
I computed a 2D vector field \$\mathbf{U} = (u(x,y), v(x,y))\$ with radial symmetry, parametrized as \$(u,v) = a(r) (x,y) + b(r) (-y,x)\$, where \$a(r), b(r)\$ are given as solution of an IVP which I solved using Y = scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(..., dense_output=True), which yields a solution function \$Y_{sol}: r \mapsto array([a(r),b(r)])\$.

To simplify, I give a similar function Y_sol here:

import numpy as np
Rmin, Rmax = 20, 200   # Y_sol isn't defined outside that range
Y_sol = lambda r: np.array([ 1-r/Rmin, 1 ])*np.exp(-r/Rmin)

To plot the vector field \$\mathbf{U}\$, I finally did the following:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x,y = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(-Rmin, Rmax*2/3, 40), 
                   np.linspace(-2*Rmin, 2*Rmin, 30), sparse=True )
def uv(x,y):
    r = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    a,b = Y_sol(r) if Rmin <= r <= Rmax else (0,0)
    return a*x-b*y, a*y+b*x
u,v = np.vectorize(uv, otypes=[float,float])(x,y)

plot of the vector field

This works, but is there a better way to do this? Specifically, is there a way (i.e., a suitable plotting function) allowing to avoid to compute and store the two potentially large arrays u and v, and rather provide just the function uv (or equivalent)?


1 Answer 1


Is there a suitable plotting function allowing to avoid to compute and store the two potentially large arrays u and v, and rather provide just the function uv (or equivalent)?

I'm not aware of a plotting function that just accepts uv as input, but it seems moot. Whether we run uv ourselves or the plotting function runs it, u and v will be computed and stored regardless.

Is there a better way to do this?

Yes, at least in terms of speed. Your code uses numpy.vectorize, which is NOT vectorized since it's "essentially a loop" under the hood.

Faster options (see timing code at bottom):

Vectorizing with numpy.where (faster)

Given p and q from your lambda:

Y_sol = lambda r: np.array([1 - r/R_MIN, 1]) * np.exp(-r/R_MIN)
#                           -----------  -     ---------------
#                                p       1            q

Your current code essentially iterates the following calculation since numpy.vectorize is just a loop:

a, b = (p*q, 1*q) if R_MIN <= r <= R_MAX else (0, 0)

Instead it's faster to preprocess r using numpy.where and compute p and q all at once as arrays:

r_full = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
r = np.where(
    (r_full >= R_MIN) & (r_full <= R_MAX),
    r_full,  # if inside domain
    np.nan,  # if outside domain

p = 1 - r/R_MIN
q = np.exp(-r/R_MIN)

Looping with numba.njit (fastest)

Looping is usually slower than vectorizing, but not with numba loops (i.e., decorated with numba.njit) which get compiled on-the-fly into machine code.

Basic njit version to compute u and v cell by cell:

def solve_nb_njit(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    u = np.empty((y.size, x.size))
    v = np.empty((y.size, x.size))

    for col in range(x.size):
        for row in range(y.size):
            r = np.sqrt(x[0, col]**2 + y[row, 0]**2)

            if R_MIN <= r <= r_MAX:
                p = 1 - r/R_MIN
                q = np.exp(-r/R_MIN)
                p, q = 0, 0

            u[row, col] = p*q*x[0, col] - q*y[row, 0]
            v[row, col] = p*q*y[row, 0] + q*x[0, col]

    return u, v

Revised code

In addition to the above changes:

from typing import Tuple

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

type Solution = Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]

def solve_np_where(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, r_min: int, r_max: int) -> Solution:
    r_full = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)

    # set domain all at once
    r = np.where(
        (r_full >= r_min) & (r_full <= r_max),
        r_full,  # if inside domain
        np.nan,  # if outside domain

    # then the rest is just vector math
    p = 1 - r/r_min
    q = np.exp(-r/r_min)
    u = q * (p*x - y)
    v = q * (p*y + x)

    return u, v

def solve_nb_njit(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, r_min: int, r_max: int) -> Solution:
    u = np.empty((y.size, x.size))
    v = np.empty((y.size, x.size))

    for col in range(x.size):
        for row in range(y.size):
            r = np.sqrt(x[0, col]**2 + y[row, 0]**2)

            if r_min <= r <= r_max:
                p = 1 - r/r_min
                q = np.exp(-r/r_min)
                p, q = 0, 0

            u[row, col] = p*q*x[0, col] - q*y[row, 0]
            v[row, col] = p*q*y[row, 0] + q*x[0, col]

    return u, v

def solve_np_vectorize(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, r_min: int, r_max: int) -> Solution:
    def Y(r):
        return np.array([1 - r/r_min, 1]) * np.exp(-r/r_min)

    def uv(x, y):
        r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
        a, b = Y(r) if r_min <= r <= r_max else (0, 0)
        return (a*x - b*y, a*y + b*x)

    # NOT actually vectorized
    u, v = np.vectorize(uv, otypes=[float, float])(x, y)

    return u, v

def time() -> pd.DataFrame:
    sizes = [2**k for k in np.arange(0, 18, 2)]
    methods = {
        'numpy.vectorize': solve_np_vectorize,
        'numpy.where': solve_np_where,
        'numba.njit': solve_nb_njit,
    results = pd.DataFrame(index=sizes, columns=methods.keys())

    for size in sizes:

        r_min = size * 0.02
        r_max = size * 0.2
        x, y = np.meshgrid(
            np.linspace(-r_min, r_max*2/3, int(size**0.5)),
            np.linspace(-2*r_min, 2*r_min, int(size**0.5)),

        for column, method in methods.items():
            timing = %timeit -o -q method(x, y, r_min, r_max)
            results.loc[size, column] = timing.average

    results.plot(logx=True, logy=True)

    return results

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