Given a folder typically containing ~250,000 small (20-100kb) files in HTML format (they open as single-sheet workbooks in Excel) and a list of ~ 1 million filenames, I need to open all the files that match the list and Do Stuff.
Overview of Main code Loop: "Test 1 Start" to "Test 1 End"
Once we get to the main file loop, I have a 1-D array arrCompanyNumbers
with approx. 1 Million 8-digit company numbers (extracted from a 2-d array arrFilteredAddresses
where the company number is only one of about 12 columns).
There is a folder with a couple hundred thousand files in it named like this.
That number in the middle is the company number. The number on the end is the file date.
The macro loops through the folder using strFilename = dir
. For each file, it extracts the company number and tries to match it against the array. If it does, it calls Check_File()
. If it doesn't it goes to the next file and repeats.
Overview of Check_File()
Each file opens as a one-sheet workbook with a corporate accounts filing in it. I want to find the Cash, Assets and Profits in the last year. I have 3 collections of phrases that correspond to those values e.g. "Cash at Bank:".
The macro searches the first 200 rows of the first 2 columns for those phrases. Then searches 10 cells across the row and returns the first number it finds.
Once it has Cash, Assets and Profits (or failed to find them), it filters them against set criteria. If they pass, it copies the results to a second worksheet in the main workbook (which is eventually just one long list of companies, file dates and cash/assets/profits) and closes the file.
Optimisation Parameters:
I've already optimised it as far as I think I can e.g. Running speed tests on using vlookup
instead of iterative searching. Even after all that, it will typically run for 6-24 hours to filter an entire month of data, and comes dangerously close to running out of memory.
I would like it to run an order of magnitude faster and with a noticeable reduction in memory usage. Any suggestions on how to achieve that would be much appreciated.
Runtime Tests:
Code between "Test 1 Start" and "Test 1 End" consumes approximately 60% of the runtime.
The Check_File()
sub is responsible for the other 40%
Main Sub:
Sub Check_Companies_House_Files()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'/ Author: Zak Michael Armstrong
'/ Email: -
'/ Date: 07 August 2015
'/ Summary:
'/ Companies House release all the electronic corporate account filings they receive every month, which we download onto our server
'/ This spreadsheet takes a list of companies whose registered headquarters are in certain postcodes (The Filtered Addreses)
'/ And searches the accounts for these companies' filings (using their company number)
'/ It then opens these files (provided in XML or HTML format), and performs a manual search for Cash, Assets and Profits
'/ If the level of cash, assets or profits meet set filtering requirements, it copies the spreadsheet into the main book and/or
'/ adds the distilled information to a list of account data.
'/ Speed test results: With the full filtered list (approx. 1M companies), macro can check 5 Companies House Files / second
Dim wbAccountsData As Workbook '/ The main Workbook, containing a filtered list of companies to search for and the eventual output data
Dim wsFilteredAddresses As Worksheet '/ Contains the list of filtered companies with supplementary data
Dim wsAccountsData As Worksheet '/ Will contain a list of companies and the cash, assets, profits reported on their filing
Dim arrFilteredAddresses() As Variant '/ An array to hold all the data in the filtered addresses spreadsheet
Dim arrCompanyNumbers() As Variant '/ An array to hold all the company numbers (1 column of the filtered addresses data)
Dim strRightString As String '/ Used to get the company number out of the filenames for comparison with the array
