Version & SEP & m_Major & SEP & m_Minor & SEP & AddPatch
Application.EnableEvents = False
MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString = m_CodeVer
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Function
Public Function AddVersion(Version As Long) As String
MsCodeVer = ""
Dim CvSplit As Variant
CvSplit = Split(MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString.Value, ".")
AddVersion = Format(CLng(CvSplit(0)) + Version, "0")
m_Version = AddVersion
m_Major = CvSplit(1)
m_Minor = CvSplit(2)
m_Patch = CvSplit(3)
If AddVersion > 999999 Then
AddVersion = "0"
MsgBox ("Resetting to base string")
m_Version = "0"
If CvSplit(1) = "9999" Then m_Major = "0"
If CvSplit(2) = "9999" Then m_Minor = "0"
If CvSplit(3) = "9999" Then m_Patch = "0"
End If
If MobjUserForm.chk_UpdateVersion.Value = True Then
Call AddCodeVerVersionConst(MobjUserForm.cbo_Workbook.Value, AddVersion)
MobjUserForm.chk_UpdateVersion.Value = False
End If
m_CodeVer = AddVersion & SEP & m_Major & SEP & m_Minor & SEP & m_Patch
Application.EnableEvents = False
MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString = m_CodeVer
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Function
Function FindLastParenthesis(ByVal Workbook As String, ByVal Module As String, ByVal Procedure As String) As Long
MsCodeVer = ""
Dim CountOfLines As Long
Dim EndLine As Long
Dim StartLine As Long
Dim TrimLines As String
Dim CodMod As CodeModule
Dim LeftCount As Long
Dim RightCount As Long
Dim InnerCount As Long
Set CodMod = Workbooks(Workbook).VBProject.VBComponents(Module).CodeModule
StartLine = GetProcInfo(Workbook, Module, Procedure, "StartLine")
EndLine = GetProcInfo(Workbook, Module, Procedure, "EndLine")
With CodMod
For CountOfLines = StartLine To EndLine - 1
TrimLines = Trim(.Lines(CountOfLines, 1))
LeftCount = Len(TrimLines) - Len(Replace(TrimLines, "(", vbNullString))
RightCount = Len(TrimLines) - Len(Replace(TrimLines, ")", vbNullString))
If LeftCount = RightCount Then
FindLastParenthesis = CountOfLines
Exit Function
End If
If Right(TrimLines, 1) = ")" Then 'Or sTrimLines Like "*)*" Then
FindLastParenthesis = CountOfLines
Exit Function
End If
For InnerCount = CountOfLines To .CountOfLines 'skip to next line and look for ')'
TrimLines = Trim(.Lines(InnerCount, 1))
If TrimLines Like "*)*" Then
FindLastParenthesis = InnerCount 'either this is plus one, or the above is wrong (no plus one)
Exit Function
End If
Next InnerCount
Next CountOfLines
End With
End Function
Function GetProcCount(Workbook As String, Module As String) As Long
Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
Dim CodeVer As CCodeVer
Dim LineNum As Long
Dim ProcKind As VBIDE.vbext_ProcKind
Dim ProcName As String
Dim ProcCount As Long
Set CodeVer = New CCodeVer
Set CodeMod = Workbooks(Workbook).VBProject.VBComponents(Module).CodeModule
With CodeMod
LineNum = .CountOfDeclarationLines + 1
Do Until LineNum >= .CountOfLines
ProcName = .ProcOfLine(LineNum, ProcKind)
If ProcKind = vbext_pk_Proc Then
ProcCount = ProcCount + 1
End If
LineNum = .ProcStartLine(Split(ProcName, " (")(0), ProcKind) + _
.ProcCountLines(Split(ProcName, " (")(0), ProcKind) + 1
End With
GetProcCount = ProcCount
End Function
Function GetProcInfo(Workbook As String, Module As String, Procedure As String, sCommand As String) As Variant
MsCodeVer = ""
Dim BodyCount As Long
Dim EndProc As Long
Dim Header As Long
Dim ProcSize As Long
Dim ProcStart As Long
Dim StartLine As Long
Dim ProcType As String
Dim MyString As String
Dim CodMod As CodeModule
Set CodMod = Workbooks(Workbook).VBProject.VBComponents(Module).CodeModule
With CodMod
StartLine = .ProcBodyLine(Procedure, vbext_pk_Proc)
ProcSize = .ProcCountLines(Procedure, vbext_pk_Proc) - .ProcBodyLine(Procedure, vbext_pk_Proc) + .ProcStartLine(Procedure, vbext_pk_Proc)
Procedure = .ProcOfLine(StartLine, vbext_pk_Proc)
ProcStart = .ProcStartLine(Procedure, vbext_pk_Proc)
BodyCount = ProcSize - 2
EndProc = StartLine + ProcSize - 1