Dim strLeftString As String '/
Dim strCompanyNumber As String '/ Unique identifying number with Companies House
Dim strCompanyName As String '/ Company's Registered Name
Dim strPostcode As String '/ Postcode of their registered address
Dim strFileName As String '/ Filename of the company accounts
Dim strFolderPath As String '/ folder the accounts are stored in
Dim strDay As String '/ the day of the filedate
Dim strMonth As String '/ the month of the filedate
Dim strYear As String '/ the year of the filedate
Dim strFileDate As String '/ the full filedate
Dim lngFinalRow As Long '/ used for determining size of arrays
Dim lngFinalColumn As Long '/
Dim lngCounter As Long '/ used for general counting
Dim lngCounter2 As Long '/
Dim lngYear As Long '/ Designates the year to be scanning
Dim lngMonth As Long '/ Designates the month to be scanning (each folder contains one month)
Dim varHolder1 As Variant '/ General variable holder
Dim I As Long '/ General purpose numbers
Dim J As Long '/
Dim K As Long '/
Dim L As Long '/
Dim M As Long '/
Dim N As Long '/
Dim lngFolderLength As Long '/ Counts the number of files in a folder to be scanned
Dim lngTriggerPoint As Long '/ Used to trigger debug.print operations at set progress intervals
'/ Initial Setup
Debug.Print "Start: " & Now
'/ Remove any residual data
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
L = Worksheets.Count
Do While L > 2
L = L - 1
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Set wbAccountsData = ActiveWorkbook
Set wsFilteredAddresses = Sheets("Filtered Addresses")
Set wsAccountsData = Sheets("Accounts Data")
'/ Create arrays
lngFinalRow = Cells(1048576, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If lngFinalRow = 1 Then lngFinalRow = 1048576
lngFinalColumn = Cells(1, 10000).End(xlToLeft).Column
Debug.Print "Start array prep: " & Now
ReDim arrFilteredAddresses(1 To lngFinalRow, 1 To lngFinalColumn)
'/ Done iteratively because excel throws an "Out of memory" if I try to pass the whole range to the array in one go. Approx. 2 minutes for 1Million length list
For L = 1 To lngFinalRow
For M = 1 To lngFinalColumn
arrFilteredAddresses(L, M) = wsFilteredAddresses.Cells(L, M).Text
Next M
Next L
ReDim arrCompanyNumbers(1 To lngFinalRow)
For L = 1 To lngFinalRow
arrCompanyNumbers(L) = Right("00000000" & arrFilteredAddresses(L, 2), 8) '/ company numbers in the filenames are always 8 digits long, with 0's filling up any extra digits
Next L
'/ Currently have data from March 2014 to June 2015
'/ Currently starts at the most recent and counts backward
lngYear = 2015
lngMonth = 6
'/ Begin Main loop
Do While lngMonth >= 1 '/ approx. 1M files, should (hopefully) finish over a weekend
lngTriggerPoint = 5000
'/ Begin Month Loop
Debug.Print lngYear & " - " & MonthName(lngMonth) & " - " & "Start file checks: " & Now
strFolderPath = "S:\Investments\Data\Companies House\Monthly Companies House Downloads\Accounts_Monthly_Data-" & MonthName(lngMonth) & lngYear & "\"
strFileName = Dir(strFolderPath)
lngFolderLength = 0
Do While strFileName <> ""
lngFolderLength = lngFolderLength + 1
strFileName = Dir
'/ Test 1 start (not including call check_file)
strFileName = Dir(strFolderPath)
lngCounter = 0
Do While strFileName <> ""
lngCounter = lngCounter + 1
strRightString = Right(strFileName, 22)
strLeftString = Left(strRightString, 8)
strCompanyNumber = strLeftString
K = 1
'/ Search arrCompanyNumbers for the current file's company
Do While K <= UBound(arrCompanyNumbers)
If strCompanyNumber = arrCompanyNumbers(K) _
If lngCounter > lngTriggerPoint _
Debug.Print (lngCounter & " - " & lngFolderLength & " - " & Now & " - " & MonthName(lngMonth) & " - " & lngYear)
lngTriggerPoint = lngTriggerPoint + 5000
End If
strCompanyName = arrFilteredAddresses(K, 1)
strPostcode = arrFilteredAddresses(K, 10)
strDay = Left(Right(strFileName, 7), 2)
strMonth = Left(Right(strFileName, 9), 2)
strYear = Left(Right(strFileName, 13), 4)
strFileDate = strDay & "." & strMonth & "." & strYear
'/wsFilteredAddresses.Activate '/ originally introduced to save time by deleting companies from the list as they were found
'/wsFilteredAddresses.Rows(K).Delete '/ taken out as not huge time saving, and means only most recent filing is found
'/ The subroutine opens the file in question and tries to filter the company against set financial values
Call Check_file(strCompanyNumber, strCompanyName, strPostcode, strFileName, strFolderPath, strFileDate, _
wbAccountsData, wsAccountsData)
K = UBound(arrCompanyNumbers) + 1
End If
K = K + 1
strFileName = Dir
'/Test 1 End
'/ End Month Loop
Debug.Print lngYear & " - " & MonthName(lngMonth) & " - " & "Finish: " & Now
Debug.Print "Files: " & lngCounter
Debug.Print ""
lngMonth = lngMonth - 1
If lngMonth <= 0 _
lngMonth = lngMonth + 12
lngYear = lngYear - 1
End If
If lngYear = 2014 And lngMonth = 3 Then lngYear = 2000
'/ End Main loop
Debug.Print "Macro Finish: " & Now
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub Check_file(ByVal strCompanyNumber As String, ByVal strCompanyName As String, ByVal strPostcode As String, ByVal strFileName As String, ByVal strFolderPath As String, ByVal strFileDate As String, _
ByRef wbAccountsData As Workbook, ByRef wsAccountsData As Worksheet)
'/ Author: Zak Michael Armstrong
'/ Email: -
'/ Summary:
'/ Opens the file, searches the first and second columns for phrases that correspond to cash, assets and profit
'/ Searches across the row from those terms until it finds a number
'/ It assumes that number is the value it's after
'/ If the data meet set filtering requirements, copies the data and/or the worksheet into the main AccountsData workbook
Dim wbTempFile As Workbook '/ This workbook, containing the accounts filing
Dim wsTempFile As Worksheet '/ This worksheet (always just 1), containing the accounts filing
Dim arrFirstColumn() As Variant '/ The first column of data for text search
Dim arrSecondColumn() As Variant '/ The second column of data for text search
Dim varCash As Variant '/ pre-formatted cash value
Dim curCash As Currency '/ currency-formatted cash value
Dim varAssets As Variant '/ pre-formatted assets value
Dim curAssets As Currency '/ currency-formatted assets value
Dim varProfits As Variant '/ pre-formatted profits value
Dim curProfits As Currency '/ currency-formatted profits value
Dim colCashPhrases As Collection '/ contains all the phrases I've found that correspond to comapnies' current cash
Dim colAssetPhrases As Collection '/ contains all the phrases I've found that correspond to comapnies' current assets
Dim colProfitPhrases As Collection '/ contains all the phrases I've found that correspond to comapnies' current profits
Dim lngCurrentRow As Long '/ General indicators
Dim lngCurrentColumn As Long '/
Dim lngFinalRow As Long '/
Dim lngFinalColumn As Long '/
Dim strPhraseHolder As String '/ will hold a string from a collection for text matching
Dim varHolder1 As Variant '/ General variable holders
Dim varHolder2 As Variant '/
Dim varHolder3 As Variant '/
Dim bCashFound As Boolean '/ Checks to see if the program found the values
Dim bAssetsFound As Boolean '/
Dim bProfitsFound As Boolean '/
Dim bCashFilter As Boolean '/ Is the value going to be used for filtering
Dim bAssetsFilter As Boolean '/
Dim bProfitsFilter As Boolean '/
Dim curCashFilterValue As Currency '/ the values to set the filter at
Dim curAssetsFilterValue As Currency '/
Dim curProfitsFilterValue As Currency '/
Dim strCashFilterDirection As String '/ whether to filter >= or <=
Dim strAssetsFilterDirection As String '/
Dim strProfitsFilterDirection As String '/
Dim bPassedCashFilter As Boolean '/ Handling the (up to) 3 filters separately so these are to check that
Dim bPassedAssetsFilter As Boolean '/ each filter case has been handled correctly
Dim bPassedProfitsFilter As Boolean '/
Dim I As Long '/ General counters