Header = StartLine - ProcStart
ProcType = Split(.Lines(StartLine, 1), " " & Procedure)(0)
MyString = MyString & "The procedure definition starts on line " & StartLine & vbCr
MyString = MyString & "The total size of procedure inc definition and end command is " & ProcSize & vbCr
MyString = MyString & "The procedure name is " & Procedure & vbCr
MyString = MyString & "The start of the header or blank line is " & ProcStart & vbCr
MyString = MyString & "The body line count is " & BodyCount & vbCr
MyString = MyString & "The procedure ends on line " & EndProc & vbCr
MyString = MyString & "The header and blank line count is " & Header & vbCr
MyString = MyString & "The type of procedure is a " & ProcType
'Debug.Print sString
End With
If sCommand = "StartLine" Then
GetProcInfo = StartLine
ElseIf sCommand = "EndLine" Then
GetProcInfo = EndProc
ElseIf sCommand = "BodyLength" Then
GetProcInfo = BodyCount
ElseIf sCommand = "ProcName" Then
GetProcInfo = Procedure
ElseIf sCommand = "ProcTotal" Then
GetProcInfo = ProcSize
ElseIf sCommand = "ProcType" Then
GetProcInfo = ProcType
ElseIf sCommand = "HeaderInfo" Then
GetProcInfo = Header
ElseIf sCommand = "HeaderStart" Then
GetProcInfo = ProcStart
ElseIf sCommand = "FullList" Then
MsgBox MyString
MsgBox ("Your Command argument is invalid. Only values that are acceptable are" & vbCr & _
"StartLine, EndLine, BodyLength, ProcName, ProcTotal, ProcType, HeaderInfo, HeaderStart or FullList")
End If
End Function
Public Function MinusMajor(Major As Long) As String
MsCodeVer = ""
Dim CvSplit As Variant
CvSplit = Split(MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString.Value, ".")
MinusMajor = Format(CLng(CvSplit(1)) - Major, "0")
If MobjUserForm.chk_ShowLeadingZeros.Value = True Then
MinusMajor = Format(CLng(CvSplit(1)) - Major, "0000")
If MinusMajor < 0 Then MinusMajor = "0000"
MinusMajor = Format(CLng(CvSplit(1)) - Major, "0")
If MinusMajor < 0 Then MinusMajor = "0"
End If
m_Version = CvSplit(0)
'm_Major = CvSplit(1)
m_Minor = CvSplit(2)
m_Patch = CvSplit(3)
m_CodeVer = m_Version & SEP & MinusMajor & SEP & m_Minor & SEP & m_Patch
Application.EnableEvents = False
MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString = m_CodeVer
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Function
Public Function MinusMinor(Minor As Long) As String
MsCodeVer = ""
Dim CvSplit As Variant
CvSplit = Split(MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString.Value, ".")
If MobjUserForm.chk_ShowLeadingZeros.Value = True Then
MinusMinor = Format(CLng(CvSplit(2)) - Minor, "0000")
If MinusMinor < 0 Then MinusMinor = "0000"
MinusMinor = Format(CLng(CvSplit(2)) - Minor, "0")
If MinusMinor < 0 Then MinusMinor = "0"
End If
m_Version = CvSplit(0)
m_Major = CvSplit(1)
'm_Minor = CvSplit(2)
m_Patch = CvSplit(3)
m_CodeVer = m_Version & SEP & m_Major & SEP & MinusMinor & SEP & m_Patch
Application.EnableEvents = False
MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString = m_CodeVer
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Function
Public Function MinusPatch(Patch As Long) As String
MsCodeVer = ""
Dim CvSplit As Variant
CvSplit = Split(MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString.Value, ".")
If MobjUserForm.chk_ShowLeadingZeros.Value = True Then
MinusPatch = Format(CLng(CvSplit(3)) - Patch, "0000")
If MinusPatch < 0 Then MinusPatch = "0000"
MinusPatch = Format(CLng(CvSplit(3)) - Patch, "0")
If MinusPatch < 0 Then MinusPatch = "0"
End If
m_Version = CvSplit(0)
m_Major = CvSplit(1)
m_Minor = CvSplit(2)
'm_Patch = CvSplit(3)
m_CodeVer = m_Version & SEP & m_Major & SEP & m_Minor & SEP & MinusPatch
Application.EnableEvents = False
MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString = m_CodeVer
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Function
Public Function MinusVersion(Version As Long) As String
MsCodeVer = ""
Dim CvSplit As Variant
CvSplit = Split(MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString.Value, ".")
MinusVersion = Format(CLng(CvSplit(0)) - Version, "0")
' MinusVersion = Format(CLng(MobjUserForm.Version.Caption) - Version, "0")
If MinusVersion < 0 Then MinusVersion = "0"
If MobjUserForm.chk_UpdateVersion.Value = True Then
Call AddCodeVerVersionConst(MobjUserForm.cbo_Workbook.Value, MinusVersion)
MobjUserForm.chk_UpdateVersion.Value = False
End If
'm_Version = CvSplit(0)
m_Major = CvSplit(1)
m_Minor = CvSplit(2)
m_Patch = CvSplit(3)
m_CodeVer = MinusVersion & SEP & m_Major & SEP & m_Minor & SEP & m_Patch
Application.EnableEvents = False
MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString = m_CodeVer
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Function
Public Function ReadCodeVer(ByVal Workbook As String, ByVal Module As String, ByVal Procedure As String) As String
MsCodeVer = ""
Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
Dim StartLine As Long
Dim EndLine As Long
Dim CountOfLine As Long
Dim TrimLines As Variant
Dim CvSplit As String
Set CodeMod = Workbooks(Workbook).VBProject.VBComponents(Module).CodeModule
With CodeMod
StartLine = GetProcInfo(Workbook, Module, Procedure, "StartLine")
EndLine = GetProcInfo(Workbook, Module, Procedure, "EndLine")
For CountOfLine = StartLine + 1 To EndLine - 1
TrimLines = Trim(.Lines(CountOfLine, 1))
If TrimLines Like "MsCodeVer = *" Then
CvSplit = Split(Trim(.Lines(CountOfLine, 1)), "MsCodeVer = ")(1)
ReadCodeVer = Mid(CvSplit, 2, Len(CvSplit) - 2)
Exit Function
End If
Next CountOfLine
ReadCodeVer = SNOVC
End With
End Function
Public Sub ReadModuleCodeVer(ByVal Workbook As String, ByVal Module As String, Optional RemoveCodeVerMod As Boolean = False)
MsCodeVer = ""
Dim Counter As Long
Dim CodeMod As CodeModule
Dim TrimLines As String
Dim CodeVerMod As String
Dim CodeVer As CCodeVer
Dim CvSplit As Variant
Dim OptionExplicit As Long
If Workbook = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
If Module = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
Set CodeMod = Workbooks(Workbook).VBProject.VBComponents(Module).CodeModule
Set CodeVer = New CCodeVer
'search first for const string, if found read codever
With CodeMod
CvSplit = Split(MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString.Value, ".")
If .CountOfDeclarationLines = 0 Then
.InsertLines 1, "Option Explicit"
.InsertLines 2, "Private Const MSCODEVERMOD As String = " & Chr(34) & CvSplit(0) & SEP & CvSplit(1) & SEP & CvSplit(2) & Chr(34)
Exit Sub
ElseIf .CountOfDeclarationLines = 1 Then 'do i need to check for Option Explicit, possibly
.InsertLines 2, "Private Const MSCODEVERMOD As String = " & Chr(34) & CvSplit(0) & SEP & CvSplit(1) & SEP & CvSplit(2) & Chr(34)
Exit Sub
End If
For Counter = 1 To .CountOfDeclarationLines
TrimLines = Trim(.Lines(Counter, 1))
If TrimLines = "Option Explicit" Then OptionExplicit = Counter + 1
If TrimLines Like "Private Const MSCODEVERMOD As String*" Then
CodeVerMod = CvSplit(0) & SEP & CvSplit(1) & SEP & CvSplit(2)
If RemoveCodeVerMod = True Then
.DeleteLines Counter, 1
.ReplaceLine Counter, "Private Const MSCODEVERMOD As String = " & Chr(34) & CvSplit(0) & SEP & CvSplit(1) & SEP & CvSplit(2)
End If
Exit Sub
End If
Next Counter
Call .InsertLines(OptionExplicit, "Private Const MSCODEVERMOD As String = " & Chr(34) & CvSplit(0) & SEP & CvSplit(1) & SEP & CvSplit(2) & Chr(34))
End With
End Sub