Dim J As Long '/
Dim K As Long '/
Dim L As Long '/
Dim M As Long '/
Dim N As Long '/
'/ Initialise variables, set filter parameters
Workbooks.Open (strFolderPath & strFileName)
Set wbTempFile = Workbooks(strFileName)
Set wsTempFile = wbTempFile.Sheets(1)
bCashFound = False
bAssetsFound = False
bProfitsFound = False
'/ Column 1 data
lngFinalRow = Cells(1048576, 1).End(xlUp).Row
ReDim Preserve arrFirstColumn(1 To lngFinalRow)
For I = 1 To lngFinalRow
arrFirstColumn(I) = UCase(Left(Cells(I, 1).Text, 40)) '/ Left(40) is in case of extremely long cell text
Next I
'/ Column 2 data
lngFinalRow = Cells(1048576, 2).End(xlUp).Row
ReDim Preserve arrSecondColumn(1 To lngFinalRow)
For I = 1 To lngFinalRow
arrSecondColumn(I) = UCase(Left(Cells(I, 2).Text, 40)) '/ Left(40) is in case of extremely long cell text
Next I
' Fill Collections
Set colCashPhrases = New Collection
colCashPhrases.Add ("Cash at bank and in hand")
colCashPhrases.Add ("Cash at bank")
colCashPhrases.Add ("Cash in hand")
colCashPhrases.Add ("Cash at bank and in hand:")
colCashPhrases.Add ("Cash at bank:")
colCashPhrases.Add ("Cash in hand:")
Set colAssetPhrases = New Collection
colAssetPhrases.Add ("Net Current Assets")
colAssetPhrases.Add ("Total net assets (liabilities)")
colAssetPhrases.Add ("Net Current Assets (liabilities)")
colAssetPhrases.Add ("Total Assets Less current liabilities")
colAssetPhrases.Add ("Net Current assets/(liabilities)")
colAssetPhrases.Add ("Net Current Assets:")
colAssetPhrases.Add ("Total net assets (liabilities):")
colAssetPhrases.Add ("Net Current Assets (liabilities):")
colAssetPhrases.Add ("Total Assets Less current liabilities:")
colAssetPhrases.Add ("Net Current assets/(liabilities):")
Set colProfitPhrases = New Collection
colProfitPhrases.Add ("Profit and loss account")
colProfitPhrases.Add ("Profit and loss account:")
bCashFilter = False
bAssetsFilter = False
bProfitsFilter = True
curCashFilterValue = 0
curAssetsFilterValue = 0
curProfitsFilterValue = 250000
strCashFilterDirection = ">="
strAssetsFilterDirection = ">="
strProfitsFilterDirection = ">="
'/ Search File for Cash, Assets and Profits
On Error Resume Next
'/ Search for Cash Value
I = 1
Do While I <= colCashPhrases.Count
strPhraseHolder = UCase(colCashPhrases(I))
varHolder1 = Application.Match(strPhraseHolder, arrFirstColumn, 0)
varHolder2 = UCase(Application.Index(arrFirstColumn, varHolder1))
If IsError(varHolder1) _
varHolder1 = Application.Match(strPhraseHolder, arrSecondColumn, 0)
varHolder2 = UCase(Application.Index(arrSecondColumn, varHolder1))
End If
'/ varholder1 holds the index, varholder2 holds the text value (if found)
If CStr(varHolder2) = strPhraseHolder _
lngCurrentRow = varHolder1
lngCurrentColumn = 1
lngFinalColumn = Cells(lngCurrentRow, 10000).End(xlToLeft).Column
Do While lngCurrentColumn <= lngFinalColumn
lngCurrentColumn = lngCurrentColumn + 1
varCash = Cells(lngCurrentRow, lngCurrentColumn).Value
If IsNumeric(varCash) And CLng(varCash) <> 0 _
lngCurrentColumn = lngFinalColumn + 1
curCash = CCur(varCash)
bCashFound = True
End If
End If
If bCashFound = False Then I = I + 1
If bCashFound = True Then I = colCashPhrases.Count + 1
'/ Search for Assets value
I = 1
Do While I <= colAssetPhrases.Count
strPhraseHolder = UCase(colAssetPhrases(I))
varHolder1 = Application.Match(strPhraseHolder, arrFirstColumn, 0)
varHolder2 = UCase(Application.Index(arrFirstColumn, varHolder1))
If IsError(varHolder1) _
varHolder1 = Application.Match(strPhraseHolder, arrSecondColumn, 0)
varHolder2 = UCase(Application.Index(arrSecondColumn, varHolder1))
End If
'/ varholder1 holds the index, varholder2 holds the text value (if found)
If CStr(varHolder2) = strPhraseHolder _
lngCurrentRow = varHolder1
lngCurrentColumn = 1
lngFinalColumn = Cells(lngCurrentRow, 10000).End(xlToLeft).Column
Do While lngCurrentColumn <= lngFinalColumn
lngCurrentColumn = lngCurrentColumn + 1
varAssets = Cells(lngCurrentRow, lngCurrentColumn).Value
If IsNumeric(varAssets) And CLng(varAssets) <> 0 _
lngCurrentColumn = lngFinalColumn + 1
curAssets = CCur(varAssets)
bAssetsFound = True
End If
End If
If bAssetsFound = False Then I = I + 1
If bAssetsFound = True Then I = colAssetPhrases.Count + 1
'/ Search for profits value
I = 1
Do While I <= colProfitPhrases.Count
strPhraseHolder = UCase(colProfitPhrases(I))
varHolder1 = Application.Match(strPhraseHolder, arrFirstColumn, 0)
varHolder2 = UCase(Application.Index(arrFirstColumn, varHolder1))
If IsError(varHolder1) _
varHolder1 = Application.Match(strPhraseHolder, arrSecondColumn, 0)
varHolder2 = UCase(Application.Index(arrSecondColumn, varHolder1))
End If
'/ varholder1 holds the index, varholder2 holds the text value (if found)
If CStr(varHolder2) = strPhraseHolder _
lngCurrentRow = varHolder1
lngCurrentColumn = 1
lngFinalColumn = Cells(lngCurrentRow, 10000).End(xlToLeft).Column
Do While lngCurrentColumn <= lngFinalColumn
lngCurrentColumn = lngCurrentColumn + 1
varProfits = Cells(lngCurrentRow, lngCurrentColumn).Value
If IsNumeric(varProfits) And CLng(varProfits) <> 0 _
lngCurrentColumn = lngFinalColumn + 1
curProfits = CCur(varProfits)
bProfitsFound = True
End If
End If
If bProfitsFound = False Then I = I + 1
If bProfitsFound = True Then I = colProfitPhrases.Count + 1
On Error GoTo 0
'/ Determine filter outcome
bPassedCashFilter = False
bPassedAssetsFilter = False
bPassedProfitsFilter = False
'/ Filter Cash
If bCashFilter = True _
Select Case strCashFilterDirection
Case Is = ">="
If curCash >= curCashFilterValue Then bPassedCashFilter = True Else bPassedCashFilter = False
Case Is = "<="
If curCash <= curCashFilterValue Then bPassedCashFilter = True Else bPassedCashFilter = False
Case Else
MsgBox ("Macro encountered an unexpected error whilst filtering file financial data")
End Select
bPassedCashFilter = True
End If
'/ Filter Assets
If bAssetsFilter = True _
Select Case strAssetsFilterDirection
Case Is = ">="
If curAssets >= curAssetsFilterValue Then bPassedAssetsFilter = True Else bPassedAssetsFilter = False
Case Is = "<="
If curAssets <= curAssetsFilterValue Then bPassedAssetsFilter = True Else bPassedAssetsFilter = False
Case Else
MsgBox ("Macro encountered an unexpected error whilst filtering file financial data")
End Select
bPassedAssetsFilter = True
End If
'/ Filter Profits
If bProfitsFilter = True _
Select Case strProfitsFilterDirection
Case Is = ">="
If curProfits >= curProfitsFilterValue Then bPassedProfitsFilter = True Else bPassedProfitsFilter = False
Case Is = "<="
If curProfits <= curProfitsFilterValue Then bPassedProfitsFilter = True Else bPassedProfitsFilter = False
Case Else
MsgBox ("Macro encountered an unexpected error whilst filtering file financial data")
End Select
bPassedProfitsFilter = True
End If
'/ The filter might return true against a default value of 0 if real number not found, so fail if real number not found
If bCashFound = False And bCashFilter = True Then bPassedCashFilter = False
If bAssetsFound = False And bAssetsFilter = True Then bPassedAssetsFilter = False
If bProfitsFound = False And bProfitsFilter = True Then bPassedProfitsFilter = False
'/ if passed all 3 conditions, then print and/or copy to main workbook
If bPassedCashFilter = True And bPassedAssetsFilter = True And bPassedProfitsFilter = True _
lngFinalRow = Cells(1048576, 2).End(xlUp).Row
lngCurrentRow = lngFinalRow + 1
Cells(lngCurrentRow, 2) = strCompanyNumber
Cells(lngCurrentRow, 3) = strCompanyName
Cells(lngCurrentRow, 4) = strPostcode
Cells(lngCurrentRow, 5) = curCash
Cells(lngCurrentRow, 6) = curAssets
Cells(lngCurrentRow, 7) = curProfits
Cells(lngCurrentRow, 8) = strFileDate
'' '/ copies worksheet to main workbook
'' wbTempFile.Activate
'' wsTempFile.Copy After:=wbAccountsData.Worksheets(wbAccountsData.Worksheets.Count)
'' wbAccountsData.Activate
'' ActiveSheet.Name = strCompanyNumber & " - " & strFileDate
End If
End Sub