Public Sub RemoveCodeVer(ByVal Workbook As String, ByVal Module As String, ByVal Procedure As String)
MsCodeVer = ""
Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
Dim StartLine As Long
Dim EndLine As Long
Dim CounterOfLine As Long
Dim TrimLines As String
Set CodeMod = Workbooks(Workbook).VBProject.VBComponents(Module).CodeModule
With CodeMod
StartLine = FindLastParenthesis(Workbook, Module, Procedure)
EndLine = GetProcInfo(Workbook, Module, Procedure, "EndLine")
For CounterOfLine = EndLine - 1 To StartLine + 1 Step -1
TrimLines = Trim(.Lines(CounterOfLine, 1))
If TrimLines Like "*MsCodeVer = *" Then
If .Lines(CounterOfLine + 1, 1) = vbNullString Then .DeleteLines CounterOfLine + 1, 1
.DeleteLines CounterOfLine, 1
Exit For
End If
Next CounterOfLine
End With
End Sub
Sub SearchModule(Workbook As String, Module As String, Procedure As String, ByVal CodeVerString As String, ByRef CodeMod As CodeModule, ByVal StartLine As Long, ByVal EndLine As Long)
Dim CountOfLine As Long
With CodeMod
For CountOfLine = StartLine + 1 To EndLine - 1
If Trim(.Lines(CountOfLine, 1)) Like "MsCodeVer = *" Then
.ReplaceLine CountOfLine, " MsCodeVer = " & Chr(34) & CodeVerString & Chr(34)
Exit Sub
End If
Next CountOfLine
CountOfLine = StartLine + 1
If Not Trim(.Lines(CountOfLine, 1)) = vbNullString Then .InsertLines CountOfLine, ""
.InsertLines CountOfLine + 1, " MsCodeVer = " & Chr(34) & CodeVerString & Chr(34)
If Not Trim(.Lines(CountOfLine + 2, 1)) = vbNullString Then .InsertLines CountOfLine + 2, ""
End With
End Sub
tried to post the entire userform but it bailed on me. so here is a few subprocs from the userform
With CodeVer
Call .AddCodeVer(objWb.Name, VbComp.Name, sProcName, MobjUserForm.txt_VersionControlString.Value)
Call .ReadModuleCodeVer(objWb.Name, VbComp.Name)
If Me.chk_UpdateVersion.Value = True Then
Call .AddCodeVerVersionConst(Me.cbo_Workbook.Value, Left(.CodeVerS, 1))
Me.chk_UpdateVersion.Value = False
End If
End With
Private Sub AddMajor_Click()
MsCodeVer = ""
Dim CodeVer As CCodeVer
Set CodeVer = New CCodeVer
With CodeVer
If Me.chk_ShowLeadingZeros.Value = True Then
.CodeVerS = CStr(Format(.AddMajor(1), "0000"))
.CodeVerS = CStr(Format(.AddMajor(1), "0"))
End If
End With
End Sub
and here is the code to launch my userform in the VBE
Public Sub A0Show_Dim()
MsCodeVer = ""
'this binds the userform to the VBE, and since it is modeless, you can edit the userform
'code as needed
On Error GoTo errHandler
Dim MobjUserform As UDim
Dim lAppHwnd As Long
Dim lMeHwnd As Long
Dim lRes As Long
Dim objVbp As VBProject
Const SUFCLASS As String = "ThunderDFrame"
Set objVbp = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject
Set MobjUserform = New UDim
Load MobjUserform
lAppHwnd = Application.VBE.MainWindow.hwnd
If lAppHwnd > 0 Then
lMeHwnd = FindWindow(SUFCLASS, MobjUserform.Caption)
lRes = SetParent(lMeHwnd, lAppHwnd)
If lRes = 0 Then
MsgBox "The call to Set Parent failed."
End If
MsgBox "Unable to get the window handle of the Excel Application."
End If
With MobjUserform
.cbo_SelectWorkbook.BackColor = MCOMBOBOXBACKCOLOR
.cbo_ContainerName.BackColor = MCOMBOBOXBACKCOLOR
.cbo_ProcedureName.BackColor = MCOMBOBOXBACKCOLOR
Set .Vbp = objVbp
.Show vbModeless
End With
Exit Sub
Debug.Print Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
End Sub
working on posting the whole workbook.
MsCodeVer = ""
in multiple places? \$\endgroup\